2nd Annual Hamilton Tour of Struggle

Nancy MacBain Events, News, Political Action

Common Cause and the Political Action Committee have put together the final details for the second Hamilton Tour of Struggle (see below).  We’re pretty stoked about it and would like to invite anyone who’s interested in attending to let us know.  If you are interested, I’d just ask that you confirm by replying to politcalaction@cupe3906.org by Wednesday so we can make sure there are enough seats for everyone.

When: Saturday September 17th, 5-8pm
Where: We’ll be meeting at 5pm outside the CUPE Office, McMaster Campus (Wentworth Hall below the Phoenix)
Cost: FREE!!
And afterwards? We end off at This Ain’t Hollywood for Dance Dance and Revolution! the official all-ages hip hop after-party of Alterative Welcome Week!

OPSEU College Workers on Strike

Nancy MacBain News, Political Action

Support workers at colleges across Ontario, represented by OPSEU, are currently on strike. They are fighting for more full-time positions, which have been eroded steadily over the years.

CUPE 3906 members who work at satellite locations effected by picket lines are still required to attend work as normal. You are advised to expect delays entering and exiting college campuses.

If you are able to walk the picket lines in solidarity you are encouraged to do so. If you’d like to take a CUPE 3906 flag please contact the office to make arrangements.

Click here to sign a petition in support of OPSEU members.

Click here for more information about the strike.

Unit 1 Bargaining Update

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

The first Bargaining Bulletin for Unit 1 members (TAs and RAs in lieu of TAs) is now out with an update about the bargaining process so far.

We will be holding a series of information meetings across campus to answer questions from the membership about the bargaining process. As soon as we are able to confirm the dates and locations of those meetings we will send an email and update this site.

Click here to download the latest Unit 1 Bargaining Bulletin

Unit 1 Welcome Guide

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1

A huge welcome goes out to all our new members as we start a new school year.

If you’re working as a TA, or an RA in lieu of a TA, you’re a member of Unit 1 of CUPE 3906. We’ve put together a Welcome Guide to try and orient you to your Union Local, your benefits plan and the city of Hamilton in general.

Click here to download the Unit 1 Welcome Guide

Labour Day Festivities

Nancy MacBain Events, News, Political Action

Annual Labour Day celebrations, organized by the Hamilton District Labour Council, will take place this year on September 5th. There will be a parade followed by a picnic in Dundurn Park.

CUPE 3906 members are invited to join the local for the parade, and back at the park for the picnic (we have food tickets for you).

Meet at the corner of Pearl & York
(look for the black flags)
Sept 5th

Click here for more information about Hamilton Labour Day celebrations.

CUPE & OCAP Solidarity BBQ

Nancy MacBain Events, News, Political Action

CUPE Ontario and OCAP are fighting  back against the cuts to the Special Diet Allowance. These cuts leave thousands without the help they desperately need.

We Demand:
-Full restoration of the Special Diet Allowance
-Increase in welfare and disability rates

Join us for the Solidarity BBQ and let your voice be heard!

Saturday Aug 27th
Gage Park

Click here for more information.

UHIP claims at a walk-in clinic

Communication Officer Benefits, International

Long time ago I had this claim and wanted to share the information with the international students.

Basically, I was not in town when I got sick so I had to go to a walk-in clinic or a hospital. Knowing the waiting time at a hospital I decided to go to a walk-in clinic. Then I found out that they do not accept my UHIP card like McMaster’s Health Centre. I had to pay $60 and then they gave me the receipt to fill the claim and send it to the insurance company myself. They told me there that the claim is not going to be covered completely, the insurance company will pay just 80% of it. However, as you see in the pictures, the rebate was even less than 80%.

Apparently, SunLife has its own rates for services that university clinics and hospitals conform to. Other than that, if you end up going to a walk-in clinic it is possible that you pay something out of your own pocket, in addition to the cost for posting the claim and about a month waiting for the rebate to come back.

General Membership Meeting – TONIGHT

Nancy MacBain General, News

There will be a General Membership Meeting

Thursday August 4th
MUSC 311/313
5:30 – (free food at 5:00)
Childcare reimbursement available on request

The following items will be on the agenda:

  • Election of CGEU Conference Delegates
  • Election of an Ad Hoc Committee on political endorsement
  • Amendments to By-laws section 8, 9 and 16
  • Motion to reimburse working group expenditures
  • There will also be elections for the following Executive positions: Undergraduate Officer, Unit 2 Chief Steward