Executive Committee

President: Leah McGrath-Reynolds (they/them) president@cupe3906.org

Vice President: Mason Fitzpatrick (he/him) vicepresident@cupe3906.org

Vice President External: **currently vacant** vpexternal@cupe3906.org

Secretary Treasurer: Eric MacPherson (he/him) treasurer@cupe3906.org

Recording Secretary: Rachelle Sabourin (she/they) recordingsecretary@cupe3906.org

Lead Steward Unit I: Rebecca DeWael leadsteward_tas@cupe3906.org

Lead Steward Unit II:  Dr. Hamedhossein Afshari leadsteward_sessionals@cupe3906.org

Lead Steward Unit III: Dr. Bita Pourbahari (she/her) leadsteward_postdocs@cupe3906.org

Health and Safety Officer: Reza Islam healthandsafety@cupe3906.org

Benefits & Advocacy Officer: Dr. Kyle Morrison (he/him) benefits@cupe3906.org

Equity Officer: Korede Ologun equity@cupe3906.org

International Officer: Kusum Bhatta (she/her) international@cupe3906.org

Undergraduate Officer: [currently vacant] undergrads@cupe3906.org



Staff Representative: Brad Walchuk (he/him) brad@cupe3906.org

Staff Representative: Mary Ellen Campbell (she/her) mary@cupe3906.org 

Administrative Coordinator: Francesca Brugnano (she/her) administrator@cupe3906.org

Bargaining Mobilizer: Walter Cristofoli (he/him) mobilizer@cupe3906.org 

General Inquires:

Collective Agreement and General Questions: staff@cupe3906.org