Rape Awareness Cafe Night

Nancy MacBain Events, News

On March 7th Feminist Alliance McMaster (FAM) will be hosting a Rape Awareness Cafe Night at Homegrown Hamilton.

This FREE event seeks to…
> Raise students’ awareness of rape & sexual assault
> Offer information about victim support (Male, Female & Trans)
> Challenge traditional attitudes towards rape
> Confront the myths of ‘stranger danger’, and focus on friend/partner rapes
◦In cases reported to police, 80% of survivors knew their assailant. (Statistics Canada, 2003)

The goal of this free event is to promote rape awareness education within our community with intentions of creating a more mindful and cohesive campus. This event reaches out to men and woman, victims, survivors, friends and family for a stronger, safer campus.

We will be hosting:
>Live bands including local band AV Duo
>Poetry slam and creative writing
>Food and Drinks
>Speaker Dr.Montour, McMaster’s Six Nation’s Family Health Team

So come out, get informed and have fun!!
Together we’ll build a safer, stronger Hamilton.

Unit 3 Members Vote to Ratify New Contract

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 3, Unit 3 Bargaining

The Unit 3 membership has voted to ratify the tentative agreement reached in negotiations with McMaster for a new Unit 3 Collective Agreement.

Thanks to everyone for your hard work and support throughout the bargaining process, we wouldn’t have been able to reach this deal without the support of members from across campus.

Rally & March for International Womens’ Day

Nancy MacBain Events, News, Political Action

The annual rally and march to commemorate International Womens’ Day will be taking place in Toronto on March 3rd (see details below). This year’s theme will be “Reclaim the City: Good Jobs, Services, Dignity – Together we are Stronger

The rally will take place:
Saturday, March 3, 2012
OISE (252 Bloor St W) 

The rally will be followed by a march leaving OISE at 1:00pm and ending at the Ryerson Student Centre (55 Gould St) at 2:00pm.



Algonquin Resistance to Assimilation: Barriere Lake Speaks in Hamilton

Nancy MacBain Events, News, Political Action

Monday, March 5, 2012
Wentworth Lounge

Join us for light refreshments and a talk by Michel Thusky, a community spokesperson from the Algonquin community of Barriere Lake

Come hear about the long-standing resistance of Mitchikanibikok Inik, the Algonquins of Barriere Lake, to forced assimilation and cultural extinction. Michel Thusky, a spokesperson from the Algonquin community, will talk about community identity in the context of his people’s struggle to defend their land, their way of life, and their traditional governance system against attacks by the colonial governments of Quebec and Canada.

This is a chance for the Hamilton and McMaster communities to learn about a remote community’s struggle for justice, presented by members of the community who we rarely have a chance to hear from first-hand.

The event is a fundraiser to help cover the community’s legal costs incurred in a costly court battle they’ve been forced into by the Canadian government. All proceeds (after costs are covered) will go to the Barriere Lake Legal Defense Fund.

Light refreshments will be served.

Union Night Out at the Bulldogs Game

Nancy MacBain Events, News

There’s a special rate for union members to attend the game between

The Hamilton Bulldogs & The Toronto Marlies
Friday March 9, 2012
$12 per ticket

If you’re interested in attending please email Trevor Trotman at the Hamilton Bulldogs by noon on March 8th and let him know that you’re member of CUPE 3906.

Postdoctoral Fellows – Ratification Vote

Nancy MacBain Events, News, Unit 3, Unit 3 Bargaining

Voting on the Unit 3 agreement will continue

Wednesday, February 29th
from 10:00am-5:00pm
in the entrance to Thode Library.

Click here to download the Bargaining Bulletin outlining the gains made in this round of bargaining.

Who can vote?
To be able to vote you need to either:
• be working as a Post Doctoral Fellow, or
• have a contract-in-hand for a future PDF position – a copy of the letter would be required as proof of the appointment.

If you have any questions please email staff@cupe3906.org.

General Membership Meeting

Nancy MacBain Events, News

There will be a General Membership Meeting 

February 29, 2012

There will be free food served at 5:00pm. There will also be an orientation session for members attending their first meeting at 5:00pm.

Childcare is reimbursed on request.

NOTE: General Membership Meetings this term fall on the last Wednesday of each month (March 28th & April 25th) at 5:30pm in MUMC 1A5.

Agenda Items Include:
Bylaw amendments
Report from Political Endorsements Committee
Elections for CUPE Ontario Division Convention

Please note – This meeting is different from the Special General Membership Meeting on February 28th for Unit 3 members to discuss the contents of the deal just arrived at in bargaining. We apologize for any confusion.

Lunchtime Workshop

Communication Officer General, International

Dear international members,

Grazyna Drzazga is one of the PhD students in linguistics who had one of the most interesting workshops for international TAs during the TA day. Luckily, she has kindly offered to hold her workshop again this term. The description of this workshop is as follows:

Teaching in a Different Language
Communication breakdown due to limited vocabulary is one of the biggest fears of international graduate students and teaching assistants. This workshop discusses how to compensate for linguistic imperfections. An array of strategies to overcome communication barriers will be presented and discussed.

The workshop will be held on Thursday March 1st, from 12 to 2pm, at CLL (Center for Leadership in Learning) Teaching Commons Inquiry Classroom, Mills Library 504.

If you are interested, please email international@cupe3906.com before the day of the workshop in order to have an estimate of the number of people who want to come to order enough food.

CLL is kindly providing coffee and the space for the workshop.

Tentative Agreement in Unit 3 Bargaining!

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 3, Unit 3 Bargaining

Dear Unit 3 members,

We are pleased to announce that, after an extensive negotiation period, we have reached a tentative agreement with the Employer on the Unit 3 Collective Agreement.

Details of this agreement will be put forward to the membership at an upcoming Special General Membership Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, February the 28th at 5pm in MUMC 1A5. Details of the deal will not be released prior to the meeting. A confirmation email with the location and further details of this meeting will be sent within the next few days.

We would like to thank you all for your participation and important feedback throughout the negotiation.

David Montiel
Chief Steward, Unit 3

Support Post Docs – tell the University to reach a fair settlement

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 3, Unit 3 Bargaining

We are very close to a deal in bargaining a new contract for Post Docs. The University continues to hold out on money for members after the first two years of the agreement. We need your support to urge the University to come to the table on the 13th with an offer that can resolve bargaining once and for all.

Click here to send a message to the McMaster administration.