Help us fight for better academic jobs

Communication OfficerGeneral

Andrew-01-1At many Ontario universities, over half of all courses are taught by contract faculty who don’t have job security, fair wages or access to benefits.
Help us fight for better academic jobs.

Share your experience as an Ontario contract faculty member using the form below. Your picture and response may be used in the We Teach Ontario campaign. Your story will improve our understanding of contract faculty work in Ontario. Please note all responses are optional.

– See more at:

Sexual Harassment in Academia and the Workplace

Evan JohnstonGeneral


A conference organized by the CUPE 3906 Political Action Committee

Date: March 17th, 2015
Time: 9 – 5pm
Location: MUSC 318


  • Rita Samson, Educational Officer with the Ontario Human Rights Commission


  • Dr Rachel McKinnon, philosophy professor and trans activist

Free lunch and refreshments will be provided.

(Click here to download a PDF version)

9:00 – 9:30: Registration and Introductions
Refreshments will be provided*

9:30 – 10:00: “Sexual Harassment in the Law: A Critique of Court Decisions”
Regina Taptich, McMaster University

10:00 – 10:30: “Embodied Practices of Consent”
Niomi Cherney, University of Toronto

10:30 – 11:00: “The Violent Injustice of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”
Parisa Samet, Ryerson University

11:00 – 11:30: “Academic Sexual Harassment: A Symptom of Patriarchal Norms”
Beverly Anger and Natalie Zip, McMaster University

11:30 – 12:00: Panel: Sexual Harassment and the Experiences of Lesbian, Bi and Gender Nonconforming Women
Julia Emepy, McMaster University, Lynn , University of Toronto and Jyssika Russell, McMaster University

12:00 – 1:00: Lunch
Provided free of charge by the conference organizers*

1:00 – 2:00: “The Intimacy of Ideas: Why is Sexual Harassment and Assault so Common in Philosophy?”
Sarah Kizuk, York University

2:00 – 2:30: “At the End of this Seminar, Your Entrails Will Be On the Floor: On Taking and Giving (Sexual) Abuse in Philosophy”
Dr. Maria Kulp, Notre Dame of Maryland

2:30 – 3:30: “Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Academia”
Rita Samson, Public Education and Outreach Officer, Ontario Human Rights Commission

3:30 – 4:00: Break
Refreshments will be provided

4:00 – 5:00: Keynote: “Allies Behaving Badly”
Dr. Rachel McKinnon, Charleston College

If you have any questions, please contact the Political Action Committee at

Executive Nominations for 2015-16

Brad WalchukGeneral

Dear 3906 members,

If you are interested in improving the wages, working conditions, and job security for the nearly 3,500 Teaching Assistants (and Research Assistants in lieu), Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Music Faculty, and Post-doctoral Fellows here at McMaster University, consider running for a position in your union — CUPE 3906!

At our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on March 30 at 5:30pm in DeGroote School of Business (DSB) B105, all executive positions will be up for election. The executive consists of the following positions:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Vice President External
  • Secretary Treasurer
  • Recording Secretary
  • Chief Steward Unit 1
  • Chief Steward Unit 2
  • Chief Steward Unit 3
  • Health and Safety Officer
  • Equity Officer
  • Benefits and Advocacy Officer
  • International Officer
  • Undergraduate Officer

For a description of each position, click here.All members in good standing may be nominated. Members in good standing are those who are currently members of Local 3906 or who have been in the previous eight (8) months. For unit-specific positions (the three Chief Stewards), only members of that unit may be nominated. For all other positions, members of all three units may be nominated.

As our By-Laws further specify: “The Undergraduate Officer shall be an undergraduate member. The Equity Officer shall be a member of an ‘equity seeking group’ (ByLaws, Appendix B). The International Officer shall be a member who is classified as a non-Canadian citizen.”

Nomination forms are available in the CUPE 3906 office, located in Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B111. Nomination forms will be accepted until the day of the election. Members may also choose to nominate (or self-nominate) from the floor during the meeting. An electronic version of the form is available: Executive Nomination Form

The nomination, campaigning, and election of Executive Committee members is governed by the bylaws of CUPE 3906, available here. All terms are for 1 year.

For more information, please contact a staff member ( or Rebecca Collins-Nelsen (

CUPE Social Event : International Women’s Day March 6 @ 12 noon

Communication OfficerEquity, General, News

Dear Members

The Equity Action Committee of CUPE 3906 is inviting you to a drop-in social event March 6, 12-4 pm, in KTH B111, in honour of the celebrations and struggles of International Women’s Day (March 8th), women and trans* workers everywhere, and in solidarity with IWD organizing on and off campus that week.

Light refreshments–including vegan/gluten-free cake–will be provided.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

: The Equity Action Committee of CUPE 3906

CUPE 3906 TA/RA award – 2015

Communication OfficerGeneral, News, Unit 1

TA Award (Repaired)-page-001Dear members,

CUPE 3906 is pleased to announce their 2015 Annual TA/RA awards. Students, employment supervisors or other TAs are encouraged to nominate Teaching or Research Assistants for the award. There will be a total six awards given, one for each faculty. The nomination form is available HERE and/or at your departmental office.

Please submit nomination forms to the CUPE 3906 office (Kenneth Taylor Hall B111) by March 13, 2015. The awards will be given out at the end of the CUPE 3906 Annual General Membership Meeting on March 30, 2015.


Thank you,
Unit 1 Chief Steward
CUPE 3906


Help bring Labour and the community together

Evan JohnstonGeneral

The Hamilton and District Labour Council is looking for Labour enthusiasts and activists to volunteer a couple of hours, once a month, to help foster relations between Labour and the Hamilton community, coalition groups, and the public at large.

You don’t have to be a delegate to Labour Council to help. We’re looking for people, with enthusiasm, to help at events, festivals, fairs, and other community gatherings. If you enjoy meeting and talking with people, and are not the type for meetings or committees, perhaps this is a way for you to be a Labour activist in Hamilton.

Become part of the Outreach Team!
Wednesday, February 25th at 7pm
Hamilton District Labour Council Office
1130 Barton Street East, 2nd floor

You can RSVP on Facebook here:

Invitation to CUPE Ontario’s Where’s the Funding (WTF) Campaign Launch

Communication OfficerGeneral

We would like to extend an invitation to CUPE Ontario’s Where’s the Funding (WTF) campaign launch which is happening on Monday February 9th at McMaster. We are looking to engage a broad group of labour, student, and social justice activists on campus about the lack of funding facing the university.

Specifically there will be a rally and some speakers in the atrium of MUSC at 10:00am, and presentation and discussion of the University’s Budget happening at 3:00pm in MUSC 220.

Please see this link for more information:

Hope to see you there!
All the Best,

Rebecca Collins-Nelsen
President, CUPE Local 3906

Invitation : WTF poster

Resources for Sessional Instructors

Communication OfficerPostings, Unit 2

Sessional Faculty who hold seniority in CUPE 3906, Unit 2, have access to training through the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL).

Their website with a list of offerings is available at: In addition, online resources, such as the newly revised Guide to Teaching and Learning are available at:
Other resources, such as the Sessional Faculty Notes can be accessed at:

Click here to read the letter delivered via Email to Department Chairs and Directors.