Paid TA Training Update for newly hired Winter 2022 TAs

Brad WalchukUncategorized

For TA’s who are new this term, you should have received an email about five hours of additional paid training our union secured in 2019, that covers anti-oppression training among other things. Some new members have shared they were not informed by Mac about this (despite it being their duty) so I wanted to share the information about it.

Our union pushed hard for this in 2019 and won it through the hard work of the bargaining team and our members mobilizing. The training will improve your skills as a TA and give you additional pay. It is broken down into Anti-Oppression (2 hours), TA Rights & Responsibilities (1 hour), and a selection of elective workshops (2 hours). This training is mandatory, so make sure you enrol!


You can register for the training through Mosaic. Once registered, you will be able to access the training workshops in Avenue to Learn. The How to Register for the Training document, found below, will provide step-by-step instruction, including screenshots, to help TAs with registering for the training.

More Information and FAQs

More information can be found here: 

CUPE Ontario Spring School

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We are inviting any members in good standing to come to CUPE Ontario’s Spring School. Our Local has voted to cover the costs of sending up to 10 members to the Spring School. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the labour movement and brush up on your skills so that you can better contribute to it. Click here to read the Final Call announcement and see the workshops available. Please note: you can register for one workshop only as they run simultaneously.

Although the Spring School begins on March 5, the registration deadline is Friday, February 25th. If you’re interested in going, please send an email as soon as possible to indicating the course on offer you’d like to take so that we can sign you up on time. First come, first served!

Reminder: Postdoctoral Fellow Support Fund

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Postdoctoral Support Fund is a fund secured by your Union in collective bargaining. The fund provides postdoctoral fellows with access to up to $500 to cover expenses for various circumstances. Previously the fund provided support for one-time, unanticipated emergencies. In the current COVID crisis, you and your family may find yourself in such a situation. We’re happy to announce that under the terms of the new collective agreement, the fund can also provide support for childcare subsidy and extended UHIP for employee and/or dependants.

Unit 3 members are eligible to apply to the Postdoctoral Fellow Support Fund to address areas of financial need. The fund is currently limited to a maximum of $500 a person, and is administered through the School of Graduate Studies. In our most recent round of bargaining, CUPE 3906 secured a representative on the adjudication committee to advocate for our members who apply.

The fund has historically been a total sum of $20,000 per year. Effective September 1, 2020, the fund increases to $40,000 per year. This was another change we secured in our most recent round of collective bargaining.

More specific details about the eligibility, process and requirements to apply for this fund is laid out in the documents found at the link below.

For more information about the fund application process and for a link to the application form, please visit:

Expanded Unit 3 Professional Development Fund

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We are pleased to inform you that during the last benefits meeting the decision was made to increase the amount members can claim from the PDF to $600 dollars per academic year. If you have already claimed $400 this year you will be able to submit an additional claim to claim the full $600. If you have any questions please contact .

General Membership Meeting- Feb 22 at noon

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Our next General Membership Meeting (GMM) will be held on February 22nd, Tuesday, from 12 PM to 2 PM. Any members wishing to present pre-written motions should provide theirs via email to and till the end of February 21st.

As always, pre-registration will be required to attend this meeting. Please remember: You must register with your McMaster email address no later than 10 AM on the day of the GMM. Using your Mac address is needed for us to confirm your union membership prior to the meeting.

Register in advance for our GMM here: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

By-elections on this GMM agenda

Along with other important union business, this GMM will include a by-election to the position of Equity Officer. You can find the details on this position – as well as certain eligibility criteria – in Section 5 of the CUPE 3906 Bylaws: Duties of Executive Officers.

About the virtual GMM elections process:

Nominations for both elections will be held on the (virtual) floor of the GMM, but our Bylaws also allow for those unable to attend to self-nominate in writing ahead of the meeting. If you are unable to attend the GMM but wish to run for one of the two positions up for election, you can nominate yourself by emailing your 500-word candidate statement to anytime before 10 AM on the day of the GMM. Because our Bylaws require that only staff accept nominations for elections, only those sent to will be accepted, and their CUPE 3906 membership then verified.

Voting on these elections will occur in real time (via Zoom), meaning only members in attendance will be able to cast a ballot. This is the method we have determined most closely aligns with our in-person GMM elections and the processes laid out in our Bylaws and the CUPE National Constitution. Please note: if you are attending via a phone call (instead of using the Zoom app), you will not be able to be able to vote, because all votes in elections are anonymous.

Classroom Air Flow and HEPA filters

Brad WalchukUncategorized

You may have seen a recent COVID-10 updatep posted by McMaster online:

The above update confirms:

All McMaster classrooms and lecture halls have been assessed to ensure they meet ventilation requirements as outlined in ASHRAE 62.1. Standard 62.1 outlines minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality that is acceptable to human occupants and that minimize adverse health effects.

Though all of our current operational classroom inventory meets or exceeds Public Health guidelines, McMaster further enhanced our ventilation plan to ensure all lecture theatres and classrooms on campus meet a minimum six equivalent air changes per hour (eACH), a standard considered ideal by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Healthy Buildings for Health guidelines.

This list (last updated January 28) indicates which classrooms and lecture halls on campus meet 6 eACH and actions taken. For classrooms do not meet our minimum standard of six equivalent air changes per hour (eACH), McMaster is:

  • Changing operations or equipment to increase air flow.
  • Equipping the space with appropriate standalone high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter units to increase equivalent air changes. The number of HEPA units and sizes were selected for each room in order to meet 6 eACH.

We have confirmed that the HEPAs do have a max speed and low speed setting (some have a 3 speed setting as well). The units need to be at max speed to meet the eACH for the room. When they were installed, the units were defaulted to max speed. There are signs in place indicating that the units should not be moved or turned off (see attached photo). Some instructors have put in microphones to address the noise, Facility Services has also moved units further from podiums to help with noise. They have also asked their custodial staff to turn units on if they are found in the off position.

You can find the eACH of your teaching room on the chart below. All figures should be above 6, especially when filter is running at full strength. If the figure was below 6 eACH, the HEPA filter will bring it to at least 6 eACH

Responding to Sexual Violence and Harassment on Campus and the Duty to Represent

Brad WalchukUncategorized

When a worker experiences sexual violence and harassment on campus, they have multiple options for reporting or pursuing a complaint. These options depend on who the complainant and respondent are, where the incident took place, whether the employer is the post-secondary institution or a third-party contractor, as well as the parameters set out by your institution’s policy and the health and safety or human rights legislation of your province. If you are not sure what options might apply to your situation, check with your National Representative.

The options are not all mutually exclusive. A survivor may choose to file an institutional complaint and a criminal complaint. An institutional investigation may end up being appealed through the grievance process. A survivor may opt for informal resolution, decide the process is not working, and move to a formal investigation or a human rights complaint. In some cases, however, a policy may require that one type of process be put on hold while another is pursued, such as suspending an institutional investigation while a criminal investigation takes place.


Your institution’s policy should ideally apply to workers as well as students, allowing workers the option of choosing to pursue a complaint under the institutional investigation process rather than forcing them to file a grievance, and preventing survivors who are both workers and students from being forced to choose one aspect of their identity. (For more on this, check out CUPE’s Guide for Post-Secondary Institutional Policies on Sexual Violence and Harassment.)

When students or other members of the campus community report a complaint against a CUPE member, that investigation may also take place under the institutional process.

Interim measures and accommodations

Disclosure: A disclosure occurs when someone reveals to another member of the community that they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassment.

Reporting: A report is a formal statement submitted under one of the official processes for investigating and responding to sexual violence and harassment.

When a disclosure or report is made of sexual violence and harassment, a university or college should immediately conduct a safety assessment and implement interim measures as necessary to ensure the safety of the survivor and the campus community.

The survivor may also request accommodations to make them feel safe, to help them cope with the aftermath, or to enable them to participate in the investigation process. Witnesses, first responders, and the respondent may also need workplace and/or academic accommodations. For more information, see CUPE’s Fact Sheet on Accommodations for Workers Impacted by Sexual Violence and Harassment.

The local union should support these short-term measures to protect safety and reduce barriers to healing and to full participation in the workplace. However, the local should ensure that any interim measures or accommodations are understood not to be disciplinary or evidence of guilt, are proportionate to the nature of the alleged incident(s), and are only as restrictive as required to ensure safety.

A formal investigation

A formal investigation is conducted by a trained investigator who seeks to collect enough evidence to determine whether, on balance of probabilities, the alleged incident actually occurred. This investigation is then used to determine whether the institutional policy was breached and if so, what sanctions should apply. Sanctions range from being required to participate in training, to being issued a disciplinary letter or warning, to suspension, expulsion, or dismissal.

If a member of your local union is involved in an institutional investigation as the complainant or respondent, your local union may have a legal duty to represent that member, depending on your collective agreement. Your institution’s policy cannot prevent your local from fulfilling this duty and in fact, the policy should clearly state that everyone has the right to union representation. Even if your local is not legally obligated to provide representation, the potential outcomes of retaliation, discipline, or dismissal mean that it may be in your local’s best interest to provide representation to a member who requests it.

If both the complainant and the respondent are members of your local union, two separate representatives must be assigned. These two representatives should not communicate about the case for the duration of the investigation.

The union should ensure that the investigation is fair and thorough, that both complainant and respondent have adequate opportunity to share their side of the story and any evidence that supports their case, and that any disciplinary measures are proportionate and respect the collective agreement.

If the union believes that the process was not fair or that the outcome does not respect the collective agreement, it can address that perception through the grievance and arbitration process.

Alternative resolution measures

In some cases, an institutional policy will allow for alternative resolutions measures to be used, such as restorative justice practices, tranformative justice practices, training or counselling for the offender, or an apology from the offender to the survivor.

Your local union should be sensitive to the wishes of the survivor and the perpetrator, who must both freely consent to participate in any alternative process, but should also monitor outcomes from an alternative resolution process to ensure they respect the collective agreement.


Individual or group grievance

Whether or not your collective agreement has specific language on sexual violence and harassment, your employer has a legal obligation to provide a safe workplace. This means that an individual grievance may be filed in cases where a union member is subject to sexual violence or harassment in the workplace or in the course of performing their work. Your local union may also choose to file a group grievance in situations where there are multiple people who have experienced sexual violence or harassment or where you feel the employer has not done enough to prevent violence or harassment from occurring in the workplace.

If the alleged offender is a member of a union, the union has a legal duty to represent them throughout the grievance and disciplinary process. However, the member has an obligation to ask for the representation of their union.

If both the complainant and the respondent are members of your local union, two separate representatives must be assigned. These two representatives should not communicate about the case for the duration of the grievance.

The union should ensure that the grievance process is fair and thorough and follows any requirements set out by the collective agreement, that both complainant and respondent have adequate opportunity to share their side of the story and any evidence that supports their case, and that any disciplinary measures are proportionate and respect the collective agreement.

Union representatives should be aware that many survivors find the adversarial process of a grievance to be re-traumatizing and be willing to take steps to reduce the impact on the complainant while ensuring that the respondent still receives a fair process.

Workplace health and safety investigation

In some jurisdictions, occupational health and safety legislation requires that when an employer becomes aware of an incident of sexual violence and harassment in the workplace, that incident must be reported and investigated.

This investigation must conform to the standards set out by the relevant legislation. For instance, in some jurisdictions, a health and safety investigation must be conducted jointly by management and labour.

The union should ensure that the investigation is fair and thorough, that both complainant and respondent have adequate opportunity to share their side of the story and any evidence that supports their case, and that any disciplinary measures are proportionate and respect the collective agreement.


Trial procedure

Incidents of sexual violence and harassment that occur between members of the same union while engaged in union business may also be dealt with through the internal union procedure. CUPE has a trial procedure which allows for complaints of discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation to be dealt with in a fair and impartial manner. Complaints alleging discrimination or harassment may be resolved through mediation, a trial, or trauma-informed adjudication. For more information, see Appendix F of the CUPE Constitution.


Complaint to a professional regulatory body

In some cases, the person alleged to have caused harm may be subject to a professional regulating body. This could include medical or nursing faculty with clinical appointments, faculty in professional schools such as law, architecture, engineering, accounting, or social work, or staff working in areas such as human resources or child care.

In some cases, a survivor may choose to file a complaint with a regulatory body regarding the conduct of a person in a regulated profession. In other cases, a university or college, as the employer, may be legally required to report an incident of sexual violence or harassment to the regulatory body.

In cases where the survivor is a union member, the local union should be prepared to offer support to the extent possible during the reporting and investigation process.

Human rights complaint

Because human rights legislation protects against discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and gender expression, a survivor may be able to file a complaint with the relevant provincial Human Rights Commission or Tribunal. Unlike an institutional investigation, which can only order disciplinary measures for the alleged offender, a Human Rights tribunal can order financial compensation for damages, including lost income, emotional suffering, and loss of dignity.

In some jurisdictions, you are required to try to resolve things through a grievance or a workplace investigation before filing a complaint with the Human Rights Commission or Tribunal. In others, it is the survivor’s choice whether to try and resolve things internally or to proceed immediately to filing a human rights complaint.

Criminal complaint

A survivor may choose to report an incident to the police as a criminal complaint. A local union does not have a representation role to play in a police investigation, but they may be interviewed or required to turn over records or evidence. In order for police to demand evidence from a local union, they must provide a subpoena. In this instance, the local should immediately seek legal advice. Contact your National Representative to help you access legal advice.

In cases where the respondent is a local union member, the member should seek external legal advice. The union cannot advise on criminal matters.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For further information and assistance, please contact your National Representative.

PAID TA Training Information

Brad WalchukUncategorized

In the 2019 round of collective bargaining with McMaster our Union secured 5 hours of paid training to cover anti-oppression and the fundamentals of working as a TA. This was a hard-fought win that stemmed from exercising our collective power at the bargaining table and mobilizing our membership. This is yet another reminder of the value and importance of collective bargaining – we can make gains and improve our working conditions when we’re united!
As a CUPE Local 3906, Unit 1 member, you are required to complete 5-hours of mandatory training.  The training will include a module in Anti-Oppression (2-hours) and TA Rights & Responsibilities (1-hour).  The additional 2-hours of training will be selected from a menu of centrally offered elective workshops. The five hours are paid at the prevailing hourly rate in the Collective Agreement.
If you are a TA (or RA in lieu) who was hired for the first time in the 2021-2022 academic year, you are able to enroll. If you worked in the fall, you should have already completed the training (but if you haven’t already, it is not too late). If you worked in a previous year, but not this past fall, you can also enroll.
You can register for the training through Mosaic. Once registered, you will be able to access the training workshops in Avenue to Learn. The How to Register for the Training document, found below, will provide step by step instruction, including screenshots, to help TAs with registering for the training.

Vacancies on Young Ontario Workers Committee

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Young Ontario Worker’s Committee (YOW) is seeking interested candidates to fill terms for representatives for 3 Representatives.

Normally members of the Committee are elected by a caucus of young workers at the CUPE Ontario Human Rights Conference which is held every second year.

Vacancies can be appointed. Those with interest can put their name forward by February 15, 2022.

We are asking you to nominate members of your Local who are aged thirty years or younger and who are interested in being a member of the Young Workers Committee until the current Committee’s term expires at the 2023 CUPE Ontario Human Rights Conference.

Please encourage any such members to submit the attached nomination form. Please note that to be eligible for nomination, CUPE members must be aged thirty (30) years or younger at the time of application, must be a member in good standing of a CUPE Local affiliated with CUPE Ontario and must have the endorsement / nomination of their Local Union President. If you are interested, please email

n addition to completing several hours of volunteer Committee work each month, successful applicants should be able to obtain leaves of absence to attend two committee meetings annually. CUPE Ontario covers costs related to membership on this committee.

As per CUPE Ontario policies, costs or expenses incurred are covered by CUPE Ontario for our Committee members, including time away from work, travel or mileage, accommodation if needed, parking, and a per diem.

Please submit applications to Monica de Vera at If you require further information, you can contact her by email or at 905-739-9739 ext. 618.

Anti-Racism Organizational Action Plan (AROAP) Working Group

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Friends and Comrades,

As many of you will recall, at our 2018 CUPE Ontario Convention, delegates passed a comprehensive anti-racism action plan, better known as the Anti-Racism Organizational Action Plan (AROAP). This important plan seeks to address the systemic underrepresentation and exclusion of Black, racialized, and Indigenous members in our union. This work is more important and more critical than ever.

Over the past year, the University sector and our coordinating committee has worked to move us forward and ensure we are in a place to begin this important work. Friends, it is time for our sector to begin the important task of breaking down barriers and eradicating racism from every single aspect of our sector’s structures, practices, and policies. This work is important. This work is not work that your sector committee can do alone. We need you to join us!

We are inviting applications from individuals interested in joining our AROAP working group. This group will work over the coming months to fully review our sector, to suggest ways forward, and to prioritize the work ahead to be done. The sector’s AROAP Working Group will consist of the sector Chair, Equity Representative, as well as 5 rank-and-file members. Please note that the sector will prioritize applications from BIPOC members. Members appointed to the Working Group will have wages, per diem, accommodations, and travel paid for by the Union where these expenses are incurred.

The deadline to apply is Friday, February 11, 2022.

Thank you and we look forward to engaging in the important work ahead of us!

In solidarity.

David Simao
Chair, Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee (OUWCC)