CUPE 3906 Presents: “Agitate, Educate, Organize!”


We are very excited to launch our long-awaited comic, produced by Petroglyph Studios. The comic, “Agitate, Educate, Organize!” tells the story of a Postdoc steward trying to convince his TA/Sessional Instructor friends to visit the picket line, where Postdocs are on strike for a pension. With this comic, we hope to share some of our issues in all three of our bargaining units with the wider university community, as well as spark a conversation about what it means to show up for one another, as students and academic workers alike continue to struggle against the increasing precarity of work in the neoliberal academy.

Click here to view and download a copy of “Agitate, Educate, Organize!”

A limited number of physical copies are also available in our off-campus office, so please swing by and pick one up!