Unit 3 (Post Doctoral Fellows) Dental Premiums for the 2013-2014 Academic Year

Mary Ellen Campbell Benefits, News

Dear Unit 3 Members,

The new dental premiums have been calculated for the 2013-2014 academic year.

The new premium deductions for members are:

Single Coverage: $4.00 monthly

Family Coverage: $62.93 monthly

These premiums are deducted off of your paycheques every month.  The premium cost for members is less this academic year thanks to gains we made in the last round of collective bargaining.

More information about postdoctoral dental coverage may be found at our website: http://cupe3906.org/benefits-forms/unit-3-benefits/dental

Please note that there are strict guidelines for opting out of dental coverage or enrolling your dependents into the dental coverage.  These guidelines exist to keep our premiums stable and more affordable.

You have 30 days from the start of your contract to opt-out of the dental plan or to enroll in family coverage.  Postdocs with a multi-year contract may opt-out of the plan or enroll into the family plan during a thirty-day change of coverage period following the one year anniversary of the beginning of their employment contract.  Please note that there is a two year “ban” on change of coverage following any change of coverage after the first year of employment.  (This means that if you opt-out of dental coverage on the first anniversary of your employment contract, for example, you cannot enroll in coverage again until the third anniversary of your contract.)

Change of coverage requests may be granted outside of the change of coverage period in some exceptional circumstances (e.g., marriage, birth of a child).

If you have any further questions regarding the new premiums or your dental coverage, please contact Mary Ellen Campbell at administrator@cupe3906.org.

2013 Mike Skinner Activist Award Winner

Brad Walchuk Equity, General, News

Congratulations to Sharlee Reimer, a long-time member employed in English and Cultural Studies.  Sharlee is the winner of the 2013 Mike Skinner Activist Award, an annual award presented by CUPE 3906 for dedication to progressive activism in the Hamilton Community.  Sharlee has played an important role in Hamilton’s LGBTQ community and the LGBTQ community at McMaster.  She is pictured with local President Blake McCall at our recent General Membership Meeting.


Mike Skinner Activist Award Winner 2013_Sharlee Reimer

New Job Postings: Sessional Faculty Positions

Mary Ellen Campbell General, News

Dear Members,

Please check out the job postings for Sessional Faculty positions in the departments of Economics, Communications, Sociology and Civil Engineering.  You can find the postings on the Unit 2 Job Postings Link!

Unit 1 Important Information About Opting Out of Dental Coverage and Enrolling in Family Dental Coverage for the 2014-2015 Academic Year

Mary Ellen Campbell Benefits, General, News, Unit 1

Dear Members,

RE: Important information about Opting-Out of Dental Coverage or Enrolling in Family Dental Coverage for the 2014-2015 academic year

*This message contains information about important opt-out and enrollment deadlines.  Please note that the deadlines may require your immediate attention and action.  The information below is available in an official letter in PDF format HERE *

Unit 1 members (Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants in lieu) are eligible for dental benefits provided they hold an undergraduate degree and hold an employment contract for at least 130 hours over the academic year.

(Undergraduate members should be eligible for coverage under the MSU plan.  Graduate members who do not hold a 130 hour contract for the academic year should be eligible for coverage under the GSA dental plan.)

The new member dental premium contributions for the upcoming 2014-2015 academic year have been calculated.  They are:

$8.93 monthly for single coverage;

$67.86 monthly for family coverage.

All members who meet the eligibility criteria listed above will be automatically enrolled in the dental plan.  Premium deductions and employer premium contributions appear on your paystub.  Please click here for important updates regarding the changes to member premium contribution collection schedules.  Please see the unit 1 benefits website for more details on dental coverage: http://cupe3906.org/benefits-forms/unit-1-benefits/dental

Here is some important information that you need to know to opt-out of dental coverage or enroll in family dental coverage:  

Opting-out of Dental Coverage: If you are eligible for alternative coverage and do not wish to enroll in the CUPE 3906 plan, you may opt-out of coverage during the opt-out period.  To have your opt-out take effect as of September 1st, you need to submit a completed Unit 1 Dental Opt-Out form with proof of alternative coverage to the union office (KTH B111) by Monday, September 8th, 2014.  To have your opt-out take effect as of October 1st, 2014, you need to submit a completed Unit 1 Dental Opt-Out form with proof of alternative coverage to the union office (KTH B111) between September 9th and September 30th, 2013.

Please note that if you miss the September 8th deadline, you will not be refunded the September premium cost of $8.93. 

Your proof of alternate coverage must show your name.  Proof of coverage may be an insurance card with your name on it; a letter from the insurer (or employer) stating your coverage; a print out of an online schedule of benefits, or an explanation of benefits from a recent claim.  (An application for benefits form is not sufficient since it does not indicate that you are actually covered.)

You need to opt-out of dental coverage every year to maintain your opt-out status.  Also, opting-out of the GSA plan does not opt you out of the CUPE 3906 plan.

For an opt-out form and explanation of proper proof of alternative coverage documentation, please visit the Unit 1 benefits website and/or download the CUPE 3906 dental plan letter at the link above. 

Any opt-out forms received after the September 30, 2014 deadline cannot be processed and opt-out will not be successfully completed.

Enrolling in Family Dental Coverage: You can enroll your family (married spouse/common-law spouse/same-sex spouse and/or children) in the dental plan for a cost of $67.86 per month provided you qualify for the dental plan.  (See the eligibility criteria listed above.  Please see the unit 1 dental benefits webpage for more information on what family coverage entails: http://cupe3906.org/benefits-forms/unit-1-benefits/dental

To enroll in family coverage, you must submit a family dental coverage enrollment form with attached list of dependents to the CUPE 3906 office (KTH B111) during the enrollment period.  For coverage to take effect retroactive to September 1st, 2014, you must submit the completed family enrollment form at the link above to the union office by Monday, September 8th, 2014.  To have your family coverage take effect as of October 1st, 2014, you must submit a completed family dental Coverage enrollment form with the attached list of dependents to the union office (KTH B111) between September 9th and September 30th, 2013.

If you miss the September 8th enrollment deadline, your dependents will not be eligible for dental coverage during the month of September.  Any family coverage enrollment forms received after the September 30, 2013 deadline cannot be processed and dependent opt-in will not be successfully completed.

You need to enroll in family dental coverage every year to maintain your family coverage status.

For a family coverage enrollment form and list of dependents and more information on enrolling in family dental coverage, please visit the Unit 1 benefits website and/or download the CUPE 3906 dental plan family enrollment form at the link above.

Click here for a family coverage rebate form.  Members who successfully enroll in family dental coverage are eligible for a family dental premium rebate twice per academic year (once in November/December, once in February).  Our rebate budget will be divided equally among eligible members in the fall and winter terms.  Please return this form with your family enrollment form to the CUPE 3906 office.

There are no premium costs for other Unit 1 benefits (i.e., UHIP Rebate, Health Spending Account, Childcare Rebate) so you do not need to opt-out from or enroll into these benefits.


New Sessional Faculty Postings

Mary Ellen Campbell General, News, Postings

There are new Sessional Faculty Postings in the departments of Civil Engineering, Psychology and Communications available under the “Unit 2” tab in the “postings” section of our website.

Please note the individual deadlines listed on the postings.