Right-to-Work (for less) Legislation is Bad News

Brad WalchukGeneral

Tim Hudak wants to make Ontario a so-called ‘Right to Work’ province.  He says it’s about giving workers a free choice.  He’s wrong.  He wants to give workers the ability to get all the benefits of a union without paying for these benefits.  Workers shouldn’t get a ‘free ride’

Bargaining Update

Brad WalchukBargaining, News, Unit 2

Bargaining update – McMaster and CUPE 3906 agree to pause talks

The University and representatives of CUPE 3906, Unit 2 (“the Union”) have been meeting to negotiate a renewed collective agreement. The Union represents approximately 380 Sessional Faculty and Sessional Music Faculty at McMaster.

Both parties report making progress towards a renewed agreement and that the talks have been constructive and positive.

The University and the Union have agreed to pause the talks over the summer, due to scheduling issues. During this pause, the University and Union will continue to operate under the terms of the former collective agreement. The parties have also agreed they will not file for conciliation during the adjournment.

Both parties will resume their meetings the week of September 16.

Great Video on CUPE’s University Workers

Brad WalchukNews

The following video was shown at the recent CUPE Ontario Annual Convention.  It highlights the amazing work of the Ontario University Workers Coordinating Committee (OUWCC). CUPE Local 3906 is a proud member of the OUWCC and actively supports its wonderful initiatives.

Design Competition – $200 Prize for The Winners (**Deadline Extended**)

Communication OfficerCommunications, General, News

CUPE 3906 is pleased to announce our local’s design competition. The aim of this competition will be to design a new header for our bulletin boards that are across campus. This design can be the basis of our local’s visual identity. All CUPE 3906 members who are interested in graphic design are highly encouraged to submit their designs for this competition.

Prizes: The 1st place design will receive a $150 cash prize.

The second place and third place designs will receive $25 gift cards for titles bookstore.

Submission Deadline: June 30th July 14th (deadline has been extended for another two weeks).

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International Member Get-Together

Brad WalchukEvents, International

Hello fellow international CUPE members,
Did you have a hectic winter term? It’s time to get together, relax and enjoy some good company over dinner!
More details:
You are invited to a FREE dinner hosted by CUPE 3906 on the 9th of May (Thursday) at 6pm in the Phoenix.
Food and Fun! Board games! Make some new friends! Share your experiences and laughter! Learn how CUPE 3906 can help you!
How do I sign up?
Please join the Facebook event (link below) so that we can make sure that there is enough food for everyone! If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can email Venu, our international office, (international@cupe3906.org).
It will be fun and hope you can make it!
See you there! Venu (International Officer, CUPE 3906)
If you have any questions, feel free to email: international@cupe3906.org