General Membership Meeting- October 30th at noon- BSB 108

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Our next General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th at 12 PM in BSB 108. This GMM will cover the following:
  • Unit 3 bargaining updates
  • Any member questions regarding the conciliation process for Unit 1, set to begin on Nov. 5th
  • Election to fill the position of Alternate on the Unit 3 bargaining team
  • Voting on member and exec committee proposals 
  • Electing member delegates to attend this year’s OFL Convention
As always, food will be provided (vegan and Halal options included) and childcare reimbursements will be available to those who need them. We hope to see you there!

Unit 2 Dental Plan- Enrollment and Deductions

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

The one-time $170 CUPE 3906 single dental coverage deduction is tentatively scheduled for October 25, 2019.
Unless you have submitted the proper opt-out form and documentation prior to the October 1st deadline, you will be automatically enrolled in CUPE 3906 Unit 2 single dental coverage.  The coverage is retroactive to September 1st, 2019, and will be available to you until August 31, 2020, regardless of your employment status at McMaster.
For more information on the plan, including the policy information you need to take to the dentist and for a link to the coverage booklet, please visit our website:
Any eligible outstanding claims form September and/or October 2019 will be paid out after the deduction and the information upload.  The earliest day eligible claims will be paid out will likely be November 6, 2019.
The deduction is a one-time deduction (however you will see a record of the deduction in the “year to date” section of your pay statement until the end of the 2019 calendar year).
If you have opted out of our coverage, you shouldn’t see the $170 “CUPE Dental” deduction on your October 25th pay statement.  If you do, please let us know at
If you have enrolled in family dental coverage, you will have the family dental deduction made from your bank account (not your pay statement) on November 1st and December 1st, 2019.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.  We hope you find the benefit useful and worthwhile overall.
In solidarity,
Your CUPE 3906 Executive

Letter of Support from the GSA

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

The McMaster University Graduate Student Association (GSA) recently issued this letter of support:

It is abundantly clear that TAs and RAs in lieu are united in their insistence upon a fair offer from McMaster University. As the GSA rightly notes, the wages of graduate students are “barely enough to support a single adult, much less one who may be supporting a family.” Yet despite this, the employer is seeking to reduce the entitlement to a minimal number of hours associated with a graduate TA guarantee. This will see graduate TAs falling even further behind. A fifth year guarantee – which would be more consistent with the average duration of a graduate program – is needed to ensure that graduate students aren’t without income prior to their graduation. It’s time for a #BetterMac

CUPE 3906 Members Give Strong Strike Mandate

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized


Hamilton, ON— Over the past four days, CUPE 3906 (Unit 1) members have provided their bargaining team with a clear strike vote mandate and in so doing have sent a strong message to McMaster: bargain the fair contract that TAs and RAs in lieu deserve. Membership turnout for this vote was the highest in living memory, with 87% voting to authorize strike action, if necessary. These results highlight the importance of the issues at stake to the membership.

The union’s bargaining team is heartened and motivated by the support that an 87% ‘YES’ result represents. The outcome of this vote illustrates a real commitment to the needs identified by the membership, including paid pedagogical and anti-oppression TA training, strengthened graduate guarantees, equitable wages between undergraduate and graduate TAs, better representation for Indigenous members, an increase to the minimum number of hours on a contract, and protection against tuition increases. Having heard the collective voice of our membership, the union is empowered to bargain a fair Collective Agreement for a #BetterMac and deliver real gains to TAs and RAs in lieu.

The results of this vote do not mean that a strike is forthcoming, but do empower the bargaining team to call a strike should negotiations not provide meaningful gains to members. The next step in the bargaining process is conciliation, in which a provincially appointed conciliation officer will meet with the parties.

Local 3906 will put the support of its members into action at the bargaining table and are committed to membership engagement throughout the process. Keep an eye out for our updates and additional bargaining support initiatives.

CUPE Local 3906 (Unit 1) represents approximately 2700 teaching assistants and research assistants (in lieu) at McMaster University.

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

When: TODAY (SEPT. 23) at 12:00 PM (voting to continue until approx. 4:00 PM)
Where: CIBC Hall (3rd floor MUSC)
Bargaining updates
Election of scrutineers
Kicking off the strike vote! 
Including remarks by John Clarke of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Janice Folk-Dawson of the OUWCC, and Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario.
*Please bring photo ID to confirm you are a Unit 1 Member.*
You can also cast your ballot between 9 AM and 5 PM at any of the following locations until Thursday:

  • SEPTEMBER 24: Thode Library & MUSC 1st floor entrance
  • SEPTEMBER 25: Thode Library & MUSC 1st floor entrance
  • SEPTEMBER 26: Mills Library & MUSC 1st floor entrance
REMEMBER: A successful strike vote does not mean there will be a strike. It simply authorizes the bargaining team to call a strike should negotiations fail. In other words, a strong “yes” vote puts the Union in the best possible position to secure a good deal without needing to call a strike. This is where the strength of collective bargaining is found!

For more information, please see the attached infographic or visit our Strike Vote FAQ.

In solidarity,

The Unit 1 Bargaining Team

Postdoc Social- Friday at 4

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

WHAT: CUPE 3906 Postdoc “Thank You” Social!
WHERE: Phoenix Bar and Grill
WHEN: Friday, September 20th, 2019, 4:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
You are invited to CUPE 3906’s Postdoc “thank you” event next Friday, August 20th, 2019 at the Phoenix Bar and Grill:
Enjoy a free drink, snacks, and a slice of cake with your colleagues and fellow McMaster Workers!  Learn about our contract negotiations, your benefits, and the support that we can give you in the workplace.
After enjoying the Union’s “thank you”, you can take advantage of the Employer’s postdoc appreciation events next week.
Hope to see you there!

General Membership Meeting- Monday September 16th

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

12 PM – 2 PM
Open to all Members!
Lunch provided (vegan and Halal options available)
Childcare reimbursement available
Draw for a grocery gift card!





Add to Calendar

Dental Plan Opt-Out and Dental Plan Family Enrollment

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Unit 1 (TAs and RAs in lieu)

If you hold an undergraduate degree and hold a contract to work as a CUPE 3906 Unit 1 member (TA or RA in lieu of TA) this academic year, you qualify for CUPE 3906 Dental coverage.
Please see the important dental coverage information letter on our website for important notices about the dental coverage.  The letter is available here:

To opt-out of CUPE 3906 dental coverage, please read the information letter above, prepare the appropriate supporting documentation (see:below), and submit the opt-out form available here no later than September 27, 2019

To enroll in CUPE 3906 family dental coverage, please read the information letter above, and submit the family enrollment form available here no later than September 27, 2019
Please note that all CUPE 3906 Change of Coverage forms for Unit 1 members working in the fall 2019 term are due on September 27th, 2019 at the CUPE 3906 Office (KTH B111).
If you have questions about the CUPE 3906 dental coverage after reading the letter, please contact or

Unit 2 (Sessionals)

If you hold a contract to work as a CUPE 3906 Unit 2 member (Sessional Faculty or Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty) this academic year, you qualify for CUPE 3906 Dental coverage.
Please see the important dental coverage information letter on our website for important notices about the dental coverage

To opt-out of CUPE 3906 dental coverage, please read the information letter above, prepare the appropriate supporting documentation (see:below), and submit the opt-out form available here by October 1st, 2019

To enroll in CUPE 3906 family dental coverage, please read the information letter above, and submit the family enrollment form available here by October 1st, 2019
Change of coverage forms must be completed at the start of the new academic year to maintain your opt-out or family enrollment status.
Please note that all CUPE 3906 Change of Coverage forms for Unit 2 members working in the fall 2019 term are due on October 1st, 2019 at the CUPE 3906 Office (KTH B111).
If you have questions about the CUPE 3906 dental coverage after reading the letter, please contact or
*****Important note about proof of alternate coverage for opting out of the CUPE 3906 dental plan: our insurance company will not process dental opt-out requests without appropriate proof of alternate dental coverage.  Proof of alternate dental coverage must have your name listed on the official document (i.e., not just your parent or spouse’s name) and will not be processed if your name does not appear on the official document.  Proof of alternate coverage may be: a letter from your parent or spouse’s insurance company listing you as eligible under their dental coverage; a benefits card with your name listed as a spouse or dependent; a copy of a recent paid claim for you under your parent or spouse’s dental plan; or a screen shot from your parent’s or spouse’s insurance company website listing you as a dependent on their plan.  Please note that student dental coverage (e.g., through the GSA) does not count as eligible proof of alternate coverage to opt-out of this employee plan.

Bargaining Update- Unit 1 Files for Conciliation

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

September 4, 2019
HAMILTON, ON — As many of our Unit 1 Members (TAs and RAs in-lieu) are already aware, the Union and the Employer recently arrived at an impasse. Non-monetary items aside, the Employer has continued to bargain within the parameters of a bill that is not yet law but, if passed, would have disastrous effects on public sector workers across Ontario: Doug Ford’s Bill 124.

Even when we made it known we would consider accepting the 1% wage cap contained in Bill 124 in exchange for significant and meaningful movement on minimum 65-hour contracts, 5th year TA guarantees, tuition freezes, paid pedagogical and anti-oppression training, and closing the Class A and B wage gaps, the Employer did not hesitate to make their lack of interest in genuine negotiations exceedingly clear.

In addition to this refusal, and in the final hours of our most recent day at the bargaining table, the Employer informed us that they no longer intend to bargain with us unless we settle an outstanding grievance. Because the grievance process is a labour relations issue and not a collective bargaining issue,  this effectively signals that we are at an impasse.

Since both sides are evidently so far apart at the bargaining table, we have now officially filed for conciliation: a process wherein a neutral third party from the Ministry of Labour comes to assist with negotiations. We remain steadfast in representing YOUR interests and are optimistic that a negotiated settlement can be reached.

One of the best ways to maximize our effectiveness during conciliation is by holding a strike vote. With this, you might ask, Would a positive strike vote mean we have to go on strike? The answer to this question is NO. A positive strike vote from our Members would authorize the Bargaining Team to call a strike if, through the conciliation process, the Employer remains unwilling to give us a fair deal that reflects the priorities of our membership. By contrast, failing to authorize a strike would signal to the University that our Members are willing to accept whatever crumbs we are given, including the 1% wage caps and none of the previously discussed gains that could offset the harms of Bill 124 and our already devastating precarity as TAs and RAs in-lieu at McMaster.

In solidarity,
The Unit 1 Bargaining Team

For More Information:
Kenneth Taylor Hall, B111          905-525-9140 x24003                     Facebook: CUPE3906                    Twitter: cupe_3906




How you can Help:


Unit 3 (Postdocs) Bargaining Update #5

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

 — After a summer away from the bargaining table, the CUPE 3906 Unit 3 Bargaining Team met face-to-face with the Employer’s Bargaining Team on August 20th. We have continued to make progress on non-monetary items, and are beginning to see some movement on issues such as the base salary.

We secured modest gains on items such as the grievance process, employee evaluations, health and safety, and workplace accommodation. Under the workload article, we have secured protections from overwork involving the mentoring of junior colleagues, and under the resources article we have prevented the Employer from charging a key deposit and have secured better access to storage space. We have also gained a seat on the adjudication committee of the Postdoctoral Support Fund to ensure that postdocs have a voice in the process, and are now determining an expanded criteria and increased total benefit level to this fund.

Despite these gains, there are still many hurdles. The Employer continues to insist on language that we feel would adversely affect your right to vacation entitlement by creating a process by which vacation accrues monthly, and therefore making it harder to secure enough days for a sustained vacation. We are continuing to push back against this.

The employer continues to insist that they can only bargain within the limitations of Bill 124 (which is not law and therefore has no limitations), tabled by the provincial government. This bill seeks to limit total compensation increases to 1% per year over three years.


As this bill is not law, we do not believe that the employer is mandated to limit compensation increases to an amount that is well below the rise the cost of living, and we continue to pushback against what would amount to a wage cut after considering inflation.

The employer has agreed to our salary floor, which will see the minimum salary rise for postdocs increase from $31,717.41 to $35,200.00 by September 1, 2020. Although this represents a meaningful increase to the lowest paid postdocs, the employer is still proposing a limited 1% pay increase on postdocs earning above this amount.
The employer’s proposals on benefits and the professional development fund fall well-below the amount needed to ensure the sustainability of these funds, and we are continuing to push for increases here. The employer also withdrew their proposal on pregnancy and parental leave, which would have increased the entitlement period from 19 weeks to 30 weeks. We remain committed to ensuring increases for those needing to access these leaves.

We want to be clear – your Bargaining Team takes its direction from you and is accountable to you, the members, NOT to Doug Ford! To be clear, the government has simply tabled a bill, and has not passed a law. As such, we are looking to secure additional bargaining dates with the Employer and will continue to push hard for the gains that you have identified as being important.

For More Information:

Kenneth Taylor Hall, B111
905-525-9140 x24003