Your bargaining team recently came to a Tentative Agreement with McMaster for the Unit 3 Collective Agreement, which governs your rights and benefits as Members of CUPE Local 3906.
That said, we will be holding a Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM) for you to learn about and vote on the Tentative Agreement next Monday, December 16th, in BSB 104 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. There we will be electing up to four scrutineers (to be paid $100 each) to help supervise the vote count. Voting will begin immediately after the SGMM and continue until 3:30 PM.
We will also be operating a polling station in the lobby of JHE from 9 AM to 5 PM on Tuesday, December 17th. This will be your last chance to vote on the ratification of the Tentative Agreement.
There will be copies of the Tentative Agreement available for you to review at the polling stations. While these copies will need to stay at the polling stations, you are encouraged to reach out via email or drop by the CUPE Office (KTH B111) if you have any questions.
For those of you who may be wondering why the Tentative Agreement isn’t posted online: Until the agreement is ratified or rejected by the membership, it is your tentative agreement to consider. Posting the agreement online would open the agreement up to the general public and the media. While we recognize that our members would often prefer to view these things online, protecting the confidentiality and integrity of your tentative agreement needs to be our priority. This is a customary practice in collective bargaining. We do apologize for the inconvenience this causes.