International Student Night and Cricket Club Launch

Brad WalchukUncategorized

When and Where? Friday, February 7th, 5:30 PM in ABB 273

What? Our International Officer, Avijit Mallick, has been hard at work planning the launch of CUPE 3906’s first-ever Cricket Club! This will occur at our next International Student Night on Friday, February 7th, starting at 5:30 PM in ABB 273.

If you are an international Member of CUPE 3906 (as a TA or RA in-lieu, sessional faculty, or postdoctoral fellow), we would strongly encourage you to attend. Even if you have no interest in cricket, there will be plenty of free food to eat and socializing to do. It’s also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have on matters such as your dental coverage and the $200 UHIP rebate. All related inquiries can be sent to Avijit at

Unit 2 Dental Opt Out- Extended until Feb 3rd at 4 p.m.

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Good news! For those of you who were unable to meet the original deadline to opt out of our dental plan OR to opt in to our family dental plan (Friday, January 31st), we are happy to announce that it’s been extended to 4:00 PM TOMORROW (Monday, February 3rd).
Please note that this option applies only to those of you who are newly hired this term (i.e. you had not previously taught in the 2019/2020 academic year). 
Those wishing to opt out MUST include proof of alternate coverage along with a signed copy of our opt-out form. Hard copies of said form and of the family enrolment form are available on the wall to the right of the Union office (KTH B111). There is also a mailbox to the left of our door for any submissions made outside of office hours.
More information on U2 dental coverage, opt-outs, and family enrolments can be found here.
All related inquiries should be sent to our Administrative Coordinator at
In solidarity,
The CUPE 3906 Executive Committee

REMINDER: Units 1 & 2 Dental Opt-Outs Due Friday, January 31st

Brad WalchukUncategorized

If you’re a newly hired TA or Sessional (i.e. one who has not yet taught in the 2019/20 academic year), the deadline to opt out of our dental plan is Friday, January 31st. Also note that your signed copy of the opt-out form MUST be submitted with proof of alternate coverage . Our office is located in KTH B111, with a mailbox directly beside the main door for submissions made outside of regular working hours.

More information on U1 and U2 dental coverage and opt-outs can be found here.

General Membership Meeting- Jan 29th at noon

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The date of our next General Membership Meeting is:

Wednesday, January 29th
MDCL 3020
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
s start @ 11:45 AM

Sign-ins will begin at 11:45 AM and the meeting will begin at 12:00 PM sharp.

Some key agenda items:

Bylaws Committee elections (2 vacancies)
Election for the position of Undergraduate Officer
Appointing member delegates to attend the Canadian Labour Congress
Appointing member delegates to attend the OUWCC Conference
+ more to come

As usual, lunch will be provided (including vegan and gluten-free options). Childcare reimbursements are also available to those who attend.


Pay Increase for Postdoctoral Fellows

Brad WalchukUncategorized

As you know, Unit 3 members voted to ratify the tentative agreement from November 27, 2019, in December 2019. One of the changes in the Agreement is a pay increase. You will see an  increase in one of two ways:
i) Members whose anniversary of the commencement of their appointment falls on or after November 29, 2019, will receive a 1% pay increase starting on the anniversary of their date of hire.  You can see the language regarding this increase on page 32 of the agreement, available here:
ii) Members whose anniversary of the commencement of their appointment occurred between September 1, 2019 and November 28, 2019, will receive a $300 lump sum payment this coming pay (i.e., Friday, January 17th, 2020).  You can see the language regarding this increase on page 47 of the agreement, available here:
Please contact the Union ( if you have any questions regarding these increases/payments.
Finally, if you would like to participate in the decision-making process regarding Unit 3 benefits (i.e. the health care spending account and professional development fund) as a result of our contract negotiations, please attend our Benefits Committee Meeting on February 3, 2020, at 1:00 PM in  the Union Office (KTH B111).  The Union relies on your input and participation to determine the best possible use of these funds.
In solidarity,
Your CUPE 3906 Executive Committee

Upcoming Committee Meetings

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Unit 1 Stewards’ Network Meeting:
Tuesday, Jan. 14th | 10 AM – 11 AM in KTH B111

The next meeting of the Unit 1 (TAs and RAs in-lieu) Stewards’ Network will be held in the union office (KTH B111) on Tuesday, January 14th at 10:00 AM. All Department Stewards are encouraged to attend this short meeting, which will include discussion about the new hours tracker app and the opportunity to attend CUPE Spring School.

Any Unit 1 Members interested in becoming a Steward for their department are encouraged to come by the union office for the required nomination form. This is a great opportunity for those who are curious about working with unions and excited by the idea of advocating on behalf of their fellow Members. There are still a number of vacancies in most departments, so we strongly encourage those interested to reach out to any of the following people:

Nishant Kashyap, Unit 1 Chief Steward:
Mollie McGuire, Vice President:
Nathan Todd, President:

Bylaws Committee Meeting:
Friday, Jan. 24th | 12 PM – 2 PM in KTH B111

The Bylaws Committee will be holding their first meeting of the new year in the union office (KTH B111) next Friday, January 24th, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. All members are welcome to attend. The Local’s current bylaws – along with information regarding recent amendments – can be found here.

Benefits Committee Meeting:
Monday, Feb. 3rd | 1 PM in KTH B111

The next Benefits Committee meeting will be held in the union office (KTH B111) on Monday, February 3rd, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. All members are welcome to attend!

Online Hours Tracker Available Now

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We are happy to announce the release of our new online hours tracker (<– Click Here), developed with help from CUPE Ontario. Our Executive Committee and Stewards have had some time to test it out, and we are now ready to share it with the general Membership. You will need to make an account, and from there you can easily join the CUPE 3906 group. From there, you will see a number of pre-loaded options from which to choose. Given that a number of our Unit 1 Members (TAs and RAs in-lieu) have expressed concerns about going over their hours allotted by their employment contracts, we are encouraging you all to use this hours tracker. The more you track your hours, the better chance we have at ensuring you aren’t overworked or underpaid! Please also feel free to forward any feedback or technical issues to

TAs and Sessional Faculty: Important Deadlines for WINTER 2020 Dental Plan Change of Coverage Period (Opt-Outs and Family Enrollments)

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

TEACHING ASSISTANTS AND RESEARCH ASSISTANTS (IN LIEU): Important Deadlines for WINTER 2020 Dental Plan Change of Coverage Period (Opt-Outs and Family Enrollments)

This message may apply to you if you i) hold an undergraduate degree and ii) hold a contract to work as a CUPE 3906 Unit 1 Member in the Winter 2020 academic term (but did not hold a contract to work as a CUPE 3906 Unit 1 Member in the Fall 2019 academic term).

If you are working as a CUPE 3906 Unit 1 Classification “A” Member in the Winter 2020 term and did not work as a CUPE 3906 member in the Fall 2019 Term, you have until January 31st, 2020 to Opt-Out of or enroll family into the CUPE 3906 Dental Plan.

For more information about opting out of the dental plan, or enrolling in the family dental plan, please see this letter, which is available at our website:

For general information about the dental plan, please visit

Questions about the dental plan may be forwarded to or

SESSIONAL FACULTY AND HOURLY RATED SESSIONAL MUSIC FACULTY: Important Deadlines for WINTER 2020 Dental Plan Change of Coverage Period (Opt-Outs and Family Enrollments)

This message may apply to you if you i) hold a contract to work as a CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Member in the Winter 2020 academic term and ii) did not hold a contract to work as a CUPE 3906 Member in the Fall 2019 academic term.
If you are working as a CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Member in the Winter 2020 term and did not work as a CUPE 3906 member in the Fall 2019 Term, you have until January 31st, 2020 to Opt-Out of the CUPE dental plan or enroll family into the CUPE 3906 Dental Plan.
For more information about opting out of the dental plan or enrolling in family dental coverage, please see this letter, which is available at our website:
For more general information about our dental plan, please visit
Questions about the dental plan may be forwarded to or