FREE LUNCH @ the Phoenix for Postdocs!

Brad Walchuk General

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25th, join other Mac postdocs and members of the CUPE 3906 executive for a free lunch at the Phoenix.

Learn more about what your union can do for you. Let us know how we can serve you better. Meet other people from other departments or just enjoy a free lunch with your friends.

When: Tuesday September 25th, 1:30pm- 2:30pm (please note the Time Change)
Where: The New Phoenix
What: Free lunch!

Hope to see you tomorrow!

FREE LUNCH @ the Phoenix for Health Sciences TAs & RAs in lieu!

Brad Walchuk General

On September 24th, join your health science colleagues and members of the CUPE 3906 executive for a free lunch at the Phoenix. Learn more about your union. Let your executive know how we can serve you better. Meet other people from other FHS departments, or just enjoy a free lunch with your friends.

When: Monday, September 24th, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: The New Phoenix (In the Refectory Building)
What: Free lunch!

Not in the faculty of health science? We haven’t forgotten about you. This is the first in a series of outreach/feedback events at the Phoenix. A similar opportunity will be available for your faculty later this year. Keep an eye out for an e-announcement and/or look for an event poster near your department!

Access to child care affects many CUPE members

Brad Walchuk General

Earlier this summer, the Ontario Liberal government announced its intention to undertake a three-year “modernization” initiative of the province’s piecemeal child care system.

On June 27, Education Minister Laurel Broten released an online discussion paper called “Modernizing Child Care in Ontario”.  The deadline to make submissions online is September 24, 2012, and individuals are encouraged to submit a responses online through this link:

View a copy of the CUPE submission: Child Care in Ontario: A Call for Transformation, Not Tinkering

3rd Annual Tour of Struggle

Brad Walchuk Events

Saturday, 15 Sept 2012

3:00pm meetup in the Student Centre (MUSC) lobby, near the Occupy McMaster site

Join the Political Action Committee for an afternoon of introductions to social justice struggles in Hamilton around the privatization of the university, gentrification in the downtown core, precarious work, community policing, and more.

Tour starts at 3pm and will end around 5pm at the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre (51 Stuart Street, Hamilton ON).  Tour includes bus/walking and bus tickets are available.

RSVPs kindly requested at:

Welcome Week Social Event!

Brad Walchuk Events

Our first social event of the year is open to all CUPE 3906 members and their partners and will be held this Thursday (13 Sept), 8pm-midnight at the Workers Arts and Heritage Centre.

Cash bar with alcoholic beverages, and free non-alcoholic drinks and snacks will be provided. Also music and hopefully lots of dancing! Transportation to MacNab bus terminal will be provided at the end of the night.

Questions? Please contact your Chief Steward of Unit 1, Ian Myhra.

Hope to see you all there!

Lunchtime Workshop for International Members

Communication Officer International, News

Dear international members,

Grazyna Drzazga, a PhD student in linguistics, has kindly offered to hold an extended version of her “Teaching in a Different Language” workshop. The description of this workshop is as follows:

Teaching in a Different Language
Communication breakdown due to limited vocabulary is one of the biggest fears of international graduate students and teaching assistants. This workshop discusses how to compensate for linguistic imperfections. An array of strategies to overcome  communication barriers will be presented and discussed.


The workshop will be held on Thursday Sept 13, from 12 noon until 3pm, at MUSC Room 213 (The MacLachlin Room). If you are interested, please email me at to register before Wednesday Sept 12, since there is a limited number of spots. We will also be providing food to the attendees.

Dental Coverage for Graduate Students at Mac FAQ

Sathish Pichika Benefits, Unit 1

Graduate Students at McMaster University are covered by ONE of two dental plans:

1)   The  CUPE 3906 plan

2)   The  Graduate Student Association (GSA) plan

This handy FAQ outlining (jointly prepared by the GSA and CUPE) will help Grad Students figure out which plan they qualify for, how to opt-out of the plan and/or enroll their family members.

Dental Coverage for Graduate Students at McMaster University

All Unit 1 members can find more detailed information on the CUPE 3906 plan can here:

Questions? contact

GMM Notice Aug 29 – Free Food and Door Prizes!

Communication Officer General

Our General Memberhsip Meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 29th. Food will be served at 5pm and there will be a draw for prizes. The meeting will begin at 5:30pm.

Location: Michael DeGroote Centre for Learning, room 2232.

Agenda items include:

  • Elections for the following positions:
    • President
    • Unit 2 Chief Steward
    • Undergraduate Officer
    • Trustee
  • Notice for by-laws changes
  • Debate of Access Not Fear policy

Please Note: Childcare is reimbursed upon request.