Details of Tentative Unit 2 Agreement

Brad WalchukBargaining, Unit 2

The details presented at the Unit 2 ratification meeting last night, and provided at today’s voting station, are available here.  Please note that this agreement cannot become official until both the Union and Employer have ratified the agreement.

Unit 2 Ratification Vote

Brad WalchukBargaining, Events, News, Unit 2

Your union’s elected bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement with the Employer for a new contract between Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty.  Both sides are recommending ratification.

Details of the deal will be released at a Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM) open to all Unit 2 members.  This meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 5:00 p.m. in MDCL 3020.

Voting on ratification of the tentative agreement will commence at the end of the meeting (approx. 6:30 p.m.).  Free food will be available prior to the start of the meeting, and childcare costs will be reimbursed upon request.

Voting will continue on Thursday, October 3rd between 10 p.m. and 5 p.m. in the Mills Library Lobby.

A bargaining summary document outlining the main points of the tentative agreement will be released to the membership at the SGMM on October 2nd.  Questions will also be answered at the SGMM.

Who Can Vote?

To be able to vote you need to be:

·         Currently working as a Unit 2 member, or

·         Have a contract-in-hand for a future Sessional Faculty or Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty Appointment ( a copy of the appointment letter would be required as proof of the Appointment), or

·         A Sessional Faculty or Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty that has held an appointment in the last 8 months

What do you need to bring?

To be able to vote you will need to bring:

·         A piece of photo ID

·         If you aren’t currently working as a Sessional Faculty or Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty you will need to bring supporting documentation of your employment at McMaster

Tentative Agreement Reached

Brad WalchukGeneral

Your union is proud to announce that the Unit 2 bargaining team met with the Employer early into the morning on Friday and has successfully negotiated a tentative collective agreement.

The specific details of this agreement will be released at a Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM) to be held at some point in the middle of the upcoming week.  Another e-mail will follow early next week providing the date, time, and location of this SGMM.

CUPE 3906 Supports Hamilton Take Back the Night

Brad WalchukEquity, Events, General, News, Political Action

CUPE 3906, and our semi-autonomous Political Action Committee (PAC), are proud to be involved in the upcoming Take Back the Night event in Hamilton.

Take Back the Night, an annual event organised by SACHA — Sexual Assault Centre (Hamilton & Area) — is a powerful opportunity for all woman-identified individuals to actively build connections, assertively reclaim our right to safety, and courageously stand up against violence.

This year’s event will include puppets, information tables, Take Back the Night t-shirts and buttons, drumming, Zumba, laughter yoga, sign making, music, food, some surprises and, of course, a loud and empowered march! See you there!

When: Thursday, September 12th, 2013

  • 6:00pm – We Gather
  • 7:00pm – We Rally
  • 7:30pm – We March

Where: Hamilton City Hall – 71 Main Street, Hamilton ON
Who: Women-Identified Folks and Children are welcome!

For more information or to request ASL interpretation, contact SACHA: 905.525.4573 or

For information about TBTN Hamilton solidarity events click here.


The Art of Consensus Decision Making Workshop

Brad WalchukGeneral

As the new school year is starting up, we’d like to invite you to

The Art of Consensus Decision Making Workshop

On September 7th, 2013, join the Political Action Committee of CUPE 3906 for an engaging, facilitated workshop to get us ready for the upcoming year!  This workshop will introduce the concept of consensus-based decision-making, its potential usefulness for labour and other political organizing, and some of the challenges it presents.

All CUPE 3906 members and staff are welcome to attend.  The workshop will be of particular interest to those involved in any committee and/or administrative work or new members interested in getting more involved.  No previous familiarity with consensus-based decision-making is required!

Facilitator Rae Mitchell loves consensus. She also loves to share her experiences and ideas about it with other people, and to learn about their experiences – challenging, rewarding, and those that are both! After many years of observing and practicing consensus in formal and informal environments, she became convinced of its power to transform relationships, both internal to a person and in society!

Light snacks and refreshments will be available.  Questions?  Email us at

Who: All interested CUPE 3906 members and staff

What: Introductory consensus workshop with Rae Mitchell

When: Saturday, September 7th, at 10am-Noon

Where: MUSC 220

Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we know what numbers to expect.  We hope to see you there!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: TA/RA in lieu Dental Coverage Opt-Outs and Family Enrollment Deadline!

Mary Ellen CampbellBenefits, General, News

The deadline for dental opt-outs and family coverage enrollments for our Unit 1 (TA and RA in lieu) fast approaches.  In order to have your change of status take effect for September, 2013, you must have the appropriate form and documentation to the union office (Kenneth Taylor Hall B111) no later than Monday, September 9th, 2013.  Any forms received after that time up until September 30th will take effect as of October 1st, 2013.    

Please click here to visit the link to all of the information and forms to opt out or enroll your family successfully.