Unit 2 Professional Development Fund Applications

Brad Walchuk General

The Unit 2 Professional Development Fund (PDF) applications will be adjudicated by the benefits committee on May 19th and cheques will be processed shortly thereafter.  We apologize for the delay and any inconvenience that this may cause.


April 28th- Day of Mourning

Brad Walchuk General

Every year, around the world, unions mark the International Day of Mourning on April 28 to honour workers killed or injured on the job. It’s an important date for the labour movement: we remember those workers we’ve lost, and fight for better standards for today’s workers.

In 2014, six CUPE members lost their lives, and just four months into 2015 already five CUPE members have died on the job.

“It’s deeply troubling, the number of deaths we’ve seen recently,” said CUPE National President Paul Moist. “Our hearts go out to the families and the friends and colleagues of these workers.”

We will be holding our McMaster observance in MDCL 3024 from 12:00 to 1:00


CUPE 3906 Speakers Series: Nora Loreto

Brad Walchuk General



Nora Loreto is a writer, musician and activist based in Québec City. She is the author of From Demonized to Organized: Building the New Union Movement and is the editor of the rabble.ca series Up! Canadian Labour Rising.

The event will take place at 5:30pm on Monday, April 20. The event will be held in MUSC 313 .
Nora will be speaking on the topic of breaking down intergenerational barriers in the labour movement.

Road to Justice Exhibit at Hamilton City Hall

Brad Walchuk General

The Access & Equity Office at City Hall is presenting the “Road to Justice” exhibit, which will be displayed at City Hall from April 1 – 30.  This exhibit details the legislated racism experienced by the Chinese community in Canada.

On Friday, April 24, 2015, we will be hosting two educational workshop sessions from 10 – 11 a.m. and from 1 – 2 p.m. at Hamilton City Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, which will discuss legislated racism in Canada and social activism within the Chinese community.

CUPE 3906 Executive for 2015-16

Brad Walchuk General

Here is your executive committee for CUPE Local 3906 for the 2015-16 year.  Some new faces are joining an experienced executive to continue to provide close to 3 500 members with excellent service, advocacy and representation. We’re also proud of the diversity on our executive committee.

President- Evan Johnston
Vice President- Rebecca Collins-Nelsen
Vice President External- Ryan Sparrow
Secretary Treasurer- Herman Poon
Recording Secretary- Naim Tajavpour
Chief Steward Unit 1- Kevin Barnhorst
Chief Steward Unit 2- Barb Bloemhof
Chief Steward Unit 3- (currently vacant)
Health and Safety Officer- Samira Farivar
Equity Officer- Chandra Kavanagh
Benefits and Advocacy Officer- Sathish Pichika
International Officer- Darko Ljubic
Undergraduate Officer- Jennifer Tang

Congratulations to Ismael Traore- Winner of Mike Skinner Activist Award for 2014-15

Brad Walchuk General

Congratulations to Ismael Traore, a Unit 2 (sessional faculty member) in Sociology, and the winner of the 2014-15 Mike Skinner Activist Award.  The award is given annually to a CUPE 3906 member who displays progressive activism on social justice issues in the broader community, and is named after Mike Skinner, a former long-time staff representative with Local 3906.

Ismael has played a major role in Black, Brown and Red Lives Matter, a social movement that deals with race and police interaction in the Hamilton area.

Congratulations for all of your hard-work.




Congratulations to 2014-15 TA/RA Award Winners

Brad Walchuk General

Congratulations to our 2014-15 Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant Award winners: Duha Al-Sajee (Health Sciences), Ali Mohammad Rabea (Engineering), Madeline Mant (Social Sciences), Sepideh Ebrahimi (DeGroote School of Business), and Natashya Wall (Science).  Thanks for all of the hard-work and dedication to your students.

These awards are determined based on nominations from both students and the professors that our TAs work for.  Further evidence the McMaster works because we do!

Pictured below are Madeline, Duha, and Sepideh.




CUPE 3906 Annual General Meeting (Elections)

Communication Officer General



CUPE 3906 Annual General Meeting

  March 30, 2015  (5:30 PM)
 B105 – DeGroote School of Business


Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Monday, March 30, 2015 at 5:30 PM (DeGroote School of Business (DSB) B105).

All executive positions will be up for election. The executive consists of the following positions:  (Description of each position)

– President
– Vice President
– Vice President External
– Secretary Treasurer
– Recording Secretary
– Chief Steward Unit 1
– Chief Steward Unit 2
– Chief Steward Unit 3
– Health and Safety Officer
– Equity Officer
– Benefits and Advocacy Officer
– International Officer
– Undergraduate Officer

All members in good standing may be nominated. A member in good standing is someone that is currently a CUPE member or someone who has been in the past eight (8) months. For unit-specific positions (the three Chief Stewards), only members of that unit may be nominated. For all other positions, members of all three units may be nominated.

As our By-Laws further specify: “The Undergraduate Officer shall be an undergraduate member. The Equity Officer shall be a member of an ‘equity seeking group’ (Appendix B). The International Officer shall be a member who is classified as a non-Canadian citizen.”

Nomination forms are available in the CUPE 3906 office, located in Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B111. Nomination forms will be accepted until the day of the election. The nomination form can be downloaded here. Members may also choose to nominate (or self-nominate) from the floor during the meeting.

The nomination, campaigning, and election of Executive Committee members is governed by the bylaws of CUPE 3906. All terms are for 1 year.

For more information, please contact a staff member (cupe3906@mcmaster.ca) or Rebecca Collins-Nelsen (president@cupe3906.org).

Free food and refreshments will be provided at 5:00 PM.

If you require reimbursement for childcare costs, please email cupe3906@mcmaster.ca.