Annual General Membership Meeting- TONIGHT

Brad WalchukUncategorized

A quick reminder that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held tonight at 5 p.m. in DSB B-105.  At the meeting, we will be electing all 13 executive positions (to one-year terms), a trustee (to a three-year term), and four delegates to the CUPE Ontario Convention in Toronto, as well as seeking members to join our committees (ie/ benefits committee).  We will also be presenting the TA/RA Award winners (one per faculty). Pizza will be served at 5 p.m. and childcare reimbursement is available upon request.

AGM Poster - April 2016

$400 Lump Sum Bonus Payment for Post-Docs

Brad WalchukUncategorized

In our last round of Post-Doc (Unit 3)collective bargaining, your Union secured annual lump sum bonuses of $400 per member (in addition to yearly increases to the salary floor).  On the April 15th, 2016 payment, all unionized post-docs currently employed will receive a $400 bonus, in addition to your regular pay.  Remember, this bonus was won through collective bargaining, and your Union’s elected post-doc bargaining team will be back at the bargaining table this summer.

*please note, this amount is considered income and subject to regular deductions*

Arrive and Thrive Project

Brad WalchukUncategorized


This is a publicly fund project to help relief Mental Health issues at the university, it includes several workshops where you can participate:

  • COG (Cooperative Outdoor adventure Games): Take a quick break and activate by joining us for a mid-week adventure. You’ll work together to discover the secrets of the McMaster campus on foot and to clear your mind. No experience or skills required, just you and your runners.
    • Running on Wednesdays from 5:30pm until 6:30ish. We meet in the plaza area between Mills and MUSC. Our staff and volunteers will be wearing blue Arrive and Thrive t-shirts.
  • WIND (Walk In Nature Days): you can get outside and leave your worries behind, by getting into nature with others in a positive, mutually supportive environment. No experience or skills required, just you and your hiking/walking shoes.
    • Running on Saturday mornings starting at 10:30am and meets in DBAC by the business office (glassed in office by front entrance). The walk goes for about an hour or so and then we provide a pizza lunch.
  • Koru class: An evidence-based 4-week program, specifically designed for teaching mindfulness, meditation and stress management touniversity students and young adults. The curriculum consists of mind-body skills, guided meditations and more, aimed at helping you open your mind and manage your stress.
    • A graduate student only Koru class is scheduled to begin Thursday, April 7th and goes for 4 weeks (time and location will be sent after pre-registration). Register:
  • Pause: is a 1:1 session with a counsellor which allows for individualized assessment and discussion of a student’s use of substances (alcohol, marijuana, or tobacco), reasons for use and motivation to change their use. If the student is ready to make a change, support, suggestions and referrals. An email will to us will start that process, and we hope to see the person at their convenience (yes, we plan to have evening and day time hours – possibly even weekends). Once we receive someone interested in Pause we will be in contact within a week (if not sooner).
  • Exploring Change: Do you have a habit that you are thinking about changing or would like to change? Using a variety of activities and a judgement-free approach, these 4 week groups focussed on partying (substance use), procrastination or perfectionism will help you figure out if you’re ready and how to make a change in your life.


All of our programming is confidential and in no way connected to either the student record or the health record unless the student requests it to be. For more information email or check their website:

International Student and Workers: Rights and Empowerment

Brad WalchukUncategorized


conference SAVE DATE

Save the Date

Monday, 11th of April 2016

For more information and schedule visit:

As you well know international students and workers face many of challenges and injustices in their intersecting roles as students, employees, immigrants and travelers.

You will have the opportunity to hear first hand experiences of the following issues:

  • Unjust tuition fees increase

  • Unjust access to health care

  • Mental health issues

  • Political rights

  • Immigration accounts

  • Money planning

  • Successful international student stories

Save the date and get involved in the Hamilton and Mcmaster international community

 For any questions contact: or

The Criminalization of Poverty – Race, Poverty, and Policing in Hamilton

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Criminalization of Poverty – Race, Poverty, and Policing in Hamilton
Wednesday March 9th 
1:30-3:00pm | ITB 139

Recent debates in Hamilton around police carding and the ongoing ticketing and removal of people in the downtown core have drawn new focus to the long-standing criminalization of poverty. This event aims to bring these debates to McMaster, touching on issues such as carding (or street checks), gentrification, and police targeting of sex workers, low income residents, and aboriginal people. Through a panel discussion with academics and activists, we hope to raise awareness of the ways poverty and race become criminalized in everyday practice. Speakers will discuss both the broad issues at stake and the specific community campaigns under way challenging the status quo.


Speakers include
Dr. Ameil Joseph, professor in the Social Work department at McMaster and co-founder of the new anti-racism centre in Hamilton.
Kayonne Christy, member of McMaster Womanists and has led efforts against carding in Hamilton.
Yvonne Maracle, Speak Now and De dwa da dehs nye Aboriginal Health Centre
and more…
This event is co-sponsored by the McMaster Community Poverty Initiative, OPIRG McMaster, and the President’s Advisory Committee on Building and Inclusive Community (PACBIC)
March 9 small poster

2016 TA/RA Awards form CUPE 3906

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Are you a great TA/RA? Of course you are!  Do you know someone else who is a great one as well? Of course you do!

the 2016 CUEP 3906 TA/RA award is open to all CUPE 3906 Unit 1 members (Graduate and Undergraduate TAs and RAs in lieu). Members may be nominated by their students, employment supervisors (supervising Professor) or other

Successful candidates will receive a certificate recognizing their excellence, a letter of acknowledgement from the CUPE 3906 Executive Committee, a copy of this form as well as $200.00.
There will be a total of six awards given, one for each faculty listed below. Please fill out all applicable fields and deliver this form in person to the CUPE 3906 office (B111 Kenneth Taylor Hall) or via email to before March 18th, 2016. Awards will be given out during our April GMM (date TBA)!

The nomination form is available here:

International Craft Night

Brad WalchukUncategorized

CUPE 3906 International Committee and the iGSA (International Graduate Student Association) are happy to invite you to join us in “Crafting Night for International Students”. We will provide crafting materials (it will be a surprise), food and soft drinks and YOU WILL PROVIDE ideas, hands, fingers, eyes, fun, patience, etc. to make some awesome paintings, origami, puzzles, key tag ornaments, Vitrage and many more. You can also present traditional clothing from your country or even traditional dance. The idea is to discover our skills or to show the existing ones and to represent your culture. Be ready to teach some of them. We believe that this is a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures, make new friends and make something by yourself. Number of attendees is limited. Please use the link below to register for the event in order to attend:
If you have any other ideas or you want to bring some personal crafting material please specify in the column in registration sheet and you are more than welcome to do so.
We hope to see you on March 10th (Thursday) at 5 pm in ABB-273.