Notice of Upcoming GMM- June 28th at noon

Brad WalchukUncategorized

CUPE 3906 will be holding our next General Membership Meeting on Tuesday June 28th at noon, in a location TBA.

Pizza will be provided, and we’ll be electing an additional bargaining team member for Unit 1, an alternate bargaining team member for Unit 1, and giving a Unit 3 bargaining update.

We will update the post with the location as soon as we have one confirmed, and hope to see you there

Support and Solidarity for Hamilton’s LGBTQ community in aftermath of Orlando

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The recent heinous attack at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, which directly targeted queer and trans Latinx members of the LGBTQ community, has left a lasting effect on LGBTQ people around the world including members of our Hamilton and McMaster communities. In response to this violence, two events have been organized to allow us to come together in solidarity with members of our LGBTQ community and allies, to heal together and to memorialize the victims of this horrific attack.

In an effort to make these events accessible, the following steps have been taken:  wheelchair accessible venues which can be accessed by public transit, multilingual outreach material, ASL interpretation, and active listeners.

Please join us for the following (posters attached):

Event 1: Healing Event

Thursday, June 16
Nourishing Health
328 James St. N.

A free yoga session and healing space is being offered to LGBTQ-identified people in the wake of the tragedy in Orlando, Florida. A counsellor will be on site. The yoga space in wheelchair accessible (the washroom is not).

Event 2: Memorial Event

Thursday, June 16
NGen Youth Centre
24 Main St. W. (across from McNab Terminal)

Join us for a memorial event honouring the Latinx LGBTQ people killed on Sunday, June 12th at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The evening will include speakers and performances from local Hamilton artists including Kiena Dior and Rex Emerson Jackson. This event is free and open to all interested in mourning in peace. Please share widely.

Together in peace (Arabic):
دير تو لاف” يرحبوا كل من يريد ان يتذكرالحياة اللتي تركتنا يوم الأحد، ١٢ يونيو، بسبب اعتداء عنيف في “بلس نايت كلب”على مجتمع ل.ج.ب.ت.ك اللاتيني باوريغون، فلوريدا”

Together in peace (Chinese):

Bargaining Support Ping Pong Event

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We will be booking a party room at Serve Ping Pong club from 7:30-10:30pm, where you can work on your ping pong game, enjoy some refreshments, and catch up with members of the Unit 1 and Unit 3 bargaining and bargaining support teams.

Come join us at 115 King St. E #105 from 7:30-10:30pm on Friday, June 10th!


Post-Doc Support Fund: Expanded Access for unanticipated UHIP fees

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We have been following up on those cases involving members who have incurred UHIP expenses due to delays in renewing work permits, and we are pleased to inform that this concern is largely resolved.  Although we are not in a position to speed up/alter the CIC processing time, we were able to secure an arrangement by which affected members are able to submit their UHIP payment as an expense for refund through the PDF Support Fund. To be eligible, you need to demonstrate that you applied for OHIP coverage in a timely manner, but due to processing delays you had to pay to enroll to UHIP.

More specific details about the eligibility, process and requirements to apply for this fund is laid out in the documents below.

Click here for a list of commonly asked questions (FAQs) regarding the Post-Doctoral Support Fund.

Click here to download the application package for the Post-Doctoral Support Fund.

Reminder: General Membership Meeting on Wednesday May 18- Noon- TSH B128

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We wanted to let you know that we’ll be having a General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, May 18th at noon in TSH B128.

The main item on the agenda will be the ratification of our unit 1 bargaining priorities, something that we didn’t have the opportunity to finish at our last meeting. This item is of considerable importance as it allows you to have a final say on the package that we present to the Employer in June. Members will have the opportunity to review the current proposals and make amendments to them.

We will also be voting on a cost-share motion with CUPE National, which will help to secure additional funding from our national union to help with bargaining outreach and support.

Finally, we have a recently opened position on the Unit 3 (post-doc) bargaining team.  Unit 1 members are able to run for this position.  If you are interested, please contact your union ( for more information.  We will need a quorum of at least 5 post-docs at this meeting to facilitate an election at the meeting on the 18th.

As always, lunch will be provided.

We hope to see you there.

ROE Update #3

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Another message from the Employer:

“I just received confirmation that 275 records were uploaded to the Service Canada site. 154 of the 275 were accepted and 121 were rejected.

It is not out of the ordinary to have an ROE rejected, it can happen for a variety of reasons. The 121 rejected records are being reviewed and uploaded to Service Canada as they are completed.”

ROE Update #2

Brad WalchukUncategorized

From the Employer:

“A quick update to let you know that it appears that the software upgrade has worked and I should know within the next couple of hours if there was an issue with the upload to Service Canada.”