Postdoc dinner & Social Night- Olympics Opening Ceremony Rio 2016- RSVP please

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Hello Postdocs,

We hope you are enjoying the beautiful summer and all is going well! Please join us for an exciting evening watching the opening ceremony of Olympic Games 2016 in Rio. We will provide pizza, soft drinks and more, and you must provide cheering energy, flags to represent your country and good mood to hangout with old and new friends. Maybe we will end up dancing rhythm of the beautiful Brazilian music :).  At this event also you will also receive an update on progress of Unit 3 Bargaining.

REGISTRATION IS A MUST on the link below due to the limited space:

WHEN: August 5th (Friday)

WHERE: JHE-328 Lounge room

TIME: 6-10 pm

Thank you and see you soon.



CUPE 3906

Sana Anbuhi

Postdoctoral Fellow & Unit 3 Chief Steward

CUPE 3906- International Committee Olympic Event

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We hope your summer is going well. Please join us for the exciting evening watching opening ceremony of Olympic Games 2016 in Rio. We will provide pizza and soft drinks and you must provide cheering energy, flags to represent your country and good mood to hangout with old and new friends. Maybe we will end up dancing rithm of the beutiful brasilian music :).
REGISTRATION IS A MUST on the link below due to the limited space:
WHEN: August 5th (Friday)
WHERE: JHE-328 Lounge room
TIME: 6-10 pm

Changes to Unit 2 Professional Development Fund

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Dear Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Music Faculty (Unit 2) Members,

The final adjudication for Professional Development Fund Applications for this academic year will take place after the final deadline for applications, August 05, 2016.

As per the Unit 2 members’ decisions at the Special General Membership Meeting in June 2016, there have been changes to the fund:

-the maximum yearly award is $1,000 per member;

-laptops, tablets, monitors and other basic technology are still not eligible expenses for the fund, but clickers and laser pointers are now eligible for consideration;

-there are now three main categories for consideration.  They are: Conference Participation and Certification; Books; and Technology (limited).

For more information, and to a link to the application form, please visit our Unit 2 Professional Development Fund link:

Professional Development Fund: Unit 2

Potential Delay in Mail due to Lockout of CUPW members

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Members,

As you may be aware, Canada Post has been threatening to lock out its workers (represented by CUPW).
While negotiations continue and a lock-out (or strike) has been put off for a thirty-day “cooling off” period, postal workers could be forced out in several weeks.
Predictably, a lock-out will affect mailing times and delivery (including delivery of benefits cheques from our benefits company).  Accordingly, members may want to consider submitting benefits claims as soon as possible to try to avoid delays.
Finally, please keep up-to-date on the Canada Post contract negotiations and the important issues on the table by visiting the CUPW website at
Thanks very much,
Your CUPE 3906 Executive Committee

Update Regarding Potential Disruptions to Mail Delivery

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Dear Members,
As you may be aware, Canada Post has been threatening to lock out its workers (represented by CUPW).
While negotiations continue and a lock-out (or strike) has been put off for a thirty-day “cooling off” period, postal workers could be forced out in several weeks.
Predictably, a lock-out will affect mailing times and delivery (including delivery of benefits cheques from our benefits companies).  Accordingly, members may want to consider submitting benefits claims as soon as possible to try to avoid delays.
Finally, please keep up-to-date on the Canada Post contract negotiations and the important issues on the table by visiting the CUPW website at
Thanks very much,
Your CUPE 3906 Executive Committee

Fire on Campus

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Dear Members,

We have been apprised that there has been a fire on campus.

The fire is now contained.  Power in several buildings has been shut off, and members in affected buildings may leave campus.

Please monitor the McMaster Daily News for updates (including updates on potential evening class closures):

Fire at ET Clarke Centre


Changes to Unit 2 (Sessionals) Professional Development Fund

Brad WalchukNews, Unit 2

On June 29th an SGMM was held in order to discuss and update the Professional Development Fund (PDF) for Unit 2. We had a productive discussion and my proposal was accepted with a few important amendments. Only Unit 2 members were eligible to vote at this meeting. Below is a summary of key results from the meeting:

  1. The PDF will now have 3 budget lines. They are (i) technology; (ii) conferences and certifications; (iii) books.
  1. Each Unit 2 member is eligible for $200 in any combination of the budget lines (per 3 credit hour course taught). Calculations for Music Faculty eligibility will remain the same.
  1. The maximum total amount that can be claimed in any academic year is now $1000 (down from $1200).
  1. Eligible technological expenses will include items that are expenses directly associated with teaching responsibilities, including equipment such as electronic hardware and software. However, laptop computers, desktop computers, tablets, and large screens will continue to remain ineligible in order to keep the fund sustainable.
  1. Styllus pens, clickers, and specialized graphics tablets (e.g. for mathematics) are now eligible items.
  1. There will be an official appeals process created for rejected applications. The appeals process will be conducted entirely via email in order to reduce wait times. The Union reserves the right to decline claims and appeals based on the guidelines outlined in the June 29th SGMM and based on the availability of funds.
  1. In sum, the PDF remains almost the same but with the inclusion of a small number of technological items.

Please be patient as we update our website, application forms, and ineligible items list according to the results of the meeting. We recognize that some members may have made purchases before the results of this meeting, and so operated under the guidelines of the previous format. We will accept and process those applications this semester as we recognize it is a transition period for the PDF.  Please note that if you would like to resubmit an application for an application that was declined in the Fall 2015 or Winter 2016 term, you must notify the union in writing by contacting and/or  We only reconsider declined claims from the Fall 2015 and Winter 2016 by request and as an exceptional basis due to the recent changes to the fund.  The Union reserves the right to decline claims and appeals based on the guidelines outlined at the outlined in the June 29th SGMM and based on the availability of funds.


CUPE 3906 is Hiring Two Positions

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We are hiring a temporary administative co-ordinator and a temporary bargaining mobilizer.

The jobs can be found on-line:

If you have any questions, please contact

Out-of-Country Insurance for Post-Docs

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The provider for Emergency Out-of-Country Coverage for eligible active employees is changing effective July 1, 2016.

Currently, the Emergency Out-of-Country coverage for those actively employed is provided through Medavie Blue Cross.   Effective July 1, 2016, the new provider will be Sun Life.  

This change is coming about as a result of an RFP marketing to source providers for McMaster University’s benefits programs.  An implementation process to transfer the Emergency Out-of-Country benefit for eligible active faculty and staff from Medavie Blue Cross to Sun Life is underway.  In early June, faculty and staff who are eligible for this benefit will be provided with the details of the Emergency Out-of-Country plan including the policy number and the phone number to call for assistance in an emergency.  Details will also be made available at

If you are planning to travel outside of Ontario in later June or early July, be sure to contact your Human Resources Representative if you have any questions.  Claims resulting from medical emergencies that happen on or before June 30, 2016 will be managed by Medavie Blue Cross for the duration of the claim until completion.  Any claims for emergencies that happen on or after July 1, 2016 will be managed by Sun Life.

For more info:

Special General Membership Meeting (Unit 2) re:/ Professional Development Fund

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We have previously noted that Local 3906 would be hosting a sessionals only Special Membership Meeting to discuss the current state, and future of, the Unit 2 Professional Development Fund (the PDF).
This important meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 29th at noon in MUSC 311/13.
Our benefits officer will be presenting a full overview of the state of the Fund, and will be providing options for members to vote on to determine how they wish to proceed with the Fund on a go-forward basis.  A copy of these options will be sent out on Monday. Your attendance at this meeting is vital, as the fund belongs to the members, and it is important that you are able to structure the fund in a way that best suits your needs.  This benefit is something that all sessionals can access, and we want to ensure that all sessionals can provide input into the way in which the benefit is operationalized.
This meeting is open only to Unit 2 members, that is, those employed as sessional faculty or hourly-rated music sessional faculty.
If you have any questions, please contact Kirk (your benefits officer) at