Unit 2 Bargaining- Now Underway

Brad WalchukUncategorized

This is it! Unit 2 bargaining began yesterday and continues today! Your duly-elected Bargaining Team has been working hard over the last several weeks to put together a package of proposals that reflects your priorities as a membership. This morning, we’ll have our first chance to present those proposals in person to the university’s negotiators.

You’re going to continue to hear from us – in person, via email, and through our direct mailers – as this process unfolds. If we’re going to win the Collective Agreement that Sessional Faculty at this university deserve, we all need to be pulling together, and that begins with making sure that all our members have up-to-date, accurate information about what’s going on at the bargaining table.

We also need to keep hearing from you. To that end, we will be inviting you all to participate in a few Quick Bargaining Surveys. These surveys will be just a few questions long and will help to clarify where our members stand on various employment issues.

Bargaining Support Team Now In Action!

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We would first like to thank the Sessional Faculty who attended the Unit 2 Bargaining Support Luncheon yesterday – it was a chance to discuss the role of Bargaining Support as presented by the President, Graham Baker, and to meet the Bargaining Team, including the two Staff Reps, who graciously took time away from their busy bargaining schedule and joined us for lunch.

We now have a Bargaining Support Team (and are still looking for others to join as things progress), and we would like to congratulate Frances Lasowski for being acclaimed the Bargaining Support Chair – Thank you Fran and congratulations!

Once again, a big THANK YOU! to the new members of the Bargaining Support Team for their commitment to this round of negotiations with the employer.

If you’re interested in joining the bargaining support team (with a time commitment that is flexible to your schedule and responsibilities that you’re comfortable with), don’t hesitate to contact our Unit 2 Bargaining Mobilizer, Amarjeet.

General Membership Meeting- July 17th at noon

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).   All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes.

Our next GMM will be held on MondayJuly 17th at noon in Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B104

Agenda items will include
: election of delegates to CUPE National Convention and OFL Convention, updates on Unit 2 Bargaining, notice of motion for union dues adjustment for Unit 3.

As usual, there will be free lunch and childcare costs to attend the meeting can be reimbursed.  If you have any additional question, don’t hesitate to e-mail staff@cupe3906.org

In solidarity, Graham Baker- President

Bargaining Support–Free Luncheon July 11th!

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Dear Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty),

We would like to extend an invitation to you for a Special (Free) Union Luncheon on Tuesday, July 11th at Noon at the Phoenix so as to set up the Bargaining Support Committee for this round of Unit 2 negotiations. At this luncheon meeting, two co-chairs of the Bargaining Support Committee will be elected as per our By-Laws.

We are addressing this invitation to all our Unit 2 members, including those members who were at the Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM) and those of you with whom we have met in person over the past weeks who have indicated an interest in chatting about the possibility of being a member of the Bargaining Support Committee. The Bargaining Support Committee is an integral and fundamental part of the Union’s Bargaining Process and, among other things, provides support as needed to the Bargaining Team.

    So please join us (even if you’re not sure if you want to commit to joining the committee) and please do RSVP to Toni Xerri, our member mobilizer at tjx@cupe3906.org by the end of the week so we can reserve enough room. Looking forward to meeting you!

Summer Update for Unit 2 Sessionals

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Welcome to summer! For those of you who are just finishing teaching a course in May and June, your Records of Employment (ROEs) should be uploaded to Service Canada by the middle of this week.  These are needed for those of you who are planning on applying for Employment Insurance. You can apply now, but payment won’t be processed until after the Employer has uploaded your ROE. Under recent changes to EI, it is possible to continue working and still collect a portion of your EI payment, depending upon how much your work has been reduced. We always advise you to apply after your contract ends.
For those of you earning the base rate and teaching a class with more than 75 student, your last pay stub should reflect an additional supplementary payment of $5.75 per student for each student above 75.  If you taught a class with more than 75 students, please confirm that this additional supplement has been paid (and contact us if you haven’t received it).
If you have incurred professional development costs, we encourage you to apply to our Professional Development Fund by the end of July.  Also, you still have access to Health Care Spending and Dental Spending until the end of August, when 2016-17 coverage expires.
Finally, we strongly encourage you to fill out our collective bargaining survey. This is an important way to ensure that your voice is heard in your union’s collective bargaining proposals.  Our first days of bargaining with the Employer are on July 19 and 20.  Please e-mail staff@cupe.org and we’ll send you the secure link.
You will also be receiving a specific email for you to be able to set up a time to talk one-on-one with Toni Xerri, our unit 2 mobilizer, to give us some more in-depth feedback about collective bargaining this summer.
If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.

General Membership Meeting- TODAY at 1 p.m.

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Just a final reminder that our June General Membership Meeting is happening today at 1 p.m. in KTH B104.  The agenda will include a motion to make a donation to the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre, a motion to send members to the Coalition of Graduate Student Employee Unions, and the election of an undergraduate officer.

At noon, our sessionals will be meeting, also in KTH B104, to ratify our bargaining proposals for this round of collective bargaining.

General Membership Meeting- June 20th at 1:00 p.m. KTH B104

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).

All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes.

Our next GMM will be held on TuesdayJune 20th at 1:00PM in Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B104

Agenda items will include
: report-backs from conference delegates and an update on Unit 2 Bargaining; as well as the following elections:

  • Undergraduate Officer

We continue to canvass the membership for volunteers to get involved with Bargaining Support in anticipation of negotiations toward a new Collective Agreement for Unit 2 members, which have officially begun as of May 4th.

As usual, there will be free lunch and childcare costs to attend the meeting can be reimbursed. Have Questions? E-mail: Staff@cupe3906.org

In solidarity, Graham Baker, President


Administrative Coordinator Posting

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We’re hiring a temporary administrative coordinator position to cover a leave of absence for a staff member who is working with CUPE National.

This part-time position is scheduled for five months, beginning on July 15th and ending on December 15th. The posting can be found here.

Please apply, and direct any questions, to VP Sarah Wahab.

International Member Craft Night- Weds June 7th

Brad WalchukUncategorized

CUPE 3906 International Committee and iGSA are happy to invite you to join us in “Crafting Night for International members”. We will provide crafting materials (it will be a surprise), food and snacks and YOU WILL PROVIDE ideas, hands, fingers, eyes, fun, patience, etc. We will make some awesome paintings, origami, puzzles, ornaments, and much more. We believe that this is a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures, make new friends and make something by yourself.
WEDNESDAY JUNE 7th 5-8 PM in ABB 273
Please use the link below to register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/international-craft-night-tickets-34928070800
If you have any other ideas or you want to bring some personal crafting material please let us know and you are more than welcome to do so.
We hope to see you there!

Upcoming General Membership Meeting and Unit 2 Notice to Bargain

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Dear Members,

The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).

All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes.

    Our next GMM will be held on Tuesday, May 23rd 12:00PM (Noon) in Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B104

    Agenda items will include: approval of several new policies; announcement and presentation of TA Awards and the Mike Skinner Award; update on Unit 2 Bargaining; as well as the following elections:

  • Equity Officer

    We continue to canvass the membership for volunteers to get involved with Bargaining Support in anticipation of negotiations toward a new Collective Agreement for Unit 2 members, which have officially begun as of May 4th.

    As usual, there will be free lunch and childcare costs to attend the meeting can be reimbursed.

UNIT 2 Notice to Bargain 

Did you know?  CUPE 3906 President Graham Baker served Notice to Bargain for Our Unit 2 Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty (HRSMF)!

We will be negotiating with the Employer throughout the summer months to improve conditions for Sessional Faculty and HRSMF here at McMaster, but we need your help!  If you are a Unit 2 member, please fill out our Bargaining Survey and attend our meetings to have your say about your Collective Agreement!  All members of the Union are welcome and encouraged to support and show solidarity with Sessional Faculty and HRSMF by joining the Bargaining Support Committee.  For more information, please contact staff@cupe3906.org or tjx@cupe3906.org.