CUPE Statement on Ontario Colleges Strike

Brad WalchukUncategorized

You may have read in the news over the last few days of the possibility for job action on the part of academic workers represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) at Ontario’s colleges. ***editor’s update: as of 9:15 p.m. on Oct 15, OPSEU has stated that the Employer has rejected the union’s final offer and that a strike is on***

While there is still time for the parties to agree to a settlement, our faculty colleagues at Mohawk College and other institutions are preparing to walk off the job beginning tomorrow morning. The union has advised us as that there may be picketing on the McMaster Campus as well. Below are a few instructions and reminders about this potential work stoppage that we have received from our employer that we feel need to be shared with our members (see also this news bulletin).

But before we do, let me say, without equivocation, that your union fully and totally supports these workers in their fight for improved job security, a fair workload, and academic freedom for college instructors. As you well know from the last few months of sessional faculty bargaining here at McMaster, their fight is also our fight. The instructors at Mohawk and elsewhere are looking for a fair deal, one that will allow them to do their jobs with the dignity and security that they, and you, deserve.

First class teaching shouldn’t get second class treatment. Not here. Not at Mohawk.

That being said, please be reminded of the following:

For those individuals employed by McMaster and teaching a class:

– If you are teaching a class at a McMaster site you should continue to instruct classes as scheduled.

– If you are teaching a class at a college site you are likely to have that class cancelled by the College. Under this circumstance, McMaster employees will not lose pay because the College has cancelled the class. Department Chairs will coordinate with individuals to reallocate time or duties, as may be appropriate, within the parameters of their appointment.

– In some instances, the College may propose an alternate location for a class. McMaster must review and approve these proposed alternate locations prior to the classes being relocated. McMaster faculty are not obliged to teach in these alternate locations. Please contact the union right away if the College requests you teach in an alternate location.

For those individuals employed by McMaster and teaching a lab:

– If you are teaching a lab at a McMaster site you should continue to instruct classes as scheduled.

– If you are teaching a lab at a College site that is still open you will likely be instructed to teach labs as scheduled.

Please note: McMaster employees are not required to perform the duties of striking College employees. If you are approached with a request to perform the work of a striking College faculty member, please contact the union right away.

If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

In solidarity,

Graham Baker, President, CUPE 3906

Office Access- Oct 1 to Oct 5

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Our office *may* be closed intermittently this week due to staff and some leadership attending the CUPE National convention. Our administrator is in, but may have to step out from time to time. If it’s important, please call in advance.

And while you’re reading this, be sure to check out one of our #BetterMac videos in support of Unit 2 bargaining.

Get on the FREE bus to Take Back the Night!

Mary Ellen CampbellUncategorized

Dear Members,

Stand up for women’s and gender non-binary rights!  March with the Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton and Area, McMaster, UNIFOR 5555 and our CUPE 3906 Equity Action Committee in the annual Take Back the Night march:

There is a free bus leaving from McMaster at 5:30 P.M. For more information, click here!

General Membership Meeting- September 26th at 5:00 p.m.

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).

All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes.

Our next GMM will be held next week on Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM in Burke Science Building (BSB) 105.

Agenda items will include: approval of the 2017-18 budget; approval of funds for Unit 3 informational materials; updates on Unit 2 Bargaining; as well as the following elections:

  • Unit 2 Bargaining Team Note-taker
  • Unit 2 Chief Steward
  • Delegates to the Hamilton and District Labour Council

As usual, there will be a free dinner and childcare costs to attend the meeting can be reimbursed.

Have questions? Email

Bargaining Update- #BetterMac Campaign

Brad WalchukUncategorized

As you make your way around campus, you’re likely to see our #BetterMac campaign, designed to secure meaningful increases though collective bargaining for Sessional Faculty, including job security, improved benefits, and fair wages. We’re expecting to be back at the bargaining table with the Employer in early October.

In the meantime, hear why these issues matter to two of your colleagues in our two short #BetterMac videos, featuring Jessica Foran from the Social Sciences Faculty and David Gerry from the School of the Arts. Click on the links!

If you’re interested in participating more in the #BetterMac campaign or you’d like to share your story as Jessica and David have, please contact Amarjeet at

Alternatively, if you’d like a poster for your office door, please swing by KTH B111, or let us know where your office is and we’ll deliver it.

Finally, while we hope that increased benefits are entitlements are available soon after we secure a new collective agreement, your currents benefits and entitlements can be found on our website.

Have questions? Email

In solidarity for a #BetterMac for Sessional Faculty,

Graham Baker, President, CUPE 3906

#BetterMac Profile- Dr. David Gerry

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Meet Dr. David Gerry, a Sessional in School of the Arts.

He’s taught at McMaster University for about 30 years, has acquired a few advanced degrees in that time (including a PhD), been recognized by the Grammys (yes, you read that correctly), won a McMaster Students Union (MSU) teaching award, but has “no more job security now than when I began.” It’s time for a #BetterMac

Have a look at this video to hear from David what a #BetterMac means to him and why creating one is important.

Welcome (Back)- 2017-18

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Welcome back to the thousands of amazing 3906 members who are back for another year, and a hearty welcome to the hundreds of new 3906 members joining our union. Our week began with the Annual Labour Day Parade in Hamilton. What a time!

We’re pleased to have negotiated wage increases for Unit 1 (TAs/RAs in lieu) and for Unit 3 (Post-Docs) that became effective as of September 1st. We also have an updated dental plan for unit 1 members, a new Health Care Spending Account for Post-Docs, and an expanded Professional Development Fund for Post-Docs. Information on these gains will be sent separately. Additional gains for Unit 2 members (Sessionals) will be announced at the conclusion of the bargaining process.

It was great meeting with thousands of you over the past week. Our first General Membership Meeting (or GMM) of the year will take place in late September. Stay tuned for details.

All-in-all, it was a busy week and we look forward to continuing to serve needs of our roughly 3000 members over the 2017-18 academic year.



Unit 2 Sessional Faculty Pledge

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Over on our bargaining specific site ( we have a pledge that we’re asking all Unit 2 (sessionals) to sign. It asks to you urge the administration to stabilize your employment conditions by significantly improving job security through strengthening First Consideration rights, and to recognize the value of your work and bargain in good faith on your wages and to make your benefits sustainable and affordable for members.

We value your support, and the only way to an improved collective agreement is through an engaged and supportive membership!