Unit 2 Bargaining- Conciliation- Nov 21 and 22

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Your elected Bargaining Team has secured two dates with a provincial conciliation officer (November 21st and 22nd) as we continue to bargain for a new Collective Agreement for Sessional Faculty. We are confident that, with the province’s help, we can reach a deal with the Employer’s negotiators that will represent a #BetterMac for our members and for the community as a whole. Our position heading into these talks is even stronger thanks to the strike mandate we received from you some weeks ago. As always, we will keep you posted as events unfold. In the meantime, you may be hearing from our mobilizer Amarjeet with an invitation to participate in various actions around campus.

Questions??? staff@cupe3906.org 


General Membership Meeting- Wednesday November 15

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Members,
The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).   

All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes. 

Our next GMM will be held next week on WednesdayNovember 15th at 5:00PM in the Burke Science Building (BSB), Room B136.
Agenda items will include: notice of upcoming changes to the Local’s Bylaws, discussion around the institution of a Unit 2 teaching award, and well as the following elections:
  • Vice President – External
  • Health and Safety Committee Seats
  • Delegates to the Hamilton and District Labour Council
As usual, there will be a free dinner and childcare costs to attend the meeting can be reimbursed.
Have questions? Email staff@cupe3906.org
In solidarity,
Graham Baker, President, CUPE 3906

Allegations of EI Overpayment

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Members (especially Sessionals), if you have received a notice from Service Canada alleging an overpayment of EI funds and a request to pay them back, please contact your union immediately as a reporting error may be to blame.

Campus Dentist Update- They’ve Unionized and Want a Fair Agreement

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Members,
We’re writing with some news about the Campus Dentist, which we know many of you use for cleanings and other dental work.
About 8 months ago, the staff at the Campus Dentist voted to unionize with the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW). Since then, they have been trying to negotiate a first contract with their employer (i.e. the dentists themselves, backed up by the Ontario Dentists Association) with little success. From what we’ve been told, the employer has been intransigent throughout the process, refusing to meet regularly and digging in on every issue. Talks have not been going well, to put it mildly.
The conditions these workers – hygienists, assistants, and receptionists – are facing in their jobs are unacceptable. Two particularly galling examples of employer mistreatment that we’ve been told about are the fact that hygienists in particular are paid only for contact time, which means that they are paid only for the time it takes to perform a cleaning and not for the prep or paperwork that accompanies it, a fairly egregious example of wage theft. In addition to this, the workers at this office don’t have decent benefits, including a viable dental plan. This is worth repeating: the dentist’s staff doesn’t have access to a good dental plan!
The union has let us know that there will be some leafleting taking place this week (the leaflet is attached to this email), potentially beginning today. So if you happen to be in student centre, stop by and show your support for these folks! And if you have an appointment this week, be sure to tell your hygienist, assistant, or the person who greets you at the desk, that you appreciate their hard work.
In solidarity,
Graham Baker, President, CUPE 3906

Strike Vote Results

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Members,

We would like to thank you for coming out to our strike mandate vote meeting on Tuesday evening and for dropping by one of polling stations over the last few days to provide your union’s elected bargaining team with a clear strike vote mandate. Thanks as well to the volunteers who staffed polling stations and acted as scrutineers.

We feel both heartened and empowered by the support that a 78% ‘YES’ result represents. The support that the Union’s membership has shown to it’s elected bargaining team demonstrates a high level of engagement and a real commitment of your desire to secure strengthened job security, an improved workload, improved benefits, and fair wages that are in line with what Sessionals at other top universities in Ontario earn. Having heard the collective voice of our membership, we are even more confident in our ability to bargain a fair Collective Agreement for a #BetterMac.

Be reminded as well that a successful strike vote mandate does not mean that we are on strike, nor does it mean that a strike is imminent! Rather, you have empowered the bargaining team to call a strike should no further progress be made at the table. There are, in addition, a number of steps in the legal process around strikes/lockouts in the province of Ontario that would need to be followed before such a decision could be contemplated.

The next step is conciliation, a process that we have already initiated through the Ontario Ministry of Labour. As always, we will continue to keep you updated on the progress of negotiations.

In solidarity,

Graham Baker, President

Strike Vote- Dates, Times, and Locations

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The vote will be discussed at a Special General Membership Meeting on the evening of Tuesday, October 24th in the Arthur N. Bourns Building (ABB), Room 165. The information begins at 5 p.m. with a vote to follow. You will have a chance to hear from the Bargaining Team and ask any questions, or voice any concerns, that you might have about the bargaining process, conciliation, or the strike mandate vote.

The voting will open immediately following the meeting on the 24th.

Voting will then continue until Friday, October 27th from 8:00AM to 7:00PM according to the following schedule:

Wednesday, October 25th: The Lobbies of Mills and Thode Library + the Main Floor of the Degroote School of Business

Thursday, October 26th: The Lobbies of Mills and Thode Library + the Main Floor of the Degroote School of Business

Friday, October 27th: The main floor of the Engineering Technology Building (ETB)

Unit 2 Bargaining Bulletin #3- October 21, 2017

Brad WalchukUncategorized

As you know, Unit 2 (Sessionals) are holding a strike vote from October 24 to 27. Here is our 3rd bargaining bulletin, which provides members with important updates of the (lack of) progress made at the bargaining table this fall. It shows the current language, your union’s latest proposal, and the Employer’s latest proposal. The Employer’s latest proposal fails to address any of our priorities is a meaningful way, and that’s why your elected bargaining team is encouraging a “yes” vote in the upcoming strike mandate.

CUPE 3906 Unit 2 (Sessionals) Strike Vote

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Members,

Your elected bargaining team met yesterday to discuss the Employer’s most recent proposals and to evaluate where we are in the negotiation process. Given the lack of movement we have seen on the issues that you have identified as priorities – including fair wags, job security, workload, and benefits – the team has decided (1) to file for conciliation with the Ministry of Labour and (2) to call for a strike mandate vote.

Let me briefly explain both of these decisions in turn. As to the first, filing for conciliation refers to the process whereby one of the parties in a negotiation (the Union, in this case) requests that the Ministry of Labour for the province of Ontario assign a conciliation officer – a mediator, essentially – to meet with the parties and help them to reach an agreement. The conciliator is not an arbitrator, and their decisions and recommendations are not binding. They are there to help the conversation along. Your union has found this to be a very helpful and productive process in the past and we are confident that it will assist in these negotiations as well.

As to the second, while we remain resolute in our belief that we can continue to hold to your priorities and get a fair deal for sessional faculty, we are at the point where we really need your help to do it. There is a time in the bargaining process where words at the table will not suffice. The Employer (and the conciliation officer) needs to see that the members are truly behind their bargaining team.

        This is why we are taking a Strike Mandate Vote, beginning on Tuesday, October 24th beginning after our 5 p.m. information meeting.

A strong strike vote will empower the bargaining team with a clear mandate and will help to get these negotiations moving again. It is important to note, though, that a successful strike mandate vote does not mean that we are automatically going on strike. Rather, it gives the Bargaining Team the ability to call a strike later on in the process as a matter of last resort. While this is the last vote that will be taken before the end of these negotiations, we will – as always – continue to consult with membership to help us decide what next steps to take.

The vote will be discussed at a Special General Membership Meeting on the evening of Tuesday, October 24th in the Arthur N. Bourns Building (ABB), Room 165. The information begins at 5 p.m. with a vote to follow. You will have a chance to hear from the Bargaining Team and ask any questions, or voice any concerns, that you might have about the bargaining process, conciliation, or the strike mandate vote.

         The voting will open immediately following the meeting on the 24th.

         Voting will then continue until Friday, October 27th from 8:00AM to 7:00PM according to the following schedule:

Wednesday, October 25th: The Lobbies of Mills and Thode Library + the Main Floor of the Degroote School of Business

Thursday, October 26th: The Lobbies of Mills and Thode Library + the Main Floor of the Degroote School of Business

Friday, October 27th: The main floor of the Engineering Technology Building (ETB)

All sessional faculty and hourly-rated sessional music faculty working this semester are eligible to vote. Sessional faculty who have worked within the last two terms are also eligible, as are those sessional faculty with a contract for an upcoming term. These members will have their ballots sequestered. In any case, all you need to bring to the vote is photo ID (though it is helpful if you bring a copy of your Letter of Appointment for this term or an upcoming term, or proof of employment for a past term, in case we do not have you on our current membership list).

The participation of our membership has been and continues to be crucial to the bargaining process. Do not hesitate to contact the staff if you have any questions or concerns leading up to the SGMM or the vote. Our Member Mobilizer, Amarjeet, can be reached at aka@cupe3906.org or by phone at 416 856 9587Please also visit the campaign website for more information on our proposals and for a Strike Vote FAQ.

In solidarity for a #BetterMac,

Graham Baker, President

on behalf of the CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Bargaining Team


Solidarity with College Faculty and the push for a #BetterMac

Brad WalchukUncategorized

An update on the job action by college faculty in Ontario represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU):

First, these workers are officially on strike as of 12:01 this morning. Picket lines have gone up on campuses all over the province, including a (for now) information-only picket on the McMaster campus for Mohawk faculty who also teach here.

The picket line is near the Main St. entrance to the main campus. We would encourage you to stop by at some point this week to greet your colleagues and lend your support. You may also consider sending an online letter of support. Remember: their fight is also our fight!

To that end, your elected bargaining team has also been busy this past week as we continue to try to reach an agreement with the employer. Many outstanding issues have now been settled, including updates to pregnancy and parental and other forms of leaves, and clarifications around the way grievances are handled for this unit. Unfortunately, after multiple meetings with the employer’s negotiators over the last two weeks, we have seen no movement on the issues that you have identified as priorities. McMaster’s bargaining team has not signalled any willingness to make any serious improvements to wages or benefits and they have flatly refused to entertain the possibility of even modest improvements to job security (i.e. to extend first consideration appointments any further beyond their current length).

We will stay at the table, but negotiations are approaching an impasse. Your bargaining team will meet tomorrow morning to evaluate the employer’s most recent proposals and decide on next steps. As always, we will continue to keep you updated. In the meantime, please sign the pledge stating your support of the team!

In solidarity for a #BetterMac,
Graham Baker, President, CUPE 3906