We Support Postal Workers – outgoing mail delayed

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We support striking postal workers!! Please be patient during the strike – our outgoing mail, some steward honorarium cheques and professional development cheques, will be on hold until the strike has been resolved. Solidarity with all those who are fighting for good jobs.

A group of people walk outside, wearing signs that say "C.U.P.W on STRIKE."

General Membership Meeting – November 21st

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Your local is holding our monthly General Membership Meeting (or GMM) on Thursday November 21st at 2 p.m. The meeting will be held remotely via zoom. Registration is required by 9 a.m. on November 21st – the registration link is below. Please use your McMaster email when registering.
We will be electing a new Health and Safety Officer at the conclusion of the meeting, and nominations and a Question and Answer session for candidates will occur at the meeting. You can also self-nominate for the position in advance of the meeting by contacting staff@cupe3906.org 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please check your McMaster email for the registration link.
We hope to see you there

General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Thursday, November 21st at 2 PM

leadstewardreslife3906 Uncategorized

Dear CUPE 3906 Members,

Your union is having it’s next General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Thursday, November 21st at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held remotely via Zoom.

General Membership Meetings (GMMs) are an opportunity to engage with and vote on the actions of CUPE 3906, because the union is you!

Register in advance for the meeting here or reach out to us at staff@cupe3906.org. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

For more information about GMMs and to access our Rules of Order, click here.

We hope to see you there!

General Membership Meeting (or GMM) on Tuesday, October 22nd at 1 pm

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Dear CUPE Members,
Your union is having it’s next General Membership Meeting (or GMM) on Tuesday, October 22nd at 1 pm. The meeting will be held remotely via Zoom. You can find the registration link below (please register by 9 am on October 22nd to ensure your registration is approved).
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Oct 22, 2024 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting by checking the link in your McMaster email, or reach out to us: staff@cupe3906.org
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We hope to see you there!

IMPORTANT DENTAL COVERAGE information for Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty working in FALL 2024

Mary Ellen Campbell Uncategorized

If you are working as a Sessional Faculty or Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty Member (CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Member) this academic year (i.e., September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025), you will automatically be enrolled in the CUPE 3906 Unit 2 single dental coverage for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The cost of coverage for the upcoming year is:
Single: $170
Family: $726
The deduction for the cost of single coverage will be made from one of your pay cheques in October, 2024 (unless you successfully opt-out of coverage, in which case, no deduction will be made). We will update members as soon as possible with the specific deduction date.
Please see this important information letter about the coverage, which includes information about opting out of the coverage and enrolling in family coverage2024-2025-dental-letter-u2-members.pdf (cupe3906.org)
The deadline to submit change-of-status (i.e., opt-outs and family enrollments) for Unit 1 members working in the Fall 2024 term is September 30, 2024. No change of coverage forms will be accepted after the deadline. (Forms and relevant supporting documentation may be submitted via email to administrator@cupe3906.org.)
For more information, or to obtain copies of the dental coverage opt-out or family dental coverage enrollment forms, please visit https://cupe3906.org/sessionals-unit-2/unit-2-dental-coverage/
 *Note! Fall coverage blackout period: Claims that are submitted in September and October may be initially rejected by the insurance company even if you are eligible for dental benefits and are starting your TA or RA in lieu work in the Fall 2024 term. (This is the case for both new and returning Unit 1 members.) This is due to a payroll processing delay and administrative benefit enrollment period and has nothing to do with your eligibility.  If you are not receiving employment payment as TA/RA in lieu until the Winter and/or Spring/Summer 2025 term(s), you will not appear on Equitable Life’s eligibility list [and will have to submit your claims after you start working in the Winter or Spring/Summer term(s)].  If you meet the eligibility criteria and your claim is rejected outside of the coverage blackout period, please contact administrator@cupe3906.org.

IMPORTANT! Time-sensitive dental coverage information (including coverage opt-out and family coverage enrollment information)

Mary Ellen Campbell Uncategorized

If you are working as a Classification “A” (i.e., holding an undergraduate degree) TA or RA (in lieu) this academic year (i.e., September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025), you will automatically be enrolled in the CUPE 3906 Unit 1 single dental coverage for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The cost of coverage for the upcoming year is:
Single: $135
Family: $440
Please see this important information letter about the coverage, which includes information about opting out of the coverage and enrolling in family coveragehttps://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2024-2025-dental-letter-u1-members.pdf
The deadline to submit change-of-status (i.e., opt-outs and family enrollments) for Unit 1 members working in the Fall 2024 term is September 27, 2024. No change of coverage forms will be accepted after the deadline. (Forms and relevant supporting documentation may be submitted via email to administrator@cupe3906.org.)
For more information, or to obtain copies of the dental coverage opt-out or family dental coverage enrollment forms, please visit https://cupe3906.org/tas-unit-1/dental-plan/
*Note! TAs and RAs (in lieu) of TAs who do not hold undergraduate degrees at the time of their TA/RA (in lieu) appointment are not eligible for dental coverage, and therefore do not need to opt-out of dental coverage.
 *Note! Fall coverage blackout period: Claims that are submitted in September and October may be initially rejected by the insurance company even if you are eligible for dental benefits and are starting your TA or RA in lieu work in the Fall 2024 term. (This is the case for both new and returning Unit 1 members.) This is due to a payroll processing delay and administrative benefit enrollment period and has nothing to do with your eligibility.  If you are not receiving employment payment as TA/RA in lieu until the Winter and/or Spring/Summer 2025 term(s), you will not appear on Equitable Life’s eligibility list [and will have to submit your claims after you start working in the Winter or Spring/Summer term(s)].  If you meet the eligibility criteria and your claim is rejected outside of the coverage blackout period, please contact administrator@cupe3906.org.

CUPE 3906 Fall 2024 General Membership Meetings

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Upcoming General Membership Meetings 

Here are our proposed dates for Fall 2024:

  • September 18th
  • September 25th as a possible elections SGMM **tentative**
  • October 23rd – GMM (avoids reading week)
  • November 20th – GMM
  • December 11th – GMM (hopefully before people leave for the holidays)

All meetings will be run from 1 pm until approximately 3 pm and be held remotely, with the exception of the September 25th meeting (which will be in-person).

Woman Life Freedom Event–Today!

Mary Ellen Campbell Uncategorized

Venue: McMaster Student Centre (MUSC, 3rd Floor, 313)

DateAugust 15Thursday

Time: 4 pm – 6 pm

Organizer: Women and Gender Rights Committee (CUPE 3906)


Documentary Screening
Book Discussion
Panel Discussion
Q&A Session

*Please. register as soon as possible. If the event reaches full capacity, a waiting list will be available, and you will be notified if a spot becomes available due to cancellations.