Executive Statement in Support of Sex Workers’ Legal Challenge

president Uncategorized

On Monday, the Ontario Superior Court began hearing a challenge to the Protections of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA). The current challenge, undertaken by 25 sex workers and sex worker organization in Ontario, argues that PCEPA violates section 7 of the Charter. The CUPE 3906 Executive Committee stands in solidarity with sex workers in their fight for safer working conditions.

The current legal framework impacts sex worker’s access to safe working practices. While the sale of sexual services is legal under PCEPA, buying sexual services and advertising or communication for the purpose of selling sexual services are illegal. By criminalizing these aspects of sex work, workers have few options for vetting customers and negotiating terms. Further, the PCEPA has been criticized for conflating sex work with human trafficking and limiting sex worker autonomy and agency. Many sex workers also associate the current legal framework with police harassment, despite the sale of sexual services being legal under the current framework. This harassment, as well as the stigma surrounding this type of work, makes it difficult to take action when assault or a breach of terms occurs.

Sex workers rights are human rights!

In solidarity,

The Executive Committee of CUPE Local 3906

Expansion of Unit 2 Professional Development Fund

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Dear Unit 2 members,
Recently the benefits committee voted to implement the following change to the Professional Development Fund (PDF) upon receiving several suggestions from the membership. This expansion is due to gains that were secured through our most recent round of collective bargaining and would not have been possible without the support of the membership.
Starting September 1st 2022, the committee will begin accepting PDF applications for software and limited tech items. These items will be considered on a case by case basis by the committee in order to ensure fair and equal access to the fund. While we will consider each case individually on the merits of its own claim, and cannot consider hardware items such as laptops, items such as HDMI cables and stylus pens are an expense that has a reasonable chance to be approved. If you have questions about a specific claim, we would encourage you to reach out to our benefits officer prior to purchasing the item. In order to claim these items members will be required to
a) Certify that they have first reached out to their respective departments requesting access to the required items. Members will be required to fill out the following form FOUND HERE detailing the steps they took to access these resources. Failure to do so may result in a claim being rejected by the committee. (maybe insert here some language citing collective agreement for info purposes)
b) Provide a detailed explanation highlighting there relevance to their professional development. Failure to do so may result in a delay or refusal of an application.
Please note, certain Tech i.e. Laptops, tablets etc. and Software i.e. Grammarly etc. will remain ineligible at this time. The full list of ineligible items can be found here (https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2018/02/Ineligibility-PDF-Application-Updated-2018-1.pdf). Stylus pens, which have always been included, will remain items included under the fund.
The total individual entitlement under the funds remains the same. That is, Sessional Faculty are eligible for $200 per 3 unit course to a maximum of $1000 per academic year.  Subsequent sections of individual courses taught by Sessional Faculty will be eligible for a Professional Development award of $100 for the first additional section taught and $50 for each subsequent section taught (up to the maximum yearly entitlement).
Hourly Rated Music Faculty (HRSMF) eligibility will be calculated according to the unit calculations in Article 20.02 of the Unit 2 Collective Agreement (i.e., 1 student = 1 unit, or 1 Special Studies in Chamber Music = 1 unit). (For every 3 units taught, HRSMF will receive $200; subsequent units/students will be prorated.)
If you have questions about the eligibility of an item and would like clarification prior to purchase please contact Benefits@cupe3906.org

Dental Change of Coverage (Opt-Out and Family Enrolment) for the 2022-2023 Academic year and “Blackout” Period Reminder

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

The Dental Premium Rates for the 2022-2023 Academic Year have been settled.  There will be no increases this academic year for dental premiums.  Please see this important letter for dental rates and important information about opting out of dental coverage or enrolling in family dental coverage: 2022-2023-Dental-Letter-U2-Members.pdf
CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Members (Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty, excluding those employed by the Faculty of Health Science) are automatically enrolled in CUPE 3906 dental coverage each academic year (based on Unit 2 employment status during the academic year).

We are now accepting family dental enrolments for Unit 2 members working in the Fall 2022 term.  The form to enroll in family dental coverage is now available on our website: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/CUPE-3906-Unit-2-Family-dental-enrolment-2022_2023.pdf

We are also accepting dental opt-outs for the 2022-2023 Academic year for Unit 2 members working in the Fall 2022 Term.

Members can elect to opt-out of the coverage if they have comparable coverage (e.g., with a spouse or a parent).  (Please note that GSA coverage does not count as eligible alternate coverage for the purpose of opting-out.)  Members must submit Proof of alternate coverage (with your name on it) with a completed opt-out form for their opt-out to proceed.  To view what constitutes proof of alternate coverage, please click here: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2020/09/PROOF-OF-ALTERNATE-COVERAGE-FOR-OPTING-OUT-OF-CUPE-3906-DENTAL-PLAN.pdf

For a copy of the Unit 2 Dental Opt-Out Form, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/2022-2023-Dental-OPT-OUT-FORM-U2.pdf

The deadline for all Fall 2022 change of coverage forms and supporting documentation for Unit 2 members working in the Fall 2022 term will be October 1st, 2022.  Please submit your change of coverage forms to: administrator@cupe3906.org.

Please note that you must enroll in family dental coverage or opt-out of dental coverage every academic year in which you are working as a Unit 2 member if you do not wish to default (and be charged for) single dental coverage.

Please note: All eligible members may experience a delay in their receipt of dental reimbursements for eligible claims made in September and October.  This is due to a coverage blackout/re-enrolment period over which we have no control.  If you will be an eligible member heading to the dentist in September or October, please obtain a copy of a completed standard claim form (with tooth surface and procedural codes) from your dentist for reimbursement once the blackout/enrollment period is over. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

For more general information about CUPE 3906 Unit 2 dental coverage, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/sessionals-unit-2/unit-2-dental-coverage/

Expansion of Healthcare Benefits for Sessional Faculty

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

On September 21st the Benefits Committee met to review suggested changes to expand the Unit 2 health care spending account benefits provided to us. These benefits are secured through collective bargaining. Thanks to the hard work of the Unit 2 Bargaining Team and the support you showed to them through the bargaining process, we are pleased to announce that these suggested changes were approved and that benefits entitlements have been expanded for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Previously, the Unit 2 Health Care Spending Account provided a reimbursement of 80% up to $500 in claims, meaning that each member was entitled to up to a maximum reimbursement of $400 per academic year.

The Unit 2 Health Care Spending account maximum has been increased to $500 without any ‘co-pay.’ This means that members can now claim 100% of the costs for eligible expenses up to a max of $500 per academic year. Please note that this is subject to change at anytime due to unforeseen circumstances. Members who have already submitted claims for this academic year (September 1st onward) may submit an additional claim to be reimbursed for any outstanding balance up to the maximum allowed. If you have questions please contact

administrator@cupe3906.org or benefits@Cupe3906.org

You can find more information about the fund here: https://cupe3906.org/sessionals-unit-2/unit-2-benefits/

Unit 1 and Unit 3 Bargaining Update

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

On September 26, Teaching Assistants will head back to the table with McMaster for the first time in a month. We expect to meet several times over the next two weeks, with Postdoctoral Fellows slated to return to the table on October 5 and 6. Expect more updates soon, but in the meantime, it’s worth recapping where we’re at so far.

What are we asking for?

What is the university’s response?

Wage increases that help TA’s and Postdocs get ahead, rather than falling further behind. 

No response.

Enhanced and expanded benefits, including reproductive health funds and leaves. 

No response.

Protections against future tuition increases in the form of a reimbursement, like they have at U of Ottawa and Carleton.

No response.

Equal pay for equal work for Undergraduate TA’s.

No response.

Expanded TA training program, offering more paid opportunities to further enhance teaching excellence.

No response.

Extended work guarantees for graduate students, like they have at U of Toronto, York, and Carleton.


A modest, portable retirement savings program for Postdocs, like they have at Waterloo, TMU, and Ontario Tech U.

No. 35 years old on average is “too young” to be worried about that.”

McMaster’s Institutional Priorities and Strategic Framework lists “inclusive excellence,” “teaching and learning,” and “research and scholarship” among its top priorities. The university aspires to “be the go-to place for world-class researchers,” but the minimum salary for Postdoctoral Fellows is just $36,200/year. Every year, world-class researchers are actually being lost to other universities or to the private sector, while McMaster sits on its hands and refuses to talk about Postdoc compensation.

McMaster is also home to over 2,600 Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants-in-lieu, almost all of whom are graduate or undergraduate students. Our work is essential to the functioning of the university, and despite this, many of us struggle to cover basic needs like rent, groceries, and utilities. After we pay our tuition, which is a defacto condition of employment for most TAs, graduate TA’s are left earning roughly $16-19/hour, depending on our programs. Undergraduate TA’s earn approximately 40% less than graduate TA’s, for no good reason, aside from offering the university a source of discounted labour. There is also nothing to prevent future tuition increases from further eroding TA income on top of the damage already being done by once-in-a-generation inflation.

Everything that we’re asking for is about helping McMaster live up to its vision of “inclusive excellence” by making the university a better place to work and study. But we need your help. Every pay period that goes by without new Collective Agreements, essential academic workers at McMaster fall further and further behind the rising cost of living.

Please send a message of support to our bargaining teams. Share this update and your support for our priorities on social media with the hashtag #bettermac. We’re also calling on all members of the union to join the Bargaining Support Committee to organize and rally support behind our bargaining teams. If you haven’t done so yet, please sign the open letter calling on the university to Raise the Floor on graduate funding as well.

Our work is valuable. We deserve so much better than this.

IMPORTANT Dental Information for Members for the 2022-2023 Academic Year

Mary Ellen Campbell Uncategorized

Please see below for some *VERY IMPORTANT* Dental Change of Coverage (Opt-Out and Family Enrollment) for Units 1 and 2 and yearly “Blackout” Period Reminder for all members:

UNIT 1 TAs and RAs (in lieu of TAs): 
The Dental Premium Rates for the 2022-2023 Academic Year have been settled.  There will be no increases this academic year for dental premiums.  Please see this important letter for dental rates and important information about opting out of dental coverage or enrolling in family dental coverage: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/2022-2023-Dental-Letter-U1-Members.pdf
Classification “A” Unit 1 Members (i.e., TAs or RAs in lieu of TAs) holding an undergraduate degree) are automatically enrolled in CUPE 3906 dental coverage each academic year (based on Unit 1 employment status during the academic year).
We are now accepting family dental enrolments for Unit 1 members working in the Fall 2022 term.  The form to enroll in family dental coverage is now available on our website:https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/Fall-2022-U1-FAMILY-ENROLLMENT-FORM.pdf
We are also accepting dental opt-outs for the 2022-2023 Academic year for Classification “A” Unit 1 Members who are working as Unit 1 members in the Fall 2022 Term.
Members can elect to opt-out of the coverage if they have comparable coverage (e.g., with a spouse or a parent).  (Please note that GSA coverage does not count as eligible alternate coverage for the purpose of opting-out.)  Members must submit Proof of alternate coverage (with your name on it) with a completed opt-out form for their opt-out to proceed.  To view what constitutes proof of alternate coverage, please click here: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2020/09/PROOF-OF-ALTERNATE-COVERAGE-FOR-OPTING-OUT-OF-CUPE-3906-DENTAL-PLAN.pdf
For a copy of the Unit 1 Dental Opt-Out Form, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/Fall-2022-U1-Dental-Opt-Out-form.pdf
The deadline for all Fall 2022 change of coverage forms and supporting documentation for Unit 1 members working in the Fall 2022 term will be Monday, September 26th, 2022.  Please submit your change of coverage forms to: administrator@cupe3906.org.
Please note that you must enroll in family dental coverage or opt-out of dental coverage every academic year in which you are working as a Unit 1 Classification “A” member if you do not wish to default (and be charged for) single dental coverage.
Please note: All eligible members may experience a delay in their receipt of dental reimbursements for eligible claims made in September and October.  This is due to a coverage blackout/re-enrolment period over which we have no control.  If you will be an eligible member heading to the dentist in September or October, please obtain a copy of a completed standard claim form (with tooth surface and procedural codes) from your dentist for reimbursement once the blackout/enrollment period is over. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
For more general information about CUPE 3906 Unit 1 dental coverage, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/tas-unit-1/dental-plan/
Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty): 
The Dental Premium Rates for the 2022-2023 Academic Year have been settled.  There will be no increases this academic year for dental premiums.  Please see this important letter for dental rates and important information about opting out of dental coverage or enrolling in family dental coverage: 2022-2023-Dental-Letter-U2-Members.pdf (cupe3906.org)
CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Members (Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty, excluding those employed by the Faculty of Health Science) are automatically enrolled in CUPE 3906 dental coverage each academic year (based on Unit 2 employment status during the academic year).
We are now accepting family dental enrolments for Unit 2 members working in the Fall 2022 term.  The form to enroll in family dental coverage is now available on our website: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/CUPE-3906-Unit-2-Family-dental-enrolment-2022_2023.pdf
We are also accepting dental opt-outs for the 2022-2023 Academic year for Unit 2 members working in the Fall 2022 Term.
Members can elect to opt-out of the coverage if they have comparable coverage (e.g., with a spouse or a parent).  (Please note that GSA coverage does not count as eligible alternate coverage for the purpose of opting-out.)  Members must submit Proof of alternate coverage (with your name on it) with a completed opt-out form for their opt-out to proceed.  To view what constitutes proof of alternate coverage, please click here: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2020/09/PROOF-OF-ALTERNATE-COVERAGE-FOR-OPTING-OUT-OF-CUPE-3906-DENTAL-PLAN.pdf
For a copy of the Unit 2 Dental Opt-Out Form, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/501/2022/08/2022-2023-Dental-OPT-OUT-FORM-U2.pdf
The deadline for all Fall 2022 change of coverage forms and supporting documentation for Unit 2 members working in the Fall 2022 term will be October 1st, 2022.  Please submit your change of coverage forms to: administrator@cupe3906.org.
Please note that you must enroll in family dental coverage or opt-out of dental coverage every academic year in which you are working as a Unit 2 member if you do not wish to default (and be charged for) single dental coverage.
Please note: All eligible members may experience a delay in their receipt of dental reimbursements for eligible claims made in September and October.  This is due to a coverage blackout/re-enrolment period over which we have no control.  If you will be an eligible member heading to the dentist in September or October, please obtain a copy of a completed standard claim form (with tooth surface and procedural codes) from your dentist for reimbursement once the blackout/enrollment period is over. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
For more general information about CUPE 3906 Unit 2 dental coverage, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/sessionals-unit-2/unit-2-dental-coverage/
Unit 3 (Postdoctoral Fellows): 
The Dental Premium Rates for the 2022-2023 Academic Year have been settled.  There will be no increases this academic year for dental premiums.
Please note that all eligible members may experience a delay in their receipt of dental reimbursements for eligible claims made in September and October.  This is due to a coverage blackout/re-enrolment period over which we have no control.  If you will be an eligible member heading to the dentist in September or October, please obtain a copy of a completed standard claim form (with tooth surface and procedural codes) from your dentist for reimbursement once the blackout/enrollment period is over. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
For more general information about CUPE 3906 Unit 3 (Postdoctoral Fellow) dental coverage, please visit: https://cupe3906.org/postdocs-unit-3/dental-plan/

CUPE 3906 Presents: “Agitate, Educate, Organize!”

president Uncategorized

We are very excited to launch our long-awaited comic, produced by Petroglyph Studios. The comic, “Agitate, Educate, Organize!” tells the story of a Postdoc steward trying to convince his TA/Sessional Instructor friends to visit the picket line, where Postdocs are on strike for a pension. With this comic, we hope to share some of our issues in all three of our bargaining units with the wider university community, as well as spark a conversation about what it means to show up for one another, as students and academic workers alike continue to struggle against the increasing precarity of work in the neoliberal academy.

Click here to view and download a copy of “Agitate, Educate, Organize!”

A limited number of physical copies are also available in our off-campus office, so please swing by and pick one up!

Off-Campus Office Will Open Tuesday, August 2, 2022

president Uncategorized

In March 2020, we made the decision to close our campus office in KTH to protect one another from Covid-19. After several years of online meetings, preparations are underway for a return to more in person union activity. In an effort to restore more face-to-face connections between members of the union and its officers and staff in an environment we can control, CUPE 3906 has secured off-campus office space.

Beginning on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, the off-campus office at 1046 King St W will be open during the following hours: 10am-4pm, Monday-Thursday. These hours are subject to change.

Until further advised, masks will be mandatory for those visiting the office.

Members who are not comfortable or who cannot safely visit the office are encouraged to continue to contact the union over email. We will continue to meet with members virtually as necessary. If you need to connect with us virtually to submit benefits claims, file a grievance, or any other union business, instructions for doing so can be found here.

Sessional Faculty Strike Deadline Set for July 22

president Uncategorized

Sessional Faculty Strike Deadline Set for July 22

On June 27, the University’s negotiators requested that the Ministry of Labour start the countdown to a legal strike or lockout position after the Unit 2 Bargaining Team refused to accept the University’s latest proposal of a two-year, 1% per year agreement with no improvements to job security. It is not clear whether McMaster plans to lock Sessionals out, but because they’ve set this process in motion the Collective Agreement will have no legal effect as of Friday, July 22 unless a tentative agreement can be reached. This would mean continuing to work without the protection of the union, without access to the grievance procedure, and with no guarantee of ongoing access to benefits or anything else established by our Collective Agreement. In response, the Unit 2 Bargaining Team has had no choice but to a set a strike deadline of Friday, July 22. The Team has indicated to the employer its desire to continue to bargain, but based on the results of the strike vote and the many months of consultation with members about their priorities, the deal on the table now is simply unacceptable.

Unless a tentative agreement can be reached, Sessionals will be on strike as of July 22. Anyone continuing to work will be scabbing. “Scabbing” means performing work usually done by a striking worker. Scabbing does serious damage to the labour movement. It undermines the union’s ability to secure a strong Collective Agreement. Scabs will not have the protection of the union during a strike, and they could face sanctions by the union once a strike is resolved.

The Strike Committee has begun canvassing members for their availability for picket duties and is in the process of scheduling a town hall meeting where we can all come together to learn what’s at stake, ask questions, and voice our concerns. Please continue to monitor your inboxes for that information. In the meantime, please take a look at our Strike FAQ for more information. If you would like to get involved in planning the strike, please reach out to strikecochairs@cupe3906.org.

Members may want to begin discussing with their students the potential impacts a strike may have on them. To that end, members should review the University’s policy on the Rights and Responsibilities of Undergraduate Students During Work Stoppages That Substantially Disrupt Academic Activities. Members may also want to talk to full-time faculty in their departments about their right to refuse to perform struck work. Teaching Assistants and Postdocs may also be asked to scab in the event of a strike. As fellow members of CUPE 3906, their Collective Agreements protect them from being forced to perform struck work and the union expects them to respect Sessionals’ right to strike by refusing to scab.

Please consider sending a letter to the University to show your support for Sessionals.