The final pay for this term is December 31st. This date is later than usual, but the first pay was also later than usual. It is a simple reflection of the calendar and McMaster’s bi-weekly pay schedule. This final pay on December 31st represents what Service Canada refers to as an ‘interruption of earnings’ and should be the date you list …
Unit 2 (Sessionals) Bargaining Update
It has been a few long months of negotiation and research for our CUPE 3906 Unit 2 Bargaining Committee. As you have likely heard through our ongoing phone calls and personal emails, we left the table in August with a request for more detailed information from the Employer to draft proposals that comply with what is commonly referred to as …
Dental Change of Coverage Forms for U1 and U2 Members Working in the Winter 2022 Term Now Available
Dear Members, If you are a Classification “A” (i.e., holding an undergraduate degree) TA or RA (in lieu of TA) (Unit 1) Member or a Sessional Faculty or Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty (Unit 2) Member who is working in the Winter 2022 Term (and did not work as a CUPE 3906 Member in the Fall 2021 Term) and would …
Updates re/ classroom ventilation
We have been in regular contact with Facilities Services at McMaster, and they are doing or have already done the following as part of McMaster’s ventilation plan for teaching and non-teaching spaces. 1. Increase outside air/fresh air in all our main air handling systems as the system design and outdoor temperature permits 2. Replaced all return air filters with MERV 13 filters …
Happy Holidays from the Postdoc Stewards
Our amazing postdoc stewards wish you a happy and safe holiday season! Check our their holiday greeting below:
December Exam Update
***DECEMBER EXAM UPDATE *** Many universities have moved in-person exams online due to ongoing Omnicron concerns. We’ve inquired about the current state at McMaster, here is the response: “December 2021 exams were already scheduled to be online. Any exams that were scheduled to be in-person with an approved exception in undergraduate and graduate programs must move to online delivery. Campus …
End of Term Work Announcement- Contractual Obligations End December 24th
Congratulations!! You’ve reached the end of the semester and the end of your fall term TAship. While you will be getting one additional pay cheque (December 31st), your work obligations are over, regardless of whether you have any hours remaining from the Hours of Work form. This means that you are officially on vacation and cannot be compelled to perform TA …
Winter Break- Office Closure
Our office will be closed from December 18 till January 5. Please make sure to submit all forms before December 18! In case of emergency, you can contact and/or and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Non urgent inquires will be addressed after January 5th.
Successful Resolution to TA Training Grievance in the Faculty of Engineering
Your Union raised concern that some of our members (specifically, returning TAs in the Faculty of Engineering) were only being paid for two of the five paid hours of the new, university-wide 5-hour TA training that came into effect in September 2021 and filed a grievance to ensure payment for all members. The Letter of Understanding that instituted the new …
Inspiring International Student of the Year Award Winners Announced
We are delighted to announce Garima Sarkar (PhD Candidate in Political Science) & Samaneh Toufanian (Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering) as the recipients of the Inspiring International Student of the Year Award. Congratulations!
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