As many of you know, McMaster has conveyed their unwillingness to recognize out-of-province TAs as Unit 1 members even though online course and tutorial delivery have become standard in the context of COVID-19. Of course, this is despite the fact that it was them who advised students and non-essential workers to stay away from campus in the first place. We are continuing …
FREE CUPE 3906 Face Masks (non-medical)
Who wouldn’t want to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 while also supporting their union?! We have a number of these reusable, non-medical masks available for FREE to CUPE 3906 members. No need to worry about picking yours up from campus; we can send it in the mail. Complete our Face Mask Request Form to reserve your CUPE 3906 face mask while quantities last!
**IMPORTANT: Unit 1 Dental Plan Opt Out Information**
The following message applies to you and please pass this to fellow TAs in your departments if: a) you hold an undergraduate degree; and b) you hold a contract to work as a Unit 1 member in the Fall 2020 term. Please note that our dental opt-out forms and family dental enrollment forms are now available on our website at The dental opt-out and family dental …
Orientation Week- The Problems Have Already Started
It’s orientation week! Have you heard? McMaster University is telling graduate student TAs living outside of Ontario they are not eligible for membership in CUPE3906! Being excluded from the union puts these TAs at risk of losing important employee protections and benefits all TAs normally rely on. Click here to tell McMaster stop attacking TAs during a pandemic!! Have …
Unit 2 (Sessionals) Bargaining Update
After two weeks of negotiations with our Employer, the McMaster University Administration, we are disappointed to inform you that the parties have reached an impasse and we are seeking both the assistance of a government-appointed Conciliation Officer and a strike vote from our Unit 2 members. The Union and the Employer made some progress at the table over the past …