SunLife Health and Dental Plan

**NEW** SunLife Health and Dental Plan in effect as of September 1, 2023. During bargaining in 2022-23, your Union secured access to a vastly improved SunLife Health and Dental Plan which replaces the previous SunLife Health Plan and the previous Equitable Life Dental Plan.

A list of what is covered under the new plan (as well as a comparison to the previous plans) is available here. Many expenses that are not covered or not fully covered by the SunLife plan can be reimbursed through our Health Care Spending Account (which offers up to $450 in reimbursements per academic year).

Postdocs holding contracts of 12-months (or greater) are eligible for the plan. If your contract is less than 12-months, but you receive a contract extension such that your entire contract duration is 12-months (or greater), you are eligible for the plan from the date your contract was extended.

For Postdocs working a full-time equivalent of 50% or greater (that is, those working at least 17.5 hours per week), the plan is fully paid by the employer (meaning no cost to you) for both single coverage AND dependent coverage. For those working part-time hours (that is, fewer than 17.5 hours per week), there is a shared cost between you and the Employer (Full time equivalent between 26% and 49%: Health and Dental premium is 50% Employee paid and 50% Employer paid; Full time equivalent of 25% or less: Health and Dental premium is 75% Employee paid and 25% Employer paid).

In order to ensure that your dependents are covered, you will need to fill out a dependent enrollment form.

The SunLife benefits booklet is available here. More information about the plan is available here (general SunLife information from McMaster) and here (Postdoc-specific information).

You can register for the SunLife online portal by following the steps outlined here, and, once registered, you can access the online portal here. If you have general questions or a specific a question concerning a specific medical or dental claim, please call Sun Life at 1-800-361-6212. Your name, policy number (25018) and certificate number (employee ID number), which are shown on your Sun Life card should be provided. You may also email Sun Life at


Extended Health Claim Form

Dental Claim Form

Family Enrollment Form

Application for Extension of Out of Country Coverage Form

Qualification of Overage Dependent Form