Saturday July 23rd
Gage Park
Free food, kids rides & live music!
No pets or coolers.
For more info email
Free food, kids rides & live music!
No pets or coolers.
For more info email
There will be a
General Membership Meeting
June 28th
5:30 (free food at 5:00)
MUSC 311/313
Childcare reimbursement will be available.
Agenda Items Include:
Bylaw Amendments
Elections – Undergraduate Rep, Unit 2 Chief Steward
Bargaining Update
Free food and door prizes!
The nation-wide Canada Post lockout will affect the processing and delivery of your benefits in a variety of ways. Please read the following post carefully.
Equitable Life will continue to process Unit 1 (TA and RA in lieu) and Unit 3 (Post-doc) dental claims. The Prosure group will continue to process Unit 2 benefit claims and Unit 1 childcare. Both Equitable Life and Prosure have agreed to send benefits cheques to CUPE 3906 via courier. These cheques can be picked up at the CUPE 3906 office in the basement of Wentworth Hall.
We will try to notify members by email if a cheque is available for pick up. Members who are expecting a cheque are encouraged to email their up to date contact info to the benefits officer, Rebecca Strung, at
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers has indicated that there is a lot of mail in the system that will not be delivered. This means that benefits claims might be held up on route to Equitable life or Prosure. It also means that benefits cheques that were already mailed out may be stuck in the system. Members who recently submitted a claim should thus expect long delays. Inquiries about the status of a benefits claim should be directed to the benefits officer at
Please note that Unit 1 vision care and UHIP claims are being held until the end of August and will not be affected by the Canada Post lockout. Click here for more information.
Please feel free to contact Rebecca at or the CUPE office if you have any questions or concerns about how the Canada Post lockout will affect your benefits.
There will be a Special General Membership Meeting to discuss, and vote on, priorities that will inform our proposals for the upcoming round of negotiations with the University. Your contract will expire at the end of August, and your involvement in the process of bargaining a new one is essential to the process.
Make sure your voice is heard – Join us
June 16th – 4:00-6:00pm – MUSC 311/313
Free food will be available – Childcare costs are reimbursed on request.
If you have any questions please email
Hamilton Pride 2011 is happening from June 9th-19th.
Click here for a full schedule of events.
CUPE 3906 will be participating in the Women & Trans March on June 18th from 10-11am, meeting at the fountain in Gore Park downtown.
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers are currently engaged in a series of rolling strikes to protect against concessions to wages, pensions & benefits as well as to protect workers from health and safety concerns related to new technology.
Click here to find out ways you can support CUPW members in their fight.
Support signs can be picked up in the CUPE 3906 office in Wentworth House B108 (under The Phoenix).
Saturday June 4, 2011
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre (51 Stuart St)
Click here for more information.
Everyone deserves respect, protection and justice when faced with sexualized assault and harassment — no matter how we dress or express ourselves. There is too much evidence showing us that survivors of sexualized assault and harassment – usually women – are not only blamed for the abuse they suffer, but are often viewed as having invited it. Instead of dignity and a place to heal, survivors are often met with shame, blame and further oppression. No one deserves this.
Join us!
Sunday June 5th
Hamilton City Hall
RESIST against a culture in which rape is far too common – one in three Canadian women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime.
REFUSE to participate in victim blaming and woman hating.
REBEL against the idea that women can’t rock out.
A speaking tour featuring Amjad Barham of PFUUPE, Palestine and representative for the newly formed trade union Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS PTUC-BDS and Dr. Atif.A. Kubursi, Professor Emeritus in Economics at McMaster University
Tuesday May 24th, 6pm
BSB room 108
Free event
This is a reminder of the General Membership Meeting taking place
Wednesday May 18th
5:30pm (free food at 5:00)
MDCL 3024
Childcare reimbursement is available
Agenda items will include:
– Unit 3 bargaining team elections
– Election of Executive positions
– Election of Bargaining Support Co-Chairs
– Election of Reps to Hamilton and District Labour Council
– Ratification of a summary document of Unit 1 bargaining priorities
– By-law Amendments
– Motion for a committee on political endorsements