Membership ratifies tentative agreement

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

The Unit 1 membership has voted to ratify the tentative agreement reached in negotiations with McMaster for a new Unit 1 Collective Agreement.

Thanks to everyone for your hard work and support throughout the bargaining process, we wouldn’t have been able to reach this deal without the support of members from across campus.

Ratification Vote Times and Locations

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

We have reached a tentative agreement in the round of negotiations for a new contract between Unit 1 (TAs and RAs-in-lieu) and McMaster. Both sides are recommending ratification.

Details of the deal will be released at a Special General Membership Meeting open to all Unit 1 members. This meeting will take place
Monday, November 21
at 5:30pm
in BSB 137

Voting on ratification of the deal will commence at the end of the meeting.
Free food will be available at 5:00pm. Childcare is reimbursed on request.

Voting will continue
Tuesday, November 22
from 10:00am-5:00pm
in MUSC (at the entrance across from Mills Library)
Wednesday, November 23
from 10:00am-5:00pm
in Mills Library Lobby

A bargaining bulletin outlining the main points of the deal will be released after the SGMM. Questions will be answered at info sessions

Tuesday, November 22 and Wednesday November 23
from Noon-1:30pm
in Wentworth Lounge (beside The Phoenix)

Who can vote?
To be able to vote you need to be:
• working as a TA or RA-in-lieu in this term
• have worked as a TA or RA-in-lieu in either the Winter or Summer terms
• have a contract-in-hand for a TA or RA-in-lieu position in the upcoming term


We have a deal!

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

We have reached a tentative agreement with the Employer in Unit 1 bargaining. The agreement is being recommended for ratification by both sides.

The details of the agreement will be released at a Special General Membership Meeting on Monday evening, location to be announced ASAP.

The ratification vote will open at the end of the meeting and will continue over Monday and Tuesday (location TBA).

A Bargaining Bulletin outlining the details of the deal will be released after the SGMM, and we will also hold info sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday (location TBA) to answer members’ questions about the deal.

Thanks to all of you for your support throughout this process, we couldn’t have done this without you!

Membership gives solid strike mandate

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

After two days of balloting, members of CUPE 3906 Unit 1 (representing TAs and RAs in lieu), have voted to give their bargaining team a solid strike mandate as they return to negotiations later this week.

Thank you to everyone who came out and voted, your support is invaluable to this process.

Special General Membership Meeting and Strike Vote FAQ

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

The bargaining team has called for a Strike Vote, which will begin at the close of a Special General Membership Meeting on
Thursday, November 10th
at 5:30
in DeGroote School of Business B105

For more information check out the Strike Vote FAQ

This does not mean that we are going on strike, bargaining is progressing well, but your team has decided that we need the support of a mandate to be able to resolve priority issues like wage increases and benefits improvements. Please check out our latest bargaining bulletin, or come out to the meeting if you have any questions. You can also email with any questions you might have.

Special General Membership Meeting and Strike Vote FAQ

Nancy MacBain News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

The bargaining team has called for a Strike Vote, which will begin at the close of a Special General Membership Meeting on
Thursday, November 10th
at 5:30
in DeGroote School of Business B105

For more information check out the Strike Vote FAQ

This does not mean that we are going on strike, bargaining is progressing well, but your team has decided that we need the support of a mandate to be able to resolve priority issues like wage increases and benefits improvements. Please check out our latest bargaining bulletin, or come out to the meeting if you have any questions. You can also email with any questions you might have.

Support our Sisters and Brothers at NSCAD

Nancy MacBain News, Political Action

Howard Windsor, a former Policy Analyst with Labour and Advanced Education for the province of Nova Scotia, has been appointed by the Minister of Advanced Education to examine the future of NSCAD University. We’re told that everything is on the table, including mergers and “program reorganization” (whatever that might mean).

As if that wasn’t enough to worry about, all three bargaining units at NSCAD are currently in negotiations and contract talks for FUNSCAD’s two units and the NSGEU staff unit have all reached an impasse. The conciliator has filed his report for FUNSCAD’s Unit II (Technical and Educational Resource Personnel) and we will be in a legal strike/lockout position on November 16. Unit I, our Faculty/Librarian Unit, has one day of conciliation scheduled for November 10. NSGEU is in the middle of conciliation.

A group of faculty, staff, students, alumni, members of the arts community, NSCAD supporters, etc have started a petition on We’re trying to get 10,000 signatures on the petition. Please take a moment and sign.