Support our Sisters and Brothers at NSCAD

Nancy MacBain News, Political Action

Howard Windsor, a former Policy Analyst with Labour and Advanced Education for the province of Nova Scotia, has been appointed by the Minister of Advanced Education to examine the future of NSCAD University. We’re told that everything is on the table, including mergers and “program reorganization” (whatever that might mean).

As if that wasn’t enough to worry about, all three bargaining units at NSCAD are currently in negotiations and contract talks for FUNSCAD’s two units and the NSGEU staff unit have all reached an impasse. The conciliator has filed his report for FUNSCAD’s Unit II (Technical and Educational Resource Personnel) and we will be in a legal strike/lockout position on November 16. Unit I, our Faculty/Librarian Unit, has one day of conciliation scheduled for November 10. NSGEU is in the middle of conciliation.

A group of faculty, staff, students, alumni, members of the arts community, NSCAD supporters, etc have started a petition on We’re trying to get 10,000 signatures on the petition. Please take a moment and sign.

General Membership Meeting

Nancy MacBain Events, News

There will be a General Membership Meeting
Wednesday October 26th, 2011 (please note, the email notice said November 26th in error)
in MDCL 3020 

Free food, and an orientation session for members attending their first meeting, at 5:00pm.

Childcare is reimbursement available on request. Agenda will be posted shortly.

Calling Prospective H&S Reps!

Mitch LaPointe Health & Safety, News

We need Health and Safety representatives to sit on Joint Health and Safety Committees!

What are Joint Health and Safety Committees?

The Joint Health and Safety Committees, or JHSC for short, is a group of management and labour representatives that meet regularly to discuss Health and Safety issues on McMaster University Main Campus in addition to off-site locations. These individuals also conduct regular inspections of McMaster property to help better identify any safety-related issues that need to be addressed. JHSCs also make recommendations to Senior Management regarding the identification and control of hazards. These recommendations may include building improvements, procedure implementation, training requirements, policies and programs.

JHSC meetings are monthly and you are paid at your regular hourly rate of pay to attend.  At minimum the idea is to be the eyes and ears of the union at these meetings.  You’re encouraged to get involved as much as you want in order to make campus a safer place to work.  Some ways of getting more involved include: getting health and safety training, participating in workplace inspections or joining some of the working groups and sub-committees.  Attached is a list of vacancies we are trying to fill. If you don’t see a position that fits with your work position but you’re interested in getting involved get in touch.


Contact me at: for more information or to get involved.

To be eligible to sit on a committee you need to:

  • Be a member of one of the units that have a vacancy
  • Work in one of the buildings covered by that committee

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Welcome Party!

Nancy MacBain Events, News

Come out to our second annual Welcome Party!

Thursday October 13th
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre (click here for directions)
51 Stuart St – 7:00-11:30pm
Live music, free food & cash bar
This event is only open to members and their invited guests
Childcare available on request 

Unit 1 Bargaining Update Events

Nancy MacBain General, News, Unit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

Your bargaining team is currently in bargaining with the University for a new contract. Over the next month we’ll be coming around to your departments to talk to members one-on-one to update you about the bargaining process and where things currently stand.

We will also be holding a series of information sessions, and we strongly encourage all members to try and make it out for one or more of the following events:

Tuesday September 20th
Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B105 – 2:30-3:30pm
Free snacks available

Tuesday September 27th
Burke Science Building (BSB) B155 – 2:30-3:30pm
Free snacks available

Monday October 3th
Wentworth Lounge (beside The Phoenix) – 4:00-6:00pm
Free wings and nachos available

Tuesday October 4th
A.N. Bournes Science Building (ABB) 162 – 2:30-3:30pm
Free snacks available

Thursday October 13th – Union Social
Workers Arts & Heritage Centre
51 Stuart St – 7:00-11:30pm
Live music, free food & cash bar
This event is only open to members and their invited guests.

General Membership Meeting – Wed. Sept. 28th

Nancy MacBain News

This is a reminder of the first CUPE 3906 General Membership Meeting of the new academic year.

Our GMM will be held on
September 28th
in MDCL 3020
Refreshments will be available at 5:00PM, and the Local can cover childcare costs.

The agenda will include (but not be limited to) the following items:

– A Motion to Increase the Executive Honourarium
– A Report from the Political Committee
– Discussion and Approval of the 2011/2012 Budget
– Bargaining Updates for Unit 1 and Unit 3
– Election of Open Executive Positions
– Election of a Unit 3 Bargaining Team Members
– Election of Bargaining Support Co-Chairs for Unit 1 and Unit 3
– By-Law Amendments

Graduate Student Dental Problem

Nancy MacBain News

Dear Graduate Students,

The GSA provides a dental plan for graduate students who are *not* working at least 130hrs as a TA or RA in lieu to TA. If you are working 130 hours or more you are covered under the CUPE dental plan.

Due to a technical error all graduate students were accidentally charged for the GSA Dental Plan on their account.  If you are eligible for the CUPE dental plan (working 130hrs as a TA (or RA in lieu)), this charge will be removed from your account following the September payroll run – you do not have to take any further action.  For all other students, the charge will remain on your account and you will be enrolled in the GSA dental plan (excluding Divinity and MBA).

All graduate students will remain in the GSA Health Plan.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the GSA President Jessica Merolli at We apologize for the inconvenience.