Event: From Students to Workers: A Participatory Forum on Empowering our Communities

Mary Ellen CampbellGeneral

student worker banner

From Students to Workers: A Participatory Forum on Empowering our Communities


In this election, workers have been threatened with 100,00 job losses, so-called “right-to-work” laws, and massive cuts to social spending. But why? Join us for a panel and break-out discussion on the positive role that the unity of working people can play in our workplaces and in our communities. As students and workers, let’s talk about how we can empower our communities and fight for the benefit of people everywhere.


PAM FRACHE, Activist with the Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage and Contract Instructor at Brock University’s Centre for Labour Studies
DAVID GOUTOR, Assistant Professor in the Department of Labour Studies, McMaster University
DENISE MARTINS, Vice President (Young Workers), Ontario Federation of Labour

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
AN Bourns Science Building (ABB), Room 273
Food and refreshments will be provided.

Organized by CUPE 3906

student worker banner

Challenges Facing International Students: Panel Discussion

Mary Ellen CampbellEquity, General, International, News

Dear members,

Are you having a hard time with skyrocketing tuition fees?

Inaccessible and expensive healthcare?

Tightening immigration process?

You are not alone! Let`s make your voice heard!

CUPE 3906 and Canadian Federation of Students Ontario invite you to our panel discussion and brainstorming session.

Details: 29th of April, Tuesday at 5.00pm in AN Bourns Science Building (ABB) 273

Free food will be served. The following panel of distinguished speakers will share their experiences about international student struggles on high tuition fees, inaccessible healthcare etc.

Hildah Otieno (Services Coordinator, Canadian Federation of Students Ontario)

Faiz Ahmed (President, CUPE 3903, York University)

Ryan Culpepper (International Liaison Officer, CUPE 3902, University of Toronto)

Carmina Perez Romero (International Committee Member, CUPE 3906, McMaster University)

After the panel discussion, we will break out into groups to speak our experiences and brainstorm to discuss ways to tackle these problems. Please RSVP using the google doc below


To find out who else is coming please join the FB event


Looking forward to seeing you there!

International Committee

Sessional Faculty EI Seminar

Brad WalchukGeneral

EI Seminar: We are holding an Employment Insurance Seminar for Sessional Faculty (Lunch Will be Provided!!!)

·         When: April 29 from 1-2:30

·         Where: McMaster University Student Centre Room 313

·         What: We at 3906 know and Understand that the Summer Months can be sparse for work in the life of a Sessional Faculty.  Many Sessional Faculty may be eligible to At this Seminar we will be go over:

                                 i.      Who is Eligible for EI,

                               ii.      How to Apply,

                              iii.      What the Appeals Procedure looks like if your claim is denied,

                             iv.      What to Expect when you are on Employment Insurance Benefits.

We hope to see you there!

t2200 Forms

Brad WalchukGeneral

As a member of Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty) you are covered by the Employer’s “Declaration of Conditions of Employment (T2200) Form” policy for the purposes of claiming home office and travel expenses, where appropriate, when filing tax returns.

You should contact the Dean of your Faculty to receive your form.

If you need any help, or feel you should be eligible  for a T2200 but were denied please contact your Union at staff@cupe3906.org



TA Awards Winners

Communication OfficerGeneral, News, Postings, Unit 1, Unit 1

Dear Members
We have received many nominations.  Our TA awards committee has reviewed submissions according to a careful set of criteria.
The winners are,
Beverlee Buzon (Health Sciences)
Rashin Alizadeh (Social Sciences)
Ray Ng (Science)
Alicia Giansante (Humanities)
Brandon Karchewski (Engineering)
Stephen Gagne  (Business)
Many congratulations to our TA awards winners.
CUPE 3906

Joint meeting for Hamilton members regarding Hudak

Mary Ellen CampbellEvents, General, News

Please join us this Thursday, April 10th, at Liauna Station  in downtown Hamilton for this very important all unions/all locals meeting regarding Ontario Conservative Party leader Tim Hudak’s propsed regressive attacks on your rights that will set back the clock on wages, representation and health and safety!

For more information, or to RSVP, please visit:




All members are welcome!  

Annual General Meeting 2014

Communication OfficerGeneral

This will serve as the call for the Annual General Membership Meeting for members of CUPE 3906.

When: Wednesday, April 2 at 5:30pm.

Location: Degroote School of Business b107

The agenda is as follows:

·         Elections

o   President

o   Vice President

o   Vice President External

o   Secretary Treasurer

o   Recording Secretary

o   Chief Steward Unit 1

o   Chief Steward Unit 2

o   Chief Steward Unit 3

o   Health and Safety Officer

o   Equity Officer

o   Communications Officer

o   Benefits and Advocacy Officer

o   International Officer

o   Undergraduate Officer

·         Report of the trustees (Presentation of the Local’s Finances)

At our AGM all positions of the local executive are up for election; you may come and nominate yourself or nominate others for these positions. Nominations may come from the floor or you can fill out an Executive Nomination Form ahead of time. A list of all executive positions and the corresponding descriptions can be found here. If you have any questions about any executive positions please email Rebecca Collins-Nelsen at: president@cupe3906.org or Evan Johnston at: vicepresident@cupe3906.org.

Free Pizza and Pop will also be served.

We hope to see you there!

Mike Skinner Activist Award

Brad WalchukGeneral

CUPE 3906 is now accepting nominations for the Mike Skinner Activist Award. The Mike Skinner Activist Award is a member-mandated award offered by the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3906.  Its title honours long-time labour activist and CUPE 3906  Staff Member Mike Skinner.  At McMaster University, CUPE 3906 is the Union representing over 3000 Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants, Sessional Faculty and Postdoctoral
Fellows.  The value of this year’s award is $500 to one person (or committee), an award  certificate and an inscription on the Mike Skinner Activist Award plaque.


The Deadline for Nomination is March 31st at 5pm

For more information please contact Rebecca Collins-Nelsen at president@cupe3906.org