Invitation to Participate in a Study on the Effects of the Fall Break

Brad WalchukGeneral


McMaster has a new full-week fall break this year which has been introduced to help undergraduate students decrease their stress levels and manage their academic workload. A team of researchers is studying whether these goals are met, and how the Fall Break affects the wider university community. Specifically, they are interested in how the new fall break influences the workload and stress levels of instructors who are teaching in Fall 2015. 

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey within the next few weeks; it will close on Monday, December 21 at 5:00pm.

Please click the link below for more information and to be directed to the online survey.

Unit 2 (Sessionals) Professional Development Fund Deadline

Brad WalchukGeneral

This term’s Professional Development Fund (PDF) application deadline is December 8th, 2015. Please drop off your application to the CUPE office (KTH B111) by the deadline.

More information about the fund, including ineligible items and the submission form, can be found here.

Happy Birthday MOSAIC

Brad WalchukGeneral

We’re sure that you’ve all heard of MOSAIC, the university’s new multi-million dollar online interface. We’re also fairly sure that you’ve experienced at least one (but probably more) complaints with MOSAIC.  You may not have realized though that MOSAIC recently turned one year old.

We figured what better way to mark this monument failure than by throwing MOSAIC a birthday bash?

Please join us on Thursday, December 4th over the lunch hour at our table in MUSC to help ‘celebrate’ MOSAIC’s 1st birthday.  We’ll have free cake, free non-alcoholic champagne, and a few giant birthday cards that you can (anonymously) write all of your complaints about MOSAIC in.  We’ll deliver them to the appropriate people later on.

We hope to see you there!


National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Brad WalchukGeneral

December 6th marks the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. It is both a day for remembering and honouring and a call for action against the ongoing and widespread violence experienced by women in Canadian society.

In the spirit of solidarity and with a call for men to act against all forms of gender based violence, a Memorial Walk for Men has been organized by the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) McMaster to take place on campus from 10 am until 11 am on Friday, December 4, 2015. They will meet outside the Indigenous Studies Program entrance of Hamilton Hall. Directly following, participants are invited to attend the McMaster Anti-Violence Network Commemorative Service taking place at 11 am in Gilmour Hall Room 111.

International Committee Social Night

Brad WalchukGeneral

Unfortunately the CUPE 3906 International Committee event “Take your stress out” this Friday is postponed for Monday, December 7th @ 5:00 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We would be happy to see you all on that Monday at 5 in JHE-328 (lounge room).


Beside eating delicious pizza, talking about issues that bother us as TA/RAs, and play some awesome board games, we will be discussing writing a letter that CUPE 3906 International Committee wants to send to the Parliament Members in Ottawa and possibly to the prime-minister. In the letter we want to give our thoughts about better immigration benefits that we should have when applying for permanent residency since we are pursuing a degree from Canadian Universities. In the current immigration programs we are pretty much in the same status with out-of-country applicants.

You can still register using the following link: Thank you for understanding. Hope to see you all on Monday, December 7th @5 pm in JHE-328.

CUPE 3906 is hiring two member mobilizers

Brad WalchukGeneral

Mobilizer Position: CUPE 3906


Title:                                     Member Mobilizer

Responsible to:                   Staff Supervisors, CUPE 3906

Location:                              McMaster University, Hamilton, ON

Employment Basis:             Casual

Applications closing date: November 12th, 2015

Start date:                             December 1st, 2015

Wage Rate:                           $25.00 per hour

CUPE 3906 is looking for someone to do mobilizing work as part of our bargaining efforts. The mobilizing work will consist of talking to academic workers on the McMaster University campus about the bargaining process, and working closely with the Bargaining Support Committee, and…

Job Description:

  • Face-to-face contact with workers to discuss current working conditions
  • Face-to-face contact with workers to discuss unions
  • Social mapping of departments
  • Coordinating volunteers
  • Other duties as assigned

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Ability to initiate one-on-one conversations with members
  • Organizational skills
  • Self-motivation and ability to work under minimal supervision
  • Knowledge of union locals and unionized workplaces
  • Knowledge of the academic sector
  • Knowledge of CUPE 3906 collective agreements
  • Experience on organizing drives, or union member mobilization an asset


  • Resume
  • Cover Letter – 1 page maximum

Please send cover letters and resumes to Rebecca Collins-Nelson.

CUPE 3906 is an equal opportunity employer; we encourage applications from members of equity-seeking groups. CUPE 3906 is governed by our equity statement, as outlined on our website at:

*Unit 1 members (TAs and RAs-in-lieu) will have the option to book off or defer their teaching assistantships; however, Unit 2 (Sessionals) and Unit 3 (Post-doc) members are also encouraged to apply.

To apply for this job, you must apply through the job posting on Charity Village

CUPE 3906 Fall Social

Brad WalchukGeneral

2015 fall social poster

Come join us at our annual fall social, taking place at the Staircase Theatre (27 Dundurn St. North, at Main) on Thursday October 29th at 8 p.m. The first 90 members get free drink!  Come in your halloween costume (or not) and get to know some of your co-workers and CUPE executive members.  They’ll be karaoke and fun games for those of you interested.

Labour Studies Film Series: Pride

Brad WalchukGeneral

pride movie

​Join us for the screening of Pride! on Oct 22nd, 6-8pm

Pride is a comedy about LGBT activists who supported the struggle of British miners during their strike in 1983-4.
To watch the Trailer visit: click here

MDCL 3020

October 22, 2015


Free Admission

Snacks Provided

Hike for International Grad Students and TAs

Brad WalchukGeneral

Dear Internationals,

Your CUPE 3906 International Committee (ICM) and iGSA (International Graduate Students Association) are pleased to invite you for the hiking event to COOTES PARADISE behind McMaster University. There are three trails and additional information can be found in the following link:

WHEN: Friday, October 23rd
TIME: 4 pm
WHERE: In front of McMaster Gym and going form there.

This is very beautiful area and it will be good if we all get together, mingle, walk and enjoy weather before brutal winter :). Lets get together in front of McMaster gym and go from there. The decision about which trail should we follow will be made when we meet. Cookies and water will be provided. To attend the event please register using a link:

Hope to see you all there.