Welcome Back: #BetterMac swag

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Welcome (back) to the over 2400 TAs/RAs in lieu who comprise Unit 1.  We’re looking to make a #BetterMac through collective bargaining.  That includes a functional and affordable dental plan that works, 5 years of guaranteed TA funding/work, fair wages, mental health support, and academic freedom.

Swing by our office in KTH B111 for some great #BetterMac swag.


Upcoming Networking and Teaching Support Events for Sessionals

Brad WalchukUncategorized


Our sessionals might be interested in some of the following events:



Thursday, September 1, 2016 | 9:00am – 1:30pm

Registration (Free): https://2016nsno.eventbrite.ca

This half-day event welcomes new sessional instructors to McMaster’s campus and invites them to connect to campus resources to support their teaching, learning, and research. Meet the President and other senior leaders and faculty, and learn about McMaster’s institutional culture. Get to know the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL) and other campus resources available to support your teaching, learning, and research.


9:00am -12:00pm: Networking Orientation * Limited Seating available for AM* 

Location: Alumni Memorial Hall, Great Hall


12:15pm -1:30pm: Resource Fair

Location: MIIETL, Mills Library-L504



Thursday, September 8, 2016 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Engineering, Health Sciences, Science)

Thursday, September 8, 2016 | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Business, Humanities, Social Science)

Registration (Free): https://2016tlf.eventbrite.ca

The Teaching and Learning Forum is the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning’s (MIIETL’s) teaching and learning event held each September for new and returning graduate students, teaching assistants (TAs), and sessional instructors.



Tuesday, October 11, 2016 | 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Burke Science Building (BSB) – Multiple Rooms

Registration (Free): https://2016eedd.eventbrite.ca

This half-day event invites participants to choose from 20 different workshops on a variety of teaching & learning topics such as Teaching and Research Supports from your Library, Active Learning, and Leveraging Technology in the classroom.


Sessional Faculty who hold seniority in CUPE 3906, Unit 2, have access to these events through the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL).  As other events become available, they are posted at http://miietl.mcmaster.ca/site/.


Additional online resources, such as the Guide to Teaching and Learning, are available at: http://miietl.mcmaster.ca/site/teaching-development/


Congratulations to our newly elected officers

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Congratulations to our newly elected officers: Hadi (bargaining team), Biran (undergraduate officer), Marguerite (Unit 1 chief steward), Sarah (president), and Holly (equity officer).

Not pictured is our new Vice President, Graham.

Thanks to all who attended our standing room only meeting this afternoon.


election at Aug 2016 Sgmm

Special General Membership Meeting to elect new Pres, VP and more- Aug 24

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear Members,
We are calling a Special General Membership Meeting to elect executive and bargaining team position(s).  Unfortunately, these positions have become vacant for unforeseen personal reasons.
WHAT: Special General Membership Meeting
WHENAugust 24, 2016 at 12:00 noon
WHY: Election of vacant executive positions (President, Vice President, Equity Action Officer, Chief Steward Unit 1, Undergraduate Officer, Unit 1 Bargaining Team Member).  (Please see the local bylaws on our website, http://cupe3906.org, for information about the vacant positions.)
Information about the meeting location will be released once location has been arranged.  Childcare costs for the meeting can be reimbursed and refreshment will be provided.
We hope to see you there!
In solidarity,
Your CUPE 3906 Executive Committee

International Committee and Post-Doc Olympic Event- Friday at 6 p.m.

Brad WalchukUncategorized

We hope your summer is going well. Please join us for the exciting evening watching opening ceremony of Olympic Games 2016 in Rio. We will provide pizza and soft drinks and you must provide cheering energy, flags to represent your country and good mood to hangout with old and new friends. Maybe we will end up dancing rhythm of the beautiful Brazilian music :).
REGISTRATION IS A MUST on the link below due to the limited space: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KDrnH5btLXYN1jljZVfIdBCPaYKm6Xe45wuWnzQT15k/edit?usp=sharing
WHEN: August 5th (Friday)
WHERE: JHE-328 Lounge room
TIME: 6-10 pm
Thank you and see you soon.

Upcoming August GMM- Aug 9

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Your local is having it’s next General Membership Meeting on August 9th at noon in CNH 102.

The agenda will include an election of a new benefits officer, and a bargaining alternate,  as well as bargaining updates for both Unit 1 and 3.

We hope to see you there!

GMM Poster - August 2016

CUPE Local 3906 Bargaining Bulletin- Update #1

Brad WalchukUnit 1, Unit 1 Bargaining

Your bargaining team met with the Employer on Monday and Wednesday, and we had a team caucus meeting on Tuesday. A full bargaining update is attached here, but there are two key points: the Employer wants to end its administration of the dental plan and is proposing to end the graduate employment (TA) guarantee. We are very concerned about both of these developments.

We have additional bargaining dates in late August and throughout September and will keep members posted throughout the process.

We are always looking for members to join our bargaining support team to help in mobilizing the membership and supporting the bargaining effort.  If you have questions, please contact staff@cupe3906.org

Chocolate Day: Meet your bargaining support team

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Did you know we are in bargaining for Unit 1 and Unit 3?

Take a break, get FREE chocolate and meet and join your bargaining support team and executive members and learn more about your union’s efforts to bargain your new collective agreement, and to improve your wages, benefits and working conditions.

WHERE: In the lobby of your building (we’ll be making the rounds through campus)

WHEN: 28th of July between 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter  to find out when we are at your building

Join our efforts and tell us what a #BetterMac means to you.

We hope to see you there!

Limited Office Hours: July 25 to 29

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Dear members:

Please be advised that we will have limited office hours next week from the 25th to the 29th of July, due to our bargaining efforts for Unit 1 and Unit 3 to make #ABetterMac for you.

If you should require any assistance or wish to ask any questions please contact us by email at cupe3906@mcmaster.ca, and if you need in person assistance we advise you to  first call our office at 905-525-9140 ext. 24003 before coming to the office to ensure a person is available to help you one on one.

We apologize for the inconvenience we will return to regular office hours in August.

Thanks for your understanding