June General Membership Meeting (June 27)

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).

All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes.

Our next GMM will be held on Wednesday, June 27th at noon in BSB 136.

We offer a free lunch and reimbursement for childcare costs. A detailed agenda will soon be posted

Ontario Provincial Election- June 7th

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Dear CUPE Local 3906 members,

As you likely know, the provincial election is taking place on Thursday, June 7th, and it is expected to be the closest election in years. Information about voting, polling locations, ID requirements, and the like is available here: https://www.elections.on.ca/en.html 
We won’t presume to tell you who to vote for, but we will say that a lot is at stake on issues that are important to graduate students and precariously employed academics, most notably affordable tuition, equal pay for Sessional Faculty, and the creation of more stable and secure academic jobs. So too is an ongoing commitment to a $15/hr minimum wage, something that your Union has long supported.
CUPE Ontario has highlighted the three major parties positions on a variety of issues. You can  access the hyperlink here.
The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, a body representing over 17,000 faculty at 29 different faculty associations, has created a document that specifically analyzes post-secondary issues.
This election will go a long way in determining what the next four years will look like in Ontario, and we encourage all members who are legally eligible to vote to get out there and do so.
In solidarity,
Angie Perez, President, CUPE Local 3906

FREE First Aid Training for CUPE 3906 members

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

As usual, we’ve received a lot of questions about the FREE first aid training for CUPE 3906 members at McMaster. YES, IT REALLY IS FREE.

CUPE doesn’t offer the training (it is normally done through recreation and athletics) but our collective agreements have secured members access at no charge. The cost is billed back to your department (not the individual supervisor) and as such the departmental administrator will need to enroll you.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.

Upcoming Equity Action Committee Events

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

CUPE 3906’s Equity Action Committee is proud to announce that we will be hosting a Summer Clothing Swap. Please join us on Thursday, June 28th, from 10:30am to 3:00pm, in MUSC 311/313. Bring clean clothing you no longer wear (we encourage clothing for all body types and genders!). All leftover clothes will be donated to the Native Women’s Centre in Hamilton.

If you are able, please drop off your clean clothes and books at the CUPE office (KTH B111) prior to the event during hours of operation (Monday to Thursday from 9am-5pm). You may also wish to bring your clothes with you to the event and display them upon your arrival. We will have a box on location for book donations.

For more information regarding the poetry event, please contact equity@cupe3906.org

The Equity Action Committee is also proud to announce that we will be hosting an event for members to share their art (poetry, fiction, performance, among other forms of creative expression) as part of a larger initiative titled, “Healing With Feelings.” The theme will be on class and labour! This event is an opportunity to meet new folx, engage with each other’s creative works, and heal collectively from intersecting oppressions. Please join us on Thursday, July 19 in CIBC Hall (308/309). The doors open at 7:00PM while the event finishes at 9:00PM.

If you’re interested in sharing your work, we have 11 available slots of 10 minutes each to choose from. Please sign-up by sending an e-mail to equity@cupe3906.org. Even if you’re not reciting any poetry, fiction, or performing, this event is meant to show support and solidarity to your fellow peers.

We look forward to seeing you there!

FREE First Aid Training this spring

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We wanted to remind you that FREE First Aid Training is a benefit guaranteed under each of our three Collective Agreements (CAs) and available to TAs/RAs in lieu (Article 18.13 of Unit 1 CBA), Sessional Faculty/Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty (Article 17.13 of Unit 2 CBA) and Post Docs (Article 14.12 of the Unit 3 CBA).

The course, a Standard Red Cross certificate course, is offered being offered on a number of dates this spring through Athletics and Recreation, and the cost of registration is covered by the Employer. The course runs from 9-5 on both days, and there are two remaining sessions:

May 2/3, 8/9, 10/11, 15/16, 26/27, 30/31
June 5/6, 9/10, 13/14, 19/20

Re-Certification: May 17 and June 12

Your department administrator can enroll you. There is NO CHARGE to you!You will need to attend both days in order to receive the certificate.

The sessions are being held on campus here. If you have questions about the specifics of the material being offered, please contact Athletics and Recreation at ext. 24464. They are the ones who are offering and teaching the class. Online registration is not an option.

More information: https://rec.mcmaster.ca/…/cert…/firstaid-standard-red-cross

If you are a TA/RA in lieu and working in a different department/program other than the one that you are registered in as a student, registration should be done through your academic department.

Normally, the Administrator (Graduate Secretary) from your academic department or program will need to register you as they must provide the departmental code so the cost can be billed accordingly. This charge cannot be passed on to you

April General Membership Meeting

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Our next General Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 25th at noon.

The agenda will feature the election of one trustee, a Chief Steward (Unit 2), and a Chief Steward (Unit 3), as well as notice of a pending change for by-laws.

The location will be in KTH B132.