FREE First Aid Training this spring

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We wanted to remind you that FREE First Aid Training is a benefit guaranteed under each of our three Collective Agreements (CAs) and available to TAs/RAs in lieu (Article 18.13 of Unit 1 CBA), Sessional Faculty/Hourly-Rated Sessional Music Faculty (Article 17.13 of Unit 2 CBA) and Post Docs (Article 14.12 of the Unit 3 CBA).

The course, a Standard Red Cross certificate course, is offered being offered on a number of dates this spring through Athletics and Recreation, and the cost of registration is covered by the Employer. The course runs from 9-5 on both days, and there are two remaining sessions:

May 2/3, 8/9, 10/11, 15/16, 26/27, 30/31
June 5/6, 9/10, 13/14, 19/20

Re-Certification: May 17 and June 12

Your department administrator can enroll you. There is NO CHARGE to you!You will need to attend both days in order to receive the certificate.

The sessions are being held on campus here. If you have questions about the specifics of the material being offered, please contact Athletics and Recreation at ext. 24464. They are the ones who are offering and teaching the class. Online registration is not an option.

More information:…/cert…/firstaid-standard-red-cross

If you are a TA/RA in lieu and working in a different department/program other than the one that you are registered in as a student, registration should be done through your academic department.

Normally, the Administrator (Graduate Secretary) from your academic department or program will need to register you as they must provide the departmental code so the cost can be billed accordingly. This charge cannot be passed on to you

April General Membership Meeting

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Our next General Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 25th at noon.

The agenda will feature the election of one trustee, a Chief Steward (Unit 2), and a Chief Steward (Unit 3), as well as notice of a pending change for by-laws.

The location will be in KTH B132.

Important Update for Unit 2 Members RE: Emergency Medical Travel Coverage

Mary Ellen Campbell Uncategorized

UNIT 2 Members, PLEASE NOTE!  April 2018: We are in the process of changing our Unit 2 Emergency Medical Travel Insurance carrier company because our former carrier, RSA/VIATOR/Global Excel no longer insures small groups.  If you are a Unit 2 member and are planning on using the Unit 2 travel coverage in the near future, please contact in advance of your trip for more information.  We will post and distribute more information for Unit 2 members on our website here as more information becomes available.

Reminder: Annual General Meeting on Wednesday

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Our Annual General Membership (AGM) meeting occurs each year in late March or early April and is when we (re)elect the entire 13-member executive committee to a 12-month term.

A reminder that this year’s AGM will be held on Wednesday March 28th in BSB B155. Pizza and sign in gets under way at noon, the formal meeting will begin at 12:30

The agenda will include the election of the 13 executive positions, as well as our committees (by-laws, benefits, etc.).

A pizza lunch and free CUPE 3906 will be included. Pizza served at noon.


Solidarity to CUPE Local 3903 and CUPE Local 2424

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

As you might have heard, our sister locals at Carelton (Local 2424- support staff) and York (Local 3903- academic workers) are on strike. Local 2424 is protecting their pensions, while Local 3903 is fighting against precarious work. We have letters of support for both these locals. The neoliberal university will be defeated and CUPE members are on the front lines of this struggle.

Solidarity letter to CUPE 3903

Solidarity letter to CUPE 2424


Annual General Membership Meeting- March 28th

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Our Annual General Membership (AGM) meeting occurs each year in late March or early April and is when we (re)elect the entire 13-member executive committee to a 12-month term.

This year’s AGM will be held on Wednesday March 28th in BSB B155. Pizza and sign in gets under way at noon, the formal meeting will begin at 12:30

The agenda will include the election of the 13 executive positions, as well as our committees (by-laws, benefits, etc.).

A pizza lunch and free CUPE 3906 will be included. Pizza served at noon.


2018 TA/RA Award Nominations- Now Open!

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

***PLEASE NOTE: The nomination deadline has changed!!!****

Are you a great TA/RA? Of course you are!  Do you know someone else who is a great one as well? Of course you do!

The 2018 CUPE 3906 TA/RA awards are open to all CUPE 3906 Unit 1 members (Graduate and Undergraduate TAs and RAs in lieu). Members may be nominated by their students, employment supervisors (supervising Professor) or other TAs.

Successful candidates will receive a certificate recognizing their excellence, a letter of acknowledgement from the CUPE 3906 Executive Committee, and a cheque for $200.00.

There will be a total of six awards given, one for each faculty listed. Please fill out all applicable fields and deliver a completed TA2018 CUPE TA Award Nomination Form (<– click for attachment) in person to the CUPE 3906 office (B111 Kenneth Taylor Hall) or via email a saved copy to before March 23, 2018. Awards will be given out during our Annual General Membership Meeting (March 28, 2018)!