CUPE 3906 Statement on Racial Profiling at Congress

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

The Executive Committee, Equity Action Committee, and Political Action Committee of CUPE Local 3906 have released the following joint statement on the recent racial profiling of Shelby McPhee of the Black Canadian Studies Association that occurred recently at Congress.

It reads, in part “We in CUPE 3906 stand in solidarity with Shelby McPhee and the BCSA in calling upon the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences to meet all four of the BCSA’s demands. We would also implore other organizations and associations like ours to voice their support of Mr. McPhee, the BCSA, and all other members of the academy who not only experience anti-Blackness on a regular basis, but also continue to do the difficult work of dismantling the structures of anti-Blackness that evidently pervade academia to this day.”

The full statement can be found by clicking here.

Unit 2 Dental Plan Opt Out Information- Spring 2019

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

If you are a Sessional Faculty Member teaching for the first time this academic year in the Spring or Summer 2019 term, this message applies to you.

New Sessional Faculty Members who are beginning their teaching for the 2018-2019 academic year in May or June 2019 are able to make changes to their CUPE 3906 dental coverage until June 30, 2019.

Please note: change of status (including family coverage enrollment and opt outs) expires for all members on August 31, 2019.  To maintain your coverage status (or opt-out) next academic year (if you are returning as a Sessional Faculty member), you must complete this change of coverage process again in September.

For more general information on dental coverage or dental change of coverage, please visit or contact


Ford Government’s attack on workers’ rights

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

As you may have heard, the Ford government – on the day they announced that the legislature would recess for 5 months – introduced a draconian piece of legislation that would place a wage restraint on public sector workers, require the provincial minister to approve a new collective agreement, and restrict free collective bargaining. As we hear more, we will provide updates. Below is a message from CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn.

Ford Government’s attack on workers’ rights a continuation of their assault on the people of Ontario, says CUPE Ontario President

TORONTOJune 5, 2019 /CNW/ – Legislation tabled today at Queen’s Park that would violate public employees’ right to engage in free collective bargaining is a continuation of the Ford Government’s assault on the people of Ontario, said the Leader of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Ontario).

Fred Hahn made the comments today after the Government tabled so-called ‘wage restraint’ legislation that will affect union and non-union employees this afternoon.

“Over and over again, we see the Ford Government continuing its assault on the people of Ontario. We saw it when they cancelled a scheduled increase to the minimum wage and when they stalled increases to social assistance. We saw it when they passed a budget that has resulted in devastating cutbacks to schools, universities, health care, social service agencies, libraries and a host of other services,” said Hahn.

“Now, after a sham ‘consultation’, the Ford Government is showing its hand again, targeting hardworking front line workers with legislation aimed at driving down wages, benefits and working conditions for public employees. In CUPE, our members make an average salary of $40,000 a year, and over the last decade, if there have been pay increases at all, they have not kept pace with inflation. The Government is sending a clear message to other employers that it’s open season on their employees as well,” he added.

“A government which forgoes billions in revenues, wastes hundreds of millions (and possibly another billion) more by casting aside signed contracts, which then tries to balance the books on the backs of hundreds of thousands of hard-working Ontarians while proclaiming the need for ‘wage restraint’ legislation should be considered a disgrace said Hahn.

He went on to urge every Ontarian—not just CUPE members—not to stand for a government that is indifferent to the harm they are causing to the norms and values Ontarians cherish.

“Ontarians need to make their voices heard—in their MPPs offices, in their communities, on the streets and on the grounds of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. CUPE Members will be standing shoulder to shoulder with them. If left to their own devices, Doug Ford and his government will inflict irreparable damage on this province. No one can sit this one out,” said Hahn.

CUPE’s Response to Provincial Wage Cap Legislation

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

The 3906 Unit 3 (Postdocs) bargaining team was at the bargaining table late this afternoon when we were informed of this draconian, unprecedented, and unconstitutional intrusion into the collective bargaining process.

We know that the government plans on capping wage increases at 1% for three years, but that the legislature will be put on recess beginning tomorrow. The legislation will not be passed until November. It is unclear how this will impact our bargaining and our members.

The Unit 1 (TAs) will be at the bargaining table next week.

We will keep members informed as we gather more information, and vow to fight this attack on working people. Click here for a statement from CUPE Ontario.

Unit 2 Professional Development Fund Update

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Attn Sessional Faculty: Our Benefits Committee will be meeting on Monday, June 3 to review and approve the Professional Development Fund applications from the Winter 2019 semester. You’ll hear back from the committee shortly thereafter. We apologize for the delay.

General Membership Meeting- May 21st at 12:30 in BSB 106

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We want to let you know about our upcoming General Members Meeting (GMM) on Tuesday May 21st from 12:30-2:00 pm . The meeting will be held in BSB 106. As always, lunch (vegan, gluten free, and halal options) is provided and childcare costs will be reimbursed upon request. The building is accessible through the back door, located near GSB.
The agenda includes:
– Election of Unit 1 Bargaining Team Undergraduate Member 
– Election of Unit 1 Bargaining Team Alternate 
– Unit 3 bargaining update
– Bargaining Support Activities Cost Approval
– Election of 1 delegate to CUPE Ontario convention in May-June in Toronto
– Election of delegates to Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions (CGEU) conference in August in Toronto
We hope to see you there!