Annual General Meeting- Election Results

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Thank you for your participation & patience with our election this week!

We are pleased to announce the following results:

  • Vice President: Fernando Lennertz
  • International Officer: Sarah Elshahat
  • 1-year Trustee: Shekhar Rammohan Singh Tandel
  • Chief Steward Unit 1: Brock Bodo

They join the following people, who were elected at the meeting.

President: Sharoni Mitra (re-elected)

Vice President External: Shirleen Datt (re-elected)

Treasurer: Chris Fairweather (re-elected)

Recording Secretary: Rohit Gupta (re-elected)

Chief Steward Unit 2:  Carolyn Capretta

Chief Steward Unit 3: Kezhuan Gu (re-elected)

Benefits and Advocacy Officer: Kyle Morrison (re-elected)

Equity Officer: Laurie Sherry-Kirk (re-elected)

Health and Safety Officer: Arghyadeep Sarkar (re-elected)

Undergraduate Officer: Vacant, please contact if you are an interested undergrad TA

Trustee (3 year year term, exp. 2024): Wouter van den Berg

Trustee (2 year year term, exp. 2023): Maxwell Lightstone

The Political Action Committee (Co-Chairs) remain Leah McGrath Reynolds and Brock Bedo. These positions are determined by consensus at PAC meetings throughout the year.

Unit 2 (Sessional) End-of-Term Updates

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Professional Development Fund (PDF) Deadline Extension

The deadline for Unit 2 Professional Development Fund applications was previously April 7th; however, in light of current circumstances, our Benefits Officer has extended this deadline to 5:00 PM on April 17th. We hope that this added flexibility can provide our members with some relief in these difficult times. The application form can be found herePlease note that electronic submissions are now preferred and should be sent to in a single document. Any questions should also be sent to

Post-Contract Work

Any post-contract work (that is, work requested by your supervisor and done after your final grades have been submitted) is separate from your contract and payable at a rate of $66.70/hour. This would include reviewing grades that are being challenged, marking exam that have been deferred, and dealing with cases of plagiarism. This is not an exhaustive list, and more information, including the appropriate form you’ll need to fill out and submit to get paid, is available here. If you are asked to perform this work and are collecting EI or CERB, please let us know.

Large Class Supplemental Fee

We have also heard that most sessionals have yet to been paid the Large Class Supplemental Fee. For those of you earning the base rate and teaching a class with more than 75 students, please note that your last pay stub should reflect an additional supplementary payment of $2.00 per student per unit for each student above 75.  For a typical 3-unit course, this would amount to $6.00 per student for each student above 75. If you taught a class with more than 75 students and you have yet to see the supplemental fee added, please reach out to your department ASAP to confirm that this additional supplement has been paid on April 24th. If the payment is not processed by the end of this week, it will not make the April 24th pay and will come at a later date. This could adversely impact EI and CERB entitlement, so please follow-up with you administrator this week and let us know if there are any issues.

Postdoc Photo Contest

Brad WalchukUncategorized

This spring is the one year mark of COVID-19 global pandemic. As we all continue to do our part in fighting this pandemic, the U3 Stewards’ Council would like to cheer up our members by inviting each of you to enter our spring photo sharing event. We encourage everyone to participate by sending us spring photos. These could be photos of nature in spring, flower blooming, plants with green leaf in your backyard. It could also be pictures of the city in the spring or local trails that you walk on.

Every participant will have a chance to win a prize. The top 5 photos selected by the U3 Stewards’ Council will be awarded one $50 dollar gift card each, and another 10 will be selected as runners up and receive a $25 dollar gift card each. To participate, please send your photos to  no later than Friday, April 16, 2021.

Paid TA Training- Upcoming Survey

Brad WalchukUncategorized

You’ve likely already seen this before (and that’s a good thing!), but we too are reaching out to all current TAs regarding the upcoming paid TA training that will begin this fall. 

As part of the last round of collective bargaining with McMaster, your union secured paid access to an institution-wide or Faculty-specific training program for all Unit 1 members. Each TA will be paid for five hours of training outside of their TA contracts. This was a major priority on our bargaining survey.

In preparation for the launch of the training program in September 2021, we are encouraging you to complete a short survey regarding existing TA training in your Department. This is also your opportunity to provide recommendations regarding the training to be developed. CUPE has members on three working groups helping to implement this training, and we assure you that the voices of TAs are vital to ensuring the implementation of a robust and effective program of TA training that meets your needs and the needs of your students. 

The TA Training Feedback Survey – Teaching Assistants will be available until April 13th at 11:59 pm, and we hope you will take a few minutes before then to complete this survey. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the survey, please contact Erin Allard, Chair of the Structure and Content Working Group (  If you have questions about your rights as an employee and the impact of this training, please contact 

AGM Election Update- voting deadline extended until Tuesday April 13th

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Some of you may have experienced delays with receiving your ballots today. We’ve been in the process of getting things straightened out in consultation with McMaster and Election Runner in order to ensure a fair and equitable election.
Earlier today we sent out over 4000 ballots to all members containing the VP, International Officer, and Trustee positions along with over 3000 to just TAs for the Unit 1 Chief Steward position. Unfortunately, but for a logical reason, these messages were flagged as spam/phishing by McMaster’s IT setup and most were not sent through on time. McMaster recently made arrangements to approve the mass of ballots and Election Runner is now re-sending the ballots.
Because of this, we are extending the election time period to Tuesday April 13th  at 5pm to ensure that all ballots are received and that folks have enough time to cast a ballot. Please keep an eye out for an email from and check your spam folder. You’ll receive two ballots – one for your chief steward and another for the remaining contest positions. Thanks for your patience and understanding about this, and apologies for the inconvenience.
In solidarity,
CUPE 3906 Executive

Update from 2021 Annual General Meeting

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Thanks to all the amazing members who took time out of their afternoon to log in to this afternoon’s Annual General Membership Meeting. Some positions were acclaimed, some that are slated for election, and one that remains vacant. Here a breakdown of the results.

President: Sharoni Mitra (re-elected)

Vice President: **position contested, please see your McMaster email for access to the ballot**

Vice President External: Shirleen Datt (re-elected)

Treasurer: Chris Fairweather (re-elected)

Recording Secretary: Rohit Gupta (re-elected)

Chief Steward Unit 1: **position contested, please see your McMaster email for access to the ballot**

Chief Steward Unit 2:  Carolyn Capretta

Chief Steward Unit 3: Kezhuan Gu (re-elected)

Benefits and Advocacy Officer: Kyle Morrison (re-elected)

Equity Officer: Laurie Sherry-Kirk (re-elected)

Health and Safety Officer: Arghyadeep Sarkar (re-elected)

International Officer: **position contested, please see your McMaster email for access to the ballot**

Undergraduate Officer: Vacant, please contact if you are an interested undergrad TA

Trustee (3 year year term, exp. 2024): Wouter van den Berg

Trustee (2 year year term, exp. 2023): Maxwell Lightstone

Trustee (1 year year term, exp. 2022): **position contested, please see your McMaster email for access to the ballot**

The Political Action Committee (Co-Chairs) remain Leah McGrath Reynolds and Brock Bedo. These positions are determined by consensus at PAC meetings throughout the year.

A major thank you to Dr. Sylvia Nickerson, our outgoing Chief Steward, Unit 2 (Sessionals) who decided to not offer for re-election. Sylvia has done amazing work over her term as Chief Steward and we’re excited for her continued involvement as a rank-and-file member.

April 2021 Update- News and Notes from Your Union

Brad WalchukUncategorized

International-Domestic Peer Support Program

Calling All domestic and international students/fellows across McMaster’s faculties. Apply now to the International-Domestic Peer Support Program to support and network with a fellow in and/or outside McMaster through 4 meaningful virtual OR in-person meetings over 5 months full of opportunities and fun! Gain mentorship experience, exchange valuable resources, broaden your connections, gain cultural awareness, show appreciation of diversity, and most importantly build the community!!

More information can be found in the Registration Form (click here) Sign up by: April 7, 2021

Questions: Contact your CUPE International Officer- Sarah Elshahat (

Applications for Cornell’s Strategic Corporate Research

Cornell’s ILR School is offering it’s annual Strategic Corporate Research course. This course is for anyone seeking careers in the labor movement, worker centers, environmental groups, or other social-change organizations to make and keep corporations accountable. By the end of the course, participants will be prepared to begin and advance in careers in strategic research and strategic campaigns from having understood and researched corporate ownership structure, corporate finance, and the sources of union power.

The course is also for students who want to learn about and contribute to the innovations taking place in union organizing and bargaining campaigns that led to major wins for workers. This year’s course is being held fully online, and more information is available here: . Interested in applying for funding through the local? Then send us your application before April 6 at midnight. Please specifically answer the following three questions and email

  1. Explain your interest in this course and how you’ll contribute to the local’s activities with the knowledge you’ll gain from it.
  2. Are you interested in the regular or advanced track? Why?
  3. Review the details of the course including the application requirements, date range and time commitment through the summer – are you able to commit to the requirements?

Reminder: Return to Campus Survey

We want to better understand what are the priorities of our Members for returning to campus. If you haven’t done it yet (thank you if you already did it!), please fill this short survey and get the chance to win $25!

Day of Mourning – Online Ceremony

On April 28 at 11 a.m., the Hamilton and District Labor Council will be replicating its traditional Day of Mourning ceremony from City Hall on Zoom. The HDLC will also continue its practice of having roses available for those individuals who wish to lay one at the monument in memory of a loved one.

On April 28, we will remember those comrades we’ve lost due to workplace injuries and illnesses, not just this past year, but also throughout our personal workplace histories.

We will continue to share music as a tool of contemplation and reflection.

We will hear from some labour leaders about the impact the pandemic has had on their sector and how we can safely transition back to “normal” working conditions.

And we will hear from coalition partners around the city who work with injured workers on a daily basis, even under trying times.

You can register for the event by clicking here. Even though the event will be live at 11 a.m., the YouTube stream will be available after the event is done on our HDLC YouTube Channel.

Bylaws Committee Vacancy

We still have one vacant seat in our Bylaws Committee. Members of the Bylaws Committee are tasked with overseeing, changing, and updating our Bylaws and are also entitled to receive a honorarium. If you’re interested in filling this spot or knowing more about it, please send an email to 

Annual General Meeting- 2021

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Each year, we hold an Annual General Meeting, or AGM, at which all executive positions are up for election. This year, it will happen on Thursday, April 8, at 12 PM.

Immediately after the AGM, we will also hold a General Membership Meeting (GMM) to discuss other business relevant to our local. If you plan to present a member motion, we ask that you contact us at in advance of the GMM.

To register for both meetings, click here (the GMM uses the same Zoom room as the AGM; as soon as one ends, the other will begin). Please remember: You must register with your McMaster email address no later than 10 AM on April 8 (but the sooner, the better!).

Here are the rules for the election process:

  • Members may nominate themselves or others in advance of the meeting or during the nominations period of the meeting on April 8th.  Nominations will not be accepted after the nominations are declared “closed” at the online meeting.  If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else in advance of the meeting, please email
  • Those candidates present at the meeting have up to 2 minutes to address the membership at the meeting to state why members should vote for them in the elections.
  • All candidates can submit 250 word (maximum) statement to be provided to the membership.  The deadline to submit a statement is 1 hour following the conclusion of the AGM on April 8th.
  • Candidates can run for any positions they like (subject to the restrictions in Article 3 of the Local’s Bylaws). However, candidates can only hold one position.
  • Elections nominated in the order listed at
  • Upon winning an election, a candidate becomes automatically ineligible for subsequent elections. If they “win” a subsequent seat, it is declared vacant and a new election is held at the next GMM.  (e.g., if you win the position of President, you cannot hold an additional seat and any other “wins” are immediately vacated according to the “priority” order).
  • Up to 3 overall election scrutineers will be selected at the AGM.
  • Voting begins following the meeting as soon as all candidate statements are received, the ballot is created and sent (approx 5 pm on April 8).
  • Balloting continues for approx. 72 hours, ending at 5 pm on Sunday April 11.
  • The Election results will be confirmed by the staff and scrutineers on Monday April 12 and will be released to the membership following the vote count.

International-Domestic Peer Support Program

Brad WalchukUncategorized

Calling All domestic and international students/fellows across

McMaster’s faculties. Apply now to the International-Domestic Peer Support Program to support and network with a fellow in and/or outside McMaster through 4 meaningful virtual OR in-person meetings over 5 months full of opportunities and fun! Gain mentorship experience, exchange valuable resources, broaden your connections, gain cultural awareness, show appreciation of diversity, and most importantly build the community!!

More info. in the Registration Form– Sign up here By: April 7, 2021 (

Questions: Contact your CUPE International Officer- Sarah Elshahat (


T2200-S Update for CUPE 3906 members

Brad WalchukUncategorized

T2200S forms are being emailed from McMaster to all CUPE 3906 from Tuesday March 23 to Thursday March 25, 2021.  Due to the number of forms being sent, these forms will be sent over this 3 day period.

The email will come from HR-Tax-Forms with a pdf attachment that is for you.  This message is safe to open and you should save the attachment for your tax records.

Information regarding the T2200S form and claiming deductions for home office expenses on 2020 income tax is available at:  and questions can be directed to the HR Service Centre.