CUPE Local 3906 is the union that has represented academic workers at McMaster University since 1979, and continues to do so.  We are divided into four units: Unit 1 (TAs/RAs in lieu), Unit 2 (Sessional Faculty and Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty), Unit 3 (Post-Doctoral Fellows), and Unit 4 (Residence Life, includes Community Advisors (CAs), Guest Registration Assistants (GRAs), Project Assistants (PAs), Graduate Community Leaders (GCLs), and Residence Orientation Planners and Assistants (ROP/As)).

One of the main things that we do is negotiate and enforce a collective agreement for each of our three units.  A collective agreement is a legally binding employment contract that outlines all of the benefits, rights, and responsibilities of union members, as well as the responsibilities and obligations of the Employer (McMaster University).

On a day-to-day basis, we serve as the eyes, ears and voice for our members who have concerns about the employment at McMaster.

In addition to workplace issues, we also support the Hamilton community, and have made donations to Hamilton Food Share, the United Way, the Workers’ Arts and Heritage Centre, and we support of variety of other progressive causes in Hamilton.