Additional Postdoc Ratification Information and Unit 3 Chief Steward Election

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We wanted to send a reminder that the postdoc bargaining team secured a tentative agreement with McMaster University and we are recommending the members ratify it. The specific details of the new tentative agreement will be shared with you at an upcoming ratification meeting held via Zoom on Tuesday, April 18th at noon. The registration link for this meeting has been sent to your McMaster email address.

At this meeting, we will also be electing a Chief Steward for Unit 3. All members in good standing can run.

After this meeting, postdocs will have an opportunity to vote to ratify the new agreement through an online vote. The ratification vote will be held online with a secret ballot via Election Runner. A separate email will arrive in your mailbox on April 18th after 1 p.m. (please check your junk/spam/other). The ballot will be sent from Election Runner, not CUPE 3906, but please follow up with us if you have any questions or do not receive a ballot. All postdocs employed on April 18th will be entitled to vote in the ratification election. The election will run from April 18th at 1 p.m. to April 20th at 1 p.m., and results will be shared thereafter.
This agreement could not have been secured without your support, solidarity, and encouragement. 
In solidarity,

Your CUPE 3906 postdoc bargaining team (Nabeel, Aly, Javier, Afshin)