AGM 2022 Reminder- Weds Apr 6 at 3 pm

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Each year, we hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at which all executive positions are up for election. This year, it will be held on Wednesday, April 6, 2022 from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and, besides electing all the executive officers, it will also elect a 3-year trustee position.  The meeting will occur online on the “Zoom” platform.

This is a very important meeting that will decide the composition of the Executive Committee for this year and present the Annual Reports of Executive Committee Members and Committees. It is a once a year opportunity to run for positions or to vote for who you would like to represent you for the coming year. We are counting on your presence to ensure we have a good and democratic outcome.

To review the elections process and a summary of the duties of executive positions, please visit: CUPE-3906-Bylaws-updated-Dec-2021.pdf (

Please register for the meeting using the following link: 

You must register using your Mac email address, this is necessary for us to confirm that you are a member. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Here are the rules for the election process:

  • Members may nominate themselves or others in advance of the meeting or during the nominations period of the meeting on April 6th.  Nominations will not be accepted after the nominations are declared “closed” at the online meeting.  If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else in advance of the meeting, please email till April 5th.
  • Those candidates present at the meeting have up to 2 minutes to address the membership at the meeting to state why members should vote for them in the elections.
  • Candidates can run for any positions they like (subject to the restrictions in Article 3 of the Local’s Bylaws). However, candidates can only hold one position.
  • Elections happen in the order listed at
  • Voting for each of the three Chief Steward positions is limited to members of that Unit.
  • Voting will happen in real-time during the Zoom meeting. Only members who are present at the meeting can vote. You must also be able to vote using the Zoom poll, which means that participants who have no access to the Zoom screen (i.e., anyone who is participating via a telephone call, not using the internet app) will not be able to vote. Elections are anonymous and members participating via phone call cannot tell aloud their votes.

If you still have questions about the process, please send an email to . You can also find more details by visiting: