Mobilize! CUPE 3906 Sessional Labour in the Time of COVID-19

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February 2 – February 26



It is with great pride that we invite you to WAHC’s newest exhibition: Mobilize! CUPE 3906 Sessional Labour in the Time of COVID-19. How can labour organize in a pandemic? This is the question that Sylvia Nickerson, previously Chief Steward for Unit 2 and Member Mobilizer for our Local set out to answer with artist and member Simon Orpana. Sylvia and Simon collaborated to create the brilliant cartoons that are now being shared from our Local to the world. The exhibition will remain open for the public till February 26, be sure to check it out and share it with your friends!

On related news, our Local struck a second home run with WAHC on January 27, when Dr. Rob Jones, our former Bargaining Support Committee Chair, gave a fascinating presentation on the history of the early 20th-century labour movement in the United States, highlighting how Christian leaders responded to both the rise of industrial Capitalism and labour militancy. He was accompanied by Rev. Francisco Garcia, whose talk focused on his experiences growing up as a priest and labour organizer in Southern California. You can watch their presentations on WAHC’s facebook page: .