Free First Aid Training

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We want to remind you that Free First Aid Training is a benefit guaranteed under your Collective Agreement and available to all CUPE 3906 members.  The course, a Standard Red Cross certificate course, is offered on a number of dates this spring through Athletics and Recreation, and the cost of registration is covered by the Employer. Dates for the ten different two-day sessions, and further information, are available here. You will need to attend both days in order to receive the certificate.

The sessions are being held on campus. If you have questions about the specifics of the material being offered, please contact Athletics and Recreation at ext. 24464. They are the ones who are offering and teaching the class. Online registration is not an option. If you are a TA/RA in lieu and working in a different department/program other than the one that you are registered in as a student, registration should be done through the department in which you are employed. Normally, the Administrator from the department that employs you will need to register you as they must provide the departmental code so the cost can be billed accordingly. This charge cannot be passed on to you.