We have another update from the Employer regarding the process for requesting exemptions/accommodations around the vaccination mandate.
McMaster has released their finalized version of the policy that mandates vaccinations for students and employees:
Vaccination Policy – COVID-19 Requirements for Employees and Students: https://hr.mcmaster.ca/resources/covid-19-vaccination-policy/
The Employer has also directed us to the following FAQ that has a section dedicated to the process of requesting accommodations/exemptions:
In terms of the exemption process, there is a section online in the FAQs dedicated to how to seek an exemption – this includes a link to the appropriate forms and process (see Step 4B): https://covid19.mcmaster.ca/vaccination-mandate/#tab-content-im-not-fully-vaccinated.
If you have questions about being vaccinated against COVID-19, our national union has developed the following helpful FAQ: https://cupe.ca/sites/cupe/files/faq_vaccines_covid19_en_0.pdf