Members’ Labour Art Showcase

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Are you a talented member who is sick and tired of the employer’s attacks during a pandemic and want to share your artistic protest with the world? Here’s your chance to do exactly that, submit your artwork to CUPE 3906 Members’ Labour Art Showcase!

We are looking for art that can be a good criticism of the employer’s practices or that can be supportive of the labour movement in general. You can express yourself through poems, photographs, paintings, cartoons, songs, video art, performances, … you name it! We look forward to receiving your art and sharing it within our communications.

Good examples would include art addressing issues of respect, equity, inclusion, compensation, workload, wellbeing, or simply celebrating an important event. For this week, we have a photography example shared by the Workers Art & Heritage Centre. It commemorates the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the 1946 strike, a key moment in the fight for industrial unionism in Hamilton, when more than 13,000 Hamilton workers went on strike in the summer and early autumn of 1946, fighting for union recognition, a 40-hour workweek and better wages.⁣ You can visit WAHC’s Workers’ City 20th century tour to learn more about it:⁣ .

Please send an email to if you’re interested in participating or have any questions.

Prizes will be forthcoming too, don’t forget to check our mailer next week for more information!