Annual General Meeting- Election Results

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Thank you for your participation & patience with our election this week!

We are pleased to announce the following results:

  • Vice President: Fernando Lennertz
  • International Officer: Sarah Elshahat
  • 1-year Trustee: Shekhar Rammohan Singh Tandel
  • Chief Steward Unit 1: Brock Bodo

They join the following people, who were elected at the meeting.

President: Sharoni Mitra (re-elected)

Vice President External: Shirleen Datt (re-elected)

Treasurer: Chris Fairweather (re-elected)

Recording Secretary: Rohit Gupta (re-elected)

Chief Steward Unit 2:  Carolyn Capretta

Chief Steward Unit 3: Kezhuan Gu (re-elected)

Benefits and Advocacy Officer: Kyle Morrison (re-elected)

Equity Officer: Laurie Sherry-Kirk (re-elected)

Health and Safety Officer: Arghyadeep Sarkar (re-elected)

Undergraduate Officer: Vacant, please contact if you are an interested undergrad TA

Trustee (3 year year term, exp. 2024): Wouter van den Berg

Trustee (2 year year term, exp. 2023): Maxwell Lightstone

The Political Action Committee (Co-Chairs) remain Leah McGrath Reynolds and Brock Bedo. These positions are determined by consensus at PAC meetings throughout the year.