Unit 2 Training Fund- Up and Running

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

We wanted to let you know that the Unit 2 training fund, which was secured during our last round of collective bargaining, is now up and running. While you have always been able to access training through the MacPherson Institute, we have now secured a limited, one-payment for completed select training: the Learning to Teach Online Course, the Instructional Skills Workshop, and Professor Hippo-on-Campus (Student Mental Health Education Program for Educators and Navigators).  Payment is capped at $75 per member for each completed course, to a maximum of $300 per member.

More information can be found here: https://cupe3906.org/sessionals-unit-2/training-fund/ and the full details are also included below.



BACKGROUND: In the last round of CUPE Local 3906 Unit 2 and McMaster University contract negotiations, CUPE secured a Letter of Understanding that allows for limited, one-time payments for members who complete select training through the Paul R. MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching prior to August 30, 2021 (when the letter expires).

The eligible training includes the Learning to Teach Online Course, the Instructional Skills Workshop, and Professor Hippo-on-Campus (Student Mental Health Education Program for Educators and Navigators).

AMOUNT OF THE AWARD: Payment is capped at $75 per member for each completed training, to a maximum of $300 per member.

ELIGIBILITY: The payment is open to current members of CUPE Local 3906, Unit 2, who complete (or have completed) training associated with the following programs offered by the Paul R. MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation & Excellence in Teaching between the dates of  September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021: the Learning to Teach Online Course, the Instructional Skills Workshop, and Professor Hippo-on-Campus (Student Mental Health Education Program for Educators and Navigators).

For more information about the above training opportunities, please visit: https://mi.mcmaster.ca/professional-development/

HOW TO APPLY: Please complete Parts 1-3 of the attached form and submit it via email to staff@cupe3906.org no later than August 31, 2021.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION:  The Local will accept forms an ongoing basis until August 31, 2021.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please note that the award is subject to the availability of funds.  Awards will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis to eligible applicants based on the eligibility criteria.

CONTACTS: For any questions about the course content or enrollment, please fill in the form below https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeWG5piXnyuhf-i9rwVejyXW2p-36pYuk_OPTAGC9fau9wiAw/viewform

For any questions about the fund, eligibility, or payment, please contact staff@cupe3906.org

COURSE INFORMATION (PLEASE NOTE: Training opportunities vary significantly for time commitment, in some cases the training can take 24 hours to complete):

Learning to Teach Online: In this self-enroll, self-paced Avenue to Learn course, you will learn the foundational pieces/steps in creating an engaging online learning experience. As you move through the elements, you will also be able to build your own online course, using an online course planning guide and weekly content, activity, and assessment worksheets. You will have the opportunity to get peer feedback on your plan – you must submit your plan for feedback for your engagement in the training to be considered complete and for you to be eligible for payment via the Training Fund Award for 2021. It will take you approximately 12 hours to go through the online course content, and an estimated 3 hours more to develop your plan.

Instructional Skills Workshop: In this workshop, participants have approximately one week to complete a number of introductory modules including a six-part series on lesson planning. Though these asynchronous online modules, participants learn about the BOPPPS model of lesson planning, watch a sample micro-teaching lesson, create a group agreement for the workshop (i.e., set expectations for both colleagues and instructors, and set parameters for giving and receiving feedback). The asynchronous portion of the workshop concludes with the submission of a written lesson plan. During the first full group meeting, participants get to know their instructors and peers, learn about the lesson cycle process, and receive instructions for their homework. For the remainder of the workshop, the participants break into smaller subgroups to prepare and present three different lessons. During each of the lessons, participants: set daily goals for themselves, deliver a 10-minute lesson, receive feedback on their lesson from their peers, and provide their peers with feedback on their lessons. Opportunity for participants to reflect on how they could improve upon their lessons will be provided. Feedback is provided in a safe and encouraging environment where all are learning in the process. If you choose to complete this workshop, the total time commitment is approximately 24 hours. Upon completion, you will earn an internally recognized Instructional Skills Workshop Certificate. Please see the MacPherson Institute website for upcoming workshop dates: https://mi.mcmaster.ca/instructional-skills-workshop/

Professor Hippo-on-Campus: Faculty and instructors (educators) and those who interact with, support, and supervise McMaster students in many other ways (navigators) are often ideally situated to recognize and respond to stressed and distressed students and to start important conversations and prevent unnecessary stress and distress. They must feel prepared and comfortable to address student needs in ways that are consistent with and appropriate to their roles. The Professor Hippo-on-Campus program has been designed and tested to help accomplish these goals in an accessible and engaging format. In completing the training, you will learn a lot about what’s available and what to do to support student mental health. To access the modules, you must sign up for the Professor Hippo-on-Campus course on Mosaic. It will take approximately 3 hours to complete the online training modules. If you complete all of the requirements (pre-survey, training modules, summative quiz, and post-survey) within the timelines noted, you will earn a Certificate of Attendance upon completion.

CONFIRMATION OF TRAINING (this MUST be included with your application form):

Instructional Skills Workshop: At the end of the workshop, the instructors create Certificates and either give them in print format (when the workshop is offered face-to-face) or electronic PDF format via an email (when the workshop is offered online).

Professor Hippo-on-Campus: A student project assistant tracks module and survey completion. Once all of the surveys and modules are done, a customized Certificate of Completion is emailed to the participant as a PDF.

For any training in which registration takes place via Eventbrite (e.g., synchronous online workshops), participants receive a confirmation email for their registration. There is no automatic system that tracks whether they actually attended/completed the training.


APPLICATION FORM: CUPE 3906 Unit 2 training fund application form