Supporting Out of Province TAs

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

As many of you know, McMaster has conveyed their unwillingness to recognize out-of-province TAs as Unit 1 members even though online course and tutorial delivery have become standard in the context of COVID-19. Of course, this is despite the fact that it was them who advised students and non-essential workers to stay away from campus in the first place. We are continuing to pursue all available legal avenues and other options, but in the meantime, we would ask that you show your support in at least one of the following ways:

  • If you have not already, please sign and share this form letter demanding that McMaster sign our LOU.
  • If you know of any TAs who are set to lose their union membership because of McMaster’s actions, please encourage them to share their stories on social media, and be sure to tag and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to help amplify the message.
  • Use your own social media to call attention to the fact that McMaster is stripping many TAs of access to free mental health counselling, multiple benefits funds, secure wages, and protections against unfair firing, discrimination, and harassment – all in the middle of a pandemic. Use the hashtag #BetterMac so we know how to find you.
  • If you know incoming out-of-province Teaching Assistants who are not yet receiving our communications, please share this information with them and encourage them to get in touch with us via email.

Please be on the lookout for further updates and calls to action as this situation continues to evolve. Your support – and that of the community – will be crucial to winning this fight.