End of Term Sessional Information

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

As the summer semester comes to an end, we want to provide some other relevant end-of-term information that might be useful, as well as information about the start of the fall semester.

Any postcontract work (that is, work requested by your supervisor and done after your final grades have been submitted) is separate from your contract and payable at a rate of $65.40/hour. This would include reviewing grades that are being challenged, marking exam that have been deferred, and dealing with cases of plagiarism. This is not an exhaustive list, and more information, including the appropriate form you’ll need to fill out to get paid, is available here

The final pay for this term is August 16th. This represents what Service Canada refers to as an ‘interruption of earnings.’  However, your ‘final day worked’ will be August 9th and the ‘final day for which you were paid’ will be August 10th. These will be the important dates on your EI application. We would encourage all Sessionals who may utilize Employment Insurance at any point in 2019 or 2020 to apply on or after August 10th, even if you are employed during the Fall term, as you will be able to collect EI for the remainder of summer. For information on EI, click here.  The employer will upload your ROE automatically, but you can (and should) apply immediately following your last day worked (August 9th).

The deadline for applications to the Professional Development Fund for the 2018/19 academic year is Monday, August 12th. The committee should be able to review the applications within the next few weeks and inform members shortly thereafter with the results. This fund is intended to assist with expenses related to professional development that fall into the following three categories: Conference Presentations/Participation and Certification; Books; and certain Technological Items.

For those of you working in the Fall Semester, the first pay day will be September 13th, and – for EI purposes – the first day worked/first day for which paid will be September 3rd. If you are collecting EI in August, the September 3rd day is what should be reported as your return to work.

Finally, we have a General Membership Meeting on August 14th at noon in KTH 104. At this meeting, we’ll be electing a new President, as well as voting on changes to our by-laws. Childcare expenses can be reimbursed, vegan and halal food options will be available, and the meeting is held in an accessible location.