Employment Insurance/ROE information- update

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

If you are beginning work in the Spring Term, the “first day of work” on your Record of Employment (ROE) will be listed as May 6, 2019. If you are currently collecting EI, you should also be reporting this start date on your bi-weekly reports and you’ll stop receiving EI payments effective May 5, 2019.

If you are beginning work in the Summer Term, the “first day of work” on your Record of Employment will be listed as June 24, 2019. If you are collecting EI, you should also be reporting this start date on your bi-weekly reports and you’ll stop receiving EI payments effective June 23, 2019.

IF you were collecting EI during the first week of January 2019 AND you had a Sessional appointment for the Winter Term 2019, can you please let us know? Your Union and McMaster University want to ensure that the first day of work date was properly recorded on your Winter Term 2019 Record of Employment.