CUPE National Survey- Sexual Violence on Campus

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

In the past few years, CUPE members have consistently identified sexual violence and harassment as one of the most important issues facing our members in the post-secondary sector.

In 2017, CUPE members passed a resolution at convention calling for a toolkit on the topic of sexual violence at work. In late 2018, CUPE released the Stop Workplace Sexual Violence guide for CUPE locals.

Five provinces have now adopted legislation requiring post-secondary institutions to have an institutional policy on sexual violence and harassment. Universities and colleges in other provinces are also choosing to adopt and implement such policies. In many cases, 2019 is the year these policies have officially come into effect.

The impact of these policies so far appears to be mixed. Some institutional policies are better than others. And some schools are better at implementing them than others. At many universities and colleges, both administrators and local unions are trying to feel their way through a process that both sides find unfamiliar. New questions are cropping up constantly.

In order to better understand what is happening across the country and whether there are additional tools and resources that CUPE National can offer the post-secondary sector that will help CUPE members to navigate the process of dealing with incidents of sexual violence and harassment, we are asking CUPE post-secondary members to fill out this short, informal survey.

The results of this survey will be used to inform the development of CUPE National’s research and education agenda on this issue. All information will be kept confidential and responses will not be published, but please do not provide any confidential details which could identify survivors who have chosen not to go public with their story.

Survey link:

Survey deadline: April 30, 2019