We want to remind you about our upcoming General Membership Meeting, to be held on Wednesday, October 31st at 12:30 in MUSC 311/13.
At this meeting, we’ll be electing 6 members (plus 1 alternate) to our Unit 1 Bargaining Team to represent TAs and RAs in lieu in our upcoming contract negotiations with the Employer. These positions come with a monthly honorarium and provide an important opportunity to ensure that diverse voices are represented in the bargaining process.
We’ll also be electing an Undergraduate Officer to our executive committee, a 2-year trustee to participate in our annual audit, 2 members to the grievance committee, 4 members to the by-laws committee, and 3 delegates to attend the CUPE National Sectors conference in Ottawa.
As always, we’ll have free pizza and can reimburse child care costs if those are required to facilitate your attendance at the meeting.