General Membership Meeting- June 20th at 1:00 p.m. KTH B104

Brad WalchukUncategorized

The Union’s most significant decisions are made by Union members at General Membership Meetings (GMMs).

All CUPE 3906 members of all 3 units (TAs and RAs in lieu, Sessional Faculty, Hourly Rated Sessional Music Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows) can attend regular GMMs and get involved in the Union’s decision making processes.

Our next GMM will be held on TuesdayJune 20th at 1:00PM in Kenneth Taylor Hall (KTH) B104

Agenda items will include
: report-backs from conference delegates and an update on Unit 2 Bargaining; as well as the following elections:

  • Undergraduate Officer

We continue to canvass the membership for volunteers to get involved with Bargaining Support in anticipation of negotiations toward a new Collective Agreement for Unit 2 members, which have officially begun as of May 4th.

As usual, there will be free lunch and childcare costs to attend the meeting can be reimbursed. Have Questions? E-mail:

In solidarity, Graham Baker, President