Changes to Unit 2 (Sessionals) Professional Development Fund

Brad WalchukNews, Unit 2

On June 29th an SGMM was held in order to discuss and update the Professional Development Fund (PDF) for Unit 2. We had a productive discussion and my proposal was accepted with a few important amendments. Only Unit 2 members were eligible to vote at this meeting. Below is a summary of key results from the meeting:

  1. The PDF will now have 3 budget lines. They are (i) technology; (ii) conferences and certifications; (iii) books.
  1. Each Unit 2 member is eligible for $200 in any combination of the budget lines (per 3 credit hour course taught). Calculations for Music Faculty eligibility will remain the same.
  1. The maximum total amount that can be claimed in any academic year is now $1000 (down from $1200).
  1. Eligible technological expenses will include items that are expenses directly associated with teaching responsibilities, including equipment such as electronic hardware and software. However, laptop computers, desktop computers, tablets, and large screens will continue to remain ineligible in order to keep the fund sustainable.
  1. Styllus pens, clickers, and specialized graphics tablets (e.g. for mathematics) are now eligible items.
  1. There will be an official appeals process created for rejected applications. The appeals process will be conducted entirely via email in order to reduce wait times. The Union reserves the right to decline claims and appeals based on the guidelines outlined in the June 29th SGMM and based on the availability of funds.
  1. In sum, the PDF remains almost the same but with the inclusion of a small number of technological items.

Please be patient as we update our website, application forms, and ineligible items list according to the results of the meeting. We recognize that some members may have made purchases before the results of this meeting, and so operated under the guidelines of the previous format. We will accept and process those applications this semester as we recognize it is a transition period for the PDF.  Please note that if you would like to resubmit an application for an application that was declined in the Fall 2015 or Winter 2016 term, you must notify the union in writing by contacting and/or  We only reconsider declined claims from the Fall 2015 and Winter 2016 by request and as an exceptional basis due to the recent changes to the fund.  The Union reserves the right to decline claims and appeals based on the guidelines outlined at the outlined in the June 29th SGMM and based on the availability of funds.