CUPE Bargaining Survey Launch

Brad Walchuk Uncategorized

Dear TAs and RAs (in lieu),


We just wanted to remind you about our bargaining survey launch, happening today, between 10:30 and 4:30. It is a drop-in event, so swing by at a time that is convenient for you. We’ll have pizza over the lunch hour, and a fruit tray, veggie trey, and timbits throughout. The event is taking place in MUSC 301 (the Student Centre).


At the event, you can meet members of your elected bargaining teams, enjoy some food, and fill out your Bargaining Survey for your chance to win a prize (a $200 pre-loaded MasterCard) that is exclusive to those who fill the survey out at our launch party!


If you can’t make it to the event, you can also fill out the survey at your leisure online.  A link will be sent to your inbox.


The survey is crucial to ensure that we have your input and support to make this round of negotiations a success!


Survey Launch Party invitation flyer